Why am I still sick?


New member
I have had a virus for 11 days and counting. I have had no relief from it yet. Fevers, chills sweats, weight loss, vomitting, hemroids, pain, headaches, dehydration. Dr says its a virus and will flush itself, but that was a week ago. I also have surgery first thing in the a.m. Could this be a product of MRSA? Possibly Cepacia? Anything will help right now as my dr is being a complete idiot and giving me nothing. OH I also lost 20% fev over it.


New member
Did you get a culture done? Maybe it's the flu or something. If it is a virus then there isn't much you can do about it...but once it clears you should get back to normal.

I hope heheh..



New member
What you have right now sounds like what I had last week for a couple of days. If you're worried about Cepacia or MRSA you should get a culture done. Are you coughing anything up? I would also be worried about having surgery when you're feeling so rotten. Wouldn't they just reschedule it for you?


New member
if I reschedule itll be months before it gets done, and its the leading cause of my infections, i want it done. I got cultures, im calling right now.it really sucks, doesnt viruses take a few days not two weeks?


New member
I would imagine it may take awhile, after your immune system isn't the greatest to begin with, and you don't have extra weight on you to protect yourself. If you're dehydrated that will just make things worse I would imagine. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water, gatorade or juices.


New member
The problem with us is that after getting a virus we do often get also a bacterial infection, so antibiotics might help.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

The problem with us is that after getting a virus we do often get also a bacterial infection, so antibiotics might help.

Uli,43,Germany</end quote></div>

Yup, same goes for me. After i get the flu..i get a pretty bad chest cold.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i>

I must be abnormal. I rarely ever get a chest infection after the flu or whatever else.</end quote></div>

It's cause you're an alien...that lives off the hopes of others


New member
well the results are in

Blood - Normal
Mucus - Growing nothing out of the usual
Throat Swab - Negative

Im absolutely baffled, I think the next order of business is to be tested for bird flu


New member
Well at the very least you don't have Cepacia or MRSA - the things you were worried about. Maybe it is just a nasty virus that's decided to take its sweet time vacating your body.


New member
maybe you should see if you can get admitted for a while and run more tests if you feel that bad. Maybe they are missing something. Did they do a capecia test? Cause i know it takes longer to grow and they have to do a seperate one.

I dunno. Like are you worried...or just feeling bad? Don't take chances with your health if you're feeling like crap.


New member
My understanding is that while Cepacia takes a bit longer to culture, a seperate test is not needed. Worse case I suppose if you're feeling that crappy, go to emerg.


New member
Hey Chad,

I hate that you are feeling so terrible. I know it sucks but unfortunately if you do have a viral infection it will just have to run its course. Though I will add this. I got sick in Dec. 2005 - hit me over a few days but I felt like I was going to die. I had some mild weightloss, nausea, lowgrade fever, fatigued could barely get out of bed. I ended up calling the doc and asking him to admit me cause I felt so horrible. He brought me in ran some tests and did admit me - I started clearing up within a day or so. He said that I had a viral infection that had started to become bacterial. Maybe that is what has happened with you.

I would talk to your doc especially if you PFTs have declined that badly - common sense would say that you don't need to continue to nurse an infection without recieving treatment. Maybe there is something more he could do - but you just need to ask? who knows just a thought.
Also on the topic of viral infections - I was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks ago with a bacterial infection and developed a viral infection after starting antibiotics - lost my voice and all for a day or so. It has taken me about a week to really get over that though I have felt better from the IV meds. Today is my first day with my voice back completely though it is still a little scratchy. Just wanted to add that because viral stuff is a bit wacky sometimes.

Hope you start feeling better soon.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i>

My understanding is that while Cepacia takes a bit longer to culture, a seperate test is not needed. Worse case I suppose if you're feeling that crappy, go to emerg.</end quote></div>

I don't think a lot of labs actively look for it unless specified. That's what i thought.



New member
I, too, had all these same symptoms in late Dec 2005, and ended up in the hospital in early January. Lungs weren't too junky from mucus, but were very tight. I was tested for the flu, but it came back negative. I wanted to die from the shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness. They put me on an IV antibiotic and large doses of prednisone. I perked up within a few days, and went home after about one week, my shortest stay. In my case, it turns out the steroids made the biggest difference, since it was a virus and I just needed to let it run its course while keeping my lungs open enough to breathe.

I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that others of have had similar symptoms and made it through eventually. I will keep you in my thoughts. It's always so scary when we get this ill.

54 w/cf