Who are you in a nut shell


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My name is Garrett
Male, 25
My weight ranges between 125 - 180. I'm 140s now.
FEV1 was 25% at last tune up. It should be back to around 55-60, which is my baseline.
I met my wife by hanging out the passenger side of my best friend's ride - no joke.
My twisted sense of humor gets me in trouble. I don't care to control it.
I'm a business systems analyst at NASA in Houston.
I'm a grand master at playing the drums on Rock Band.
Sometimes I feel like a sellout for giving up my real desires to join the real world for the insurance.
I could eat a ribeye 3 times a day and never get sick of it. Dead cow is heaven for me.


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My name's Lois. I used to come here a lot a few years ago, then sort of faded away, and now I'm back.
I'm a woman.
I'm 25 years and almost 7 months old [and yes, I'm one of those people who say they're X-and-a-half years old].
I live in Israel.
I have CF, my mom diagnosed me when I was 1 month old because her first baby died of CF and she read up about the symptoms [brother was diagnosed posthumously], and I received my official diagnosis when I was 1 year old.
I was diagnosed with CFRD when I was nearly 22. I have to admit that I am not taking as good a care as I should be of my diabetes.
I've had arthritis since I was 7 or 8, it's directly related to my lungs and the worse my lungs are, the worse my arthritis is.
I'm 5"2 and currently weigh 99 pounds [according to last weight check]. I'm in the process of gaining weight and gained about 7.5 pounds recently, still working on gaining more. My highest weight ever was 115.5 pounds, and the goal is to get back there.
My FEV1 is highly unstable. I'm at about 47% when I'm feeling good [after major IVs, eh], dropping to the low thirties when I'm sick.
I'm married to John, a healthy, non-carrier [which means that one day we'll have cute healthy babies *crosses fingers*].
We're parents to 3 cats. To be exact, it's two cats that are truly "ours" and live in our home, and we have a stray cat that came to live on our patio, and we got her a box to sleep in, we feed her, we took her to the vet, we're basically taking care of her as if she's one of ours, but she's an outdoor cat. Their names are Ginger and Sophie [the indoor girls], and Tuches [the outdoor girl; Tuches is Yiddish for "butt" - I named her =)].
I'm studying for my MA in English Literature; my BA is in English Lit and Linguistics.
I'm a bookworm, a cat person, a sleepyhead, silly, picky with my food, a chatterbox, a foulmouth, slightly emotional, moderately liberal, a nerd and a redhead.


who are you in a nut shell

Hi, guess I should introduce myself eh ^^

My name is Margret, I'm a girl (who'da guessed?)
I'm 22 this August and live in Belgium.
I grew up in the USA (IA), but am Icelandic.
Fev is around 45-50%, i'm 4'11 3/4" (because it all counts!)
I am pancreas insufficient and weigh around 90lbs.
My mutations are DF508 and N1303K.
I have Asthma, chronic bronchiactisis, chronic sinusitis and use insulin when I have a bad infection.
Diagnosed at 1.5yrs with failure to thrive.

I'm working on my highschool diploma through online courses and absolutely love the internet for all the info I get from it
I was a World of Warcraft addict up until recently, and lately have been getting into all the fun new series (House, How I met your mother, Desperate Housewives, Dexter.. you name it!)

Just looking for a place to meet others with CF, and maybe learn a thing or two ^^

Nice to meet you all!


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Hi: I'm Hal, a new subscriber to this forum. I'm seventy-seven years old, and was diagnosed at age twenty-eight in 1959. I have had two DNA studies, many salt tests, and I volunteered for exploratory surgery to confirm my CF. I live in Connecticut with my wife of over fifty-two years, and we have two adopted children. Our daughter was married ten days ago. She and her husband live in Hawaii. Our son lives in New York. I began a career as an attorney and stock broker, and worked 24/7, until my CF doctor suggested my immortality would come to an end soon if I didn't change my way of life. With the help of my wife, I went back to college, and got the first of two masters degrees, and I also have a doctorate and am an Associate of the University of London. I taught law, government, and history for twenty-seven years, and retired in 1990. My wife, also a teacher, retired in 1992. My wife and I love to travel, and have covered much of the U.S. and Europe, and we resided with our children in London while on sabbatical. Of course, we visit our daughter in Hawaii. Our travel has been limited by the aging process and health problems. Last year, my wife had surgery for pancreatic cancer, but as with the other four cancer surgeries she has endured, she is recovering very well. We both love beating the odds! My Pfts are 60%, but for over a year, I have been culturing antibiotic resistant alcaligenes xylosoxidans, which is difficult to solve. Scotch, gin, and vodka only offer temporary relief. My wife, a fantastic cook and baker (I take out the garbage) is in the kitchen baking my favorite, pecan pie, so I'll close with my best wishes to all of you, and go take a whiff! Hal


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Wow, welcome to all of you. I am really excited to see so many new members! I look forward to meeting you and learning about your story.


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Haven't posted here in ages, but was sitting here in the hospital doped up on percocet and remembered the site

I go by S. here on the forums, 30 years old, male, live with CF in Newport Beach, CA...live with my girlfriend...and 2 1/2 year old daughter...and soon to be brand new baby boy(will be born Sept. 5th)! I think the last time I posted I had none of the above, so things have taken quite a turn, haha.

Currently in the hospital to clean up the lungs, but came in earlier than usual due to a hectic schedule coming up. I leave for New York on Aug. 6th to attend a music festival that my friend will be running called All Points West. He is also one of the main guys behind a couple other world renowned festivals - Coachella and the Stagecoach Festival held out in Indio, CA during late spring. I think this may be my last trip for a long, long while considering the little one who is almost here.

My health is pretty good. In the hospital around 4 times a year, usually seems to coincide with the season changes...or what pass for seasons out here in sunny so. cal. Pft's run between 40%-50% and have recently been diagnosed with osteopaenia after several minor broken bones in my feet. No digestion issues to speak of, but I more than make up for it with sinus problems. Had a nice bout in the last 10 months or so. Had surgery to clean them out in september, but then ended up never really healing completely so was back in for surgery in early January of this year. Probably had close to 20 surgeries over the last 15 years.

The fatherhood thing happened in a very comedic way. I was getting very serious with my gf and decided on a whim to get tested, even though I never had any inkling of it actually being possible. I won't go into details about how I got the specimen to the lab, just know that the lab was 45 minutes away, but they needed the sample within 30 minutes of it making its entrance into the world. That is enough of that part of the story right there. Well, a week or so later I get a call from my doctor and he was laughing, said "now that you know you better be careful!". Well, about 2 weeks later I remembered what he had said, unfortunately(or fortunately) it was a little too late. We were on our way to parenthood.

This whole thing has been the most amazing journey so far and I never could have imagined my life turning out like this. When I was younger I thought I would be dead by 21, so I lived like I would for a lot of my later teen years. Then I started to realize I may not be going so soon. Met my girlfriend in December of 2004, right before Xmas, I was 26 at the time. 2 weeks later I was asking her to go to Paris with me. I just had this feeling right off the bat that she was going to be someone very special in my life. This is my first long term, serious relationship and things could not have worked out any better. We of course had a lot of hesitation leading up to the birth of our daughter, and we still have our moments, but who doesn't.

So here I am now with an amazing family and the best medicine in the world, my daughter. I think my doctor put it best. He said that my girlfriend has done more for me healthwise in the last few years than he has been able to do in the last 12 years. A happy, warm heart and happy mind works wonders! I agree with him to a point, but he is the one who made me believe I was going to live a long, full life and got me to the point where someone or something up above decided it was time for me to take the next step. We have a special surprise for my doc once my son is born, my doctors last name will become my son's middle name.

I am on permanent disability, so that also makes me the stay at home parent. The gf is a Realtor in Newport, so she works out of the house, giving us both the opportunity to spend copious amounts of time together as a family, which I cherish immensely. She also works part time at a baby store, which gets us a nice discount on all the designer baby stuff we want/need! I am also very fortunate because I am still covered under my mother's insurance, having a ppo is very nice.

Last work I did was in the music biz and had the opportunity to work with some of the biggest bands in the world. I am very fortunate to still have the connections from those days which allows me to attend many, many concerts. Live music is the biggest love in my life behind my family/friends, it got me through many lonely times throughout the years. If there was a show that interested me I went without hesitation(fortunately they were free a majority of the time due to my "job"), which is pretty easy to do when living where I do. I have probably attended upwards of 500 shows over the last 13 years or so.

Well, I am winding down for the night. I am hoping I can find a few extra minutes in each day to check in here and keep up with the goings on of my fellow cf'ers. Take care and thanks for reading if you made it this far!


New member
who are you

My name is Brian
I am a MAN (yeah i said that)
I'm 21 years old
I live in Idaho
I was dx at 8 months (failure to thrive)
I am 5'-6" an 135lbs.
I am a CaD tech/Computer drafter at an engineering firm.
I have a thing for Mustangs (the car, hence the user name)
I am single (and fear I'll stay that way)
My favorite food is shrimp/crab/lobster....(you get the idea)
And I still live with my parents.


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My Name is Colleen
I am 24 years old
I live in Baltimore. Maryland, U.S.A.
I am 5'5 116lbs.
I have PFTs in the low 80s when I am well
I do the vest twice a day
Just last year I started my own business doing Weddling Flowers from home!
I have been married for 2 years (and I am extremely happy!)
We just bought our first home
I love my dog, Roxy
I was diagnosed with CF the day after I was born b/c I had meconium ileus (and I hate my scar)
I love coming to this site to talk to people that I can relate with (and who can relate with me)!


New member
who are you

im Danny , 30 from Belcamp Maryland . I am 10 months post bilateral lung TX.I have been married for 10 years and have a 5 month old daughter

I am a loud mouthed Italian who has no fear of speaking his mind. i cant stand bullies who strangle you with thier agendas and quiet others with threats refusing to hear them out .

I dont live life as an ostritch predending that everything is gonna be hunky dory for ever and cant stand when people do that . i live my life one day at a time as if it were my last and enjoy every minute of it, but like i said i'm not ignorant to the facts that lay in front of me .

In Cf clinic they love me because i dont take crap off the floor nurses and dont pull punches with hospital administrators. they know my attidude of never say die and "f" Cf has kept me alive all these years


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who are you in a nut shell

My name is samreen.
I m a girl.
I m 18 years old.
I live in pakistan.
I weigh around 42 kg and i m 5`5
I m single.
I was dx at 14.
I have completed my college
I m a muslim.
My pfts are moderate.


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My name is Sadie.
I'm a girl.
I'm 21 years old.
I was dx at 3 months (failure to thrive, grandma was a smart nurse)
I am 5'1" and weigh 92 lbs (due to get a g-tube next month and I'm a bit nervous).
My mutations are both DF508.
I live in CA with my boyfriend and his wonderful 5-year-old son.
I'm a senior at UC Santa Cruz, majoring in Literature.
PFT's aren't great, but they're stable.
I'm a huge fan of home PICC lines - I usually fight hospitalizations unless they're absolutely necessary.
I have lots of bone loss from prolonged steroid use.
I am way too attached to my cat, and I miss having a dog, but we can't in our apartment.
I LOVE going to the mountains (Sierra Nevadas) and collecting wildflowers or swimming in the rivers (too short of breath to hike, though).

I'm excited to have found this site. I've already answered some questions just by lurking!


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who are you in a nut shell

I'm Steve and lucky @52 yrs.

Dx'd myself this past year it's a long story that starts with fertility issues in 1989 / 90. When I called The Lung Center with all the history they gave me an appt w/o a doctor's referral. Five or six CF staff members reviewed my history (they will never admit it but I could tell they thought I was nuts at first, walking in w/o a referral). Genetic testing was ordered and bang DF508 & R117H. I may be nuts but I was right.

Mild bronchiectasis, Acute Pancreatitis X2 (Panc suff), no Vas no doubt and such a screwed up neck and back that surgery won't help. The CF tech saw spinal arthritis reading the chest scan. Contact sports are not good for ya but they are a lot of fun.

Coughing up green / yellow junk every day brown once in a while besides that never sick. Must have been lucky with the immune system genes or maybe Coors Lite has something to do with it.

This disease seems to have come on rather quick this past year.

Neb with Xoponex and 3% - Occapello X 2.

Exercise 3 days a week run 9 to 10 min miles 2.5 to 3.5 miles. What got my attention was how hard running has become and two bouts of Acute Panc 8 months apart.
5'9" tall and weigh 190. Eat whatever I want and maintain. Not the case 5 years ago.
As an athlete my PFT's should be above 100, now around 90.
One great son @16 and wife that's a nurse (Ratchet). Ratchet said to me "Your are the healthiest sick person I know"
Awesome dog named Stars & Stripes (born on 9/11) Star for short.
Car collector and drag racer.
Love physics and spatial relationship as applied to every day life.
Very competitive and driven.
Can't spell and don't care to learn.

During the last hospital stay for Panc 12/31/08 I told six doctors about my previous genetic testing in 1990 regarding no VAS and said I tested positive for at least one gene defect for CF. They all took lots of interest in my lung sounds. They attributed the wheezy sound to my Panc situation. What do I know I only live here!


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My name is Matt
I'm a guy
I'm 23
I live in Milwaukee, WI (love Milwaukee)
I'm 6'1, 175 lbs.
I'm in good physical shape, thanks to sports (that I didn't really play until college)
I graduated from Marquette University in 2007 with a BA in Business Administration
I've only been hospitalized once for a CF related illness.
I've only met one person with CF, and I've never really talked to anyone with CF
My FEV is around 85
I like to live my life as free as possible. I never identify myself as someone with a disease.
I believe in the power of the human mind, specifically that a positive mindset can overcome physical ailments. Further, negative mindsets ("I'm a victim of ___") can worsen those ailments.
I love to play ultimate Frisbee and play competitively on a club team through the Ultimate Players Association.
I love to play pick up basketball at area outdoor courts
Music is my #1 favorite hobby/pastime/relaxation activity/pump up activity/enjoyment in the world.
I like to play golf with my family.
I ride a moped around town, and its my baby. (1985 honda spree ?)
I work at a software company in sales. Yes, it's like The Office, and yes, there's a Pam.
I love to travel.
I enjoy the Packers, Brewers, and all NBA Basketball teams. Too bad the Bucks suck. MU sports and NCAA Basketball too.
I get spirited regarding political topics, and tend to lean left.
I like to go out on the weekends and have a great time with my friends, who mean the world to me.


New member
who are you in a nut shell

My name is Michele. I couldn't use it as my user name because it was already taken, so I went with "Michele Gazelle" because it's what someone teasingly called me once on a CF list. (It's a reference to a small website I own and run.)

I'm a gal.
I'm 43 and divorced.
I was diagnosed with atypical CF in May 2001, the month before I turned 36. My 21 year old son was diagnosed in June 2001, right after he turned 14. I also have an 18 year old son who does not have CF.

I have gotten off 8 or 9 prescription drugs and the hole in my left lung has healed up and isn't there anymore. I currently only take guaifenisen in the morning and keep dayquil in my desk at work.

I'm about 5'8" tall. I was 5'9" tall when I was younger.
I don't know my weight. The last time I was weighed (a couple of years ago), I was about 240 pounds. With gradually getting healthier, I have lost about 3 dress sizes. So I assume I weigh less these days.

I got my first full-time paid job in the fall of 2006. It was the first time in my life I was well enough to work. Before that, I was a homemaker and full-time mom but getting divorced forced me to make a "career change".

When I grow up, I have fantasies of being a city planner or something similar. I have a Certificate in GIS from UC-Riverside and my resume had a 50% call back rate in the months after I graduated, but I ended up on 8 or so prescription drugs while attending school in the smoggy L.A. basin and that was followed by 22 months of drug withdrawal. So I always tanked in the interview and couldn't get a job for a long time. I currently am working at a job that I feel overqualified for, but it was all I could physically handle when I first began working and, hey, they were the only folks who offered me a job.

CJsmom gave me the link to the forum. She apparently got my email address from someone else we both know. So I seem to already know a few people here, at least a little bit.

I live in The Deep South. So: Hi Y'all!


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Hello all you new people! Sadie,Steve,Matt,and Michele--welcome! It's exciting to see new members, and especially some of you "older" ones! Our "40 and older", and "50 and older" clubs are growing! I, for one will be interested in getting to know you, and learning from you. I want to do everything I can for my granddaughter, and I feel that your knowledge is so important.

Plus, it is always good to make new friends:D


who are you in a nut shell

I'll chime in since I've been more active recently...

My name is Megan...
Age 23...
from Los Angeles...
Double delta508...
diagnosed at 4 months: failure to thrive...
FEV1 somewhere in the 70s (I never get tested on the same machine, but I think by CFF standards, I'm around 75%)...
4'11", 116 lbs...
Had my first (and thus far only) CF hospitalization in spring 2007; now after a year of Tobi, I am a devotee...
Fascinated by scanning everyone's intros to find out what a range of experiences people have with this condition...
About to begin graduate school at Duke to study public policy -- very excited to go to basketball games there...
Love to dance, but have recently enjoyed incorporating other forms of exercise into my life: cardio, swimming, yoga...
Political junkie.


who are you in a nut shell

Ed 36 w/CF
Dx at 4 weeks, lucky guess on my parents' part
Had two brothers with CF, Both passed Tim@5yrs, Matt@8yrs
Have two Teenage Daughters (15&16) Yikes!
Full Time Commercial construction worker
Motorcycle Nut
5'9" @ 170lbs
I was in the Hospital a lot between the ages of 10 to about 24 haven't been in since 2000.


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Hi, I am new here in the last week or so. I am verry new to chat/blogging so bear with me as I learn.
My name is Dawn
I'm a 45 yo woman with CF, DF508/R117h
I live in CHesterfield, VA, USA
I was diagnosed in 2004 at age 41!!! Had sx all of my life but "wasn't sick enough to have CF" however we can't explain that Bronciectasis, MAC or pneumothorax.
Prior to my dx I asked 3 diff. pulmonologists and they said, "no way, you would be dead by now at your age"
Most of my problem is respiratory and in fact, if I hadn't contracted MAC I would probably be doing OK. I have had sinus surgery (and recommend it to everyone-what what a difference)
I dont have malabsorption or pancreas issues at this time but am underweight and having trouble gaining lately mostly b/c of nausea from meds and work to breathe.
I am 5'5" and weigh 107
My FVC is 49% and my FEV1 is 28% and I use O2 most all the time now.
AM on Tobi, Dnase, and a slew of oral antibiotics with intermittent IV antibiotics.
I am going to be meeting with the transplant team at Duke in the next few weeks to see if I am a candidate.
I am married for 24 yrs to a wonderful husband.
I have 1 daughter age 20 in college. She is wonderful. beautiful and all the things moms say about their children.
I am crazy about my 2 dogs (a toy fox terrier and an English setter-who just showed up one day in our yard and never left) and my cat (also showed up as a stray kitten)
I have been a Registered Nurse for 25 yrs and a Nurse Practitioner for 8 years but d/t health issues am disabled. My favorite department was the ER and I did that for 15 yrs.
Like some of you mentioned, I too am a bit of a control freak but find it is not as important now that I am physically weaker.
I have a wicked sense of humor and have often been told I should do stand up comedy.
I lived in Germany for 3 years.
I love to travel and have been to Switzerland,Bahamas, Cancun, Holland, and most of the USA.
Would like to go to Greece someday.
We live on a lake and I love to be out in the boat on warm (non-humid) sunny days.


New member
who are you in a nut shell

Hi new folks. It's good to have you here. I look forward to getting to know you better.
