Why are some people so ignorant ????


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We got these really expensive tickets to a concert last year. It was a taping for a show on most national classical radio stations, involving kids that p


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oops..... I got cut off. It was a concert with kids playing classical instruments. Before the concert they announced that coughing, sneezing, talking, cellphones, etc... were not acceptable because the performance was being taped for the radio. I freaked out a little and cringed anytime I thought he might cough. Surprisingly he didn't make a sound and I was relieved.
It feels very isolating when other people look at my child with disgust if he coughs. It breaks my heart.

My new baby is pretty tiny and is has been below the 5th percentile for weight. I can't begin to tell you how many little old ladies come up to me and tell me too feed him more! He was crying the other day at the mall because he was sleepy and this lady said under her breath "he needs to eat more, that's probably why he's crying". Aaaaaggghh! I walked away and felt like I got slapped in the face, I was too pissed to respond. On a happy note, we took him to the clinic today and he has grown 2 pounds in one month! I have to mention this because it blows me away...my nephew is 7 months and already weighs 29lbs...holy crap!


New member
oops..... I got cut off. It was a concert with kids playing classical instruments. Before the concert they announced that coughing, sneezing, talking, cellphones, etc... were not acceptable because the performance was being taped for the radio. I freaked out a little and cringed anytime I thought he might cough. Surprisingly he didn't make a sound and I was relieved.
It feels very isolating when other people look at my child with disgust if he coughs. It breaks my heart.

My new baby is pretty tiny and is has been below the 5th percentile for weight. I can't begin to tell you how many little old ladies come up to me and tell me too feed him more! He was crying the other day at the mall because he was sleepy and this lady said under her breath "he needs to eat more, that's probably why he's crying". Aaaaaggghh! I walked away and felt like I got slapped in the face, I was too pissed to respond. On a happy note, we took him to the clinic today and he has grown 2 pounds in one month! I have to mention this because it blows me away...my nephew is 7 months and already weighs 29lbs...holy crap!


New member
oops..... I got cut off. It was a concert with kids playing classical instruments. Before the concert they announced that coughing, sneezing, talking, cellphones, etc... were not acceptable because the performance was being taped for the radio. I freaked out a little and cringed anytime I thought he might cough. Surprisingly he didn't make a sound and I was relieved.
It feels very isolating when other people look at my child with disgust if he coughs. It breaks my heart.

My new baby is pretty tiny and is has been below the 5th percentile for weight. I can't begin to tell you how many little old ladies come up to me and tell me too feed him more! He was crying the other day at the mall because he was sleepy and this lady said under her breath "he needs to eat more, that's probably why he's crying". Aaaaaggghh! I walked away and felt like I got slapped in the face, I was too pissed to respond. On a happy note, we took him to the clinic today and he has grown 2 pounds in one month! I have to mention this because it blows me away...my nephew is 7 months and already weighs 29lbs...holy crap!


New member
oops..... I got cut off. It was a concert with kids playing classical instruments. Before the concert they announced that coughing, sneezing, talking, cellphones, etc... were not acceptable because the performance was being taped for the radio. I freaked out a little and cringed anytime I thought he might cough. Surprisingly he didn't make a sound and I was relieved.
It feels very isolating when other people look at my child with disgust if he coughs. It breaks my heart.

My new baby is pretty tiny and is has been below the 5th percentile for weight. I can't begin to tell you how many little old ladies come up to me and tell me too feed him more! He was crying the other day at the mall because he was sleepy and this lady said under her breath "he needs to eat more, that's probably why he's crying". Aaaaaggghh! I walked away and felt like I got slapped in the face, I was too pissed to respond. On a happy note, we took him to the clinic today and he has grown 2 pounds in one month! I have to mention this because it blows me away...my nephew is 7 months and already weighs 29lbs...holy crap!


New member
oops..... I got cut off. It was a concert with kids playing classical instruments. Before the concert they announced that coughing, sneezing, talking, cellphones, etc... were not acceptable because the performance was being taped for the radio. I freaked out a little and cringed anytime I thought he might cough. Surprisingly he didn't make a sound and I was relieved.
It feels very isolating when other people look at my child with disgust if he coughs. It breaks my heart.

My new baby is pretty tiny and is has been below the 5th percentile for weight. I can't begin to tell you how many little old ladies come up to me and tell me too feed him more! He was crying the other day at the mall because he was sleepy and this lady said under her breath "he needs to eat more, that's probably why he's crying". Aaaaaggghh! I walked away and felt like I got slapped in the face, I was too pissed to respond. On a happy note, we took him to the clinic today and he has grown 2 pounds in one month! I have to mention this because it blows me away...my nephew is 7 months and already weighs 29lbs...holy crap!


New member
To tell you the truth- I have seen this posted and I purposely ignore it because I am so sick of ignorant people-- been there done that with 2 kids with completely different conditions. Like you said most people think it is CP and he can't walk. Ug... also have heard "will he outgrow it?" He looks good, but they don't understand what we go thru everyday-everyhour- to keep him as healthy as possible. Also have actually heard "oh, I have that too." WHAT? I knew they
didn't have that. It is aggravating, but it is a rare disease so I guess we need to keep that in mind. BUT it is so hard when you are living with it everyday.



New member
To tell you the truth- I have seen this posted and I purposely ignore it because I am so sick of ignorant people-- been there done that with 2 kids with completely different conditions. Like you said most people think it is CP and he can't walk. Ug... also have heard "will he outgrow it?" He looks good, but they don't understand what we go thru everyday-everyhour- to keep him as healthy as possible. Also have actually heard "oh, I have that too." WHAT? I knew they
didn't have that. It is aggravating, but it is a rare disease so I guess we need to keep that in mind. BUT it is so hard when you are living with it everyday.



New member
To tell you the truth- I have seen this posted and I purposely ignore it because I am so sick of ignorant people-- been there done that with 2 kids with completely different conditions. Like you said most people think it is CP and he can't walk. Ug... also have heard "will he outgrow it?" He looks good, but they don't understand what we go thru everyday-everyhour- to keep him as healthy as possible. Also have actually heard "oh, I have that too." WHAT? I knew they
didn't have that. It is aggravating, but it is a rare disease so I guess we need to keep that in mind. BUT it is so hard when you are living with it everyday.



New member
To tell you the truth- I have seen this posted and I purposely ignore it because I am so sick of ignorant people-- been there done that with 2 kids with completely different conditions. Like you said most people think it is CP and he can't walk. Ug... also have heard "will he outgrow it?" He looks good, but they don't understand what we go thru everyday-everyhour- to keep him as healthy as possible. Also have actually heard "oh, I have that too." WHAT? I knew they
didn't have that. It is aggravating, but it is a rare disease so I guess we need to keep that in mind. BUT it is so hard when you are living with it everyday.



New member
To tell you the truth- I have seen this posted and I purposely ignore it because I am so sick of ignorant people-- been there done that with 2 kids with completely different conditions. Like you said most people think it is CP and he can't walk. Ug... also have heard "will he outgrow it?" He looks good, but they don't understand what we go thru everyday-everyhour- to keep him as healthy as possible. Also have actually heard "oh, I have that too." WHAT? I knew they
didn't have that. It is aggravating, but it is a rare disease so I guess we need to keep that in mind. BUT it is so hard when you are living with it everyday.



New member
I use to have a neighbor. Her husbands bro had a SIL that had CF. TUrned out I grew up with her, but lost touch.

ANYWAY the neighbors Mom was at her house for a party one time when I was there & I coughed. My neighbor asked if I needed some fresh air or water & her Mom said.....why are you coughing. I said I have CF.

Her mom looks at me and says......are you sure?

I laughed & said I hope so because for the last 20+ years I have spent a lot of $$ on meds & hospital admits.

She said why arent you dead yet then!

I looked right at her with a straight face & said GOOD QUESTION! That shut her up!

I spent the rest of the day explaining what CF was to the rest of the guests LOL!


New member
I use to have a neighbor. Her husbands bro had a SIL that had CF. TUrned out I grew up with her, but lost touch.

ANYWAY the neighbors Mom was at her house for a party one time when I was there & I coughed. My neighbor asked if I needed some fresh air or water & her Mom said.....why are you coughing. I said I have CF.

Her mom looks at me and says......are you sure?

I laughed & said I hope so because for the last 20+ years I have spent a lot of $$ on meds & hospital admits.

She said why arent you dead yet then!

I looked right at her with a straight face & said GOOD QUESTION! That shut her up!

I spent the rest of the day explaining what CF was to the rest of the guests LOL!


New member
I use to have a neighbor. Her husbands bro had a SIL that had CF. TUrned out I grew up with her, but lost touch.

ANYWAY the neighbors Mom was at her house for a party one time when I was there & I coughed. My neighbor asked if I needed some fresh air or water & her Mom said.....why are you coughing. I said I have CF.

Her mom looks at me and says......are you sure?

I laughed & said I hope so because for the last 20+ years I have spent a lot of $$ on meds & hospital admits.

She said why arent you dead yet then!

I looked right at her with a straight face & said GOOD QUESTION! That shut her up!

I spent the rest of the day explaining what CF was to the rest of the guests LOL!


New member
I use to have a neighbor. Her husbands bro had a SIL that had CF. TUrned out I grew up with her, but lost touch.

ANYWAY the neighbors Mom was at her house for a party one time when I was there & I coughed. My neighbor asked if I needed some fresh air or water & her Mom said.....why are you coughing. I said I have CF.

Her mom looks at me and says......are you sure?

I laughed & said I hope so because for the last 20+ years I have spent a lot of $$ on meds & hospital admits.

She said why arent you dead yet then!

I looked right at her with a straight face & said GOOD QUESTION! That shut her up!

I spent the rest of the day explaining what CF was to the rest of the guests LOL!


New member
I use to have a neighbor. Her husbands bro had a SIL that had CF. TUrned out I grew up with her, but lost touch.

ANYWAY the neighbors Mom was at her house for a party one time when I was there & I coughed. My neighbor asked if I needed some fresh air or water & her Mom said.....why are you coughing. I said I have CF.

Her mom looks at me and says......are you sure?

I laughed & said I hope so because for the last 20+ years I have spent a lot of $$ on meds & hospital admits.

She said why arent you dead yet then!

I looked right at her with a straight face & said GOOD QUESTION! That shut her up!

I spent the rest of the day explaining what CF was to the rest of the guests LOL!


New member
It is because of all these stories, stories that are universal to CFers, that we have no excuse for being ignorant when interacting with others. We should use those encounters to remind us to be sensitive to others around us and not make assumptions about them, they way people often do of us.


New member
It is because of all these stories, stories that are universal to CFers, that we have no excuse for being ignorant when interacting with others. We should use those encounters to remind us to be sensitive to others around us and not make assumptions about them, they way people often do of us.


New member
It is because of all these stories, stories that are universal to CFers, that we have no excuse for being ignorant when interacting with others. We should use those encounters to remind us to be sensitive to others around us and not make assumptions about them, they way people often do of us.


New member
It is because of all these stories, stories that are universal to CFers, that we have no excuse for being ignorant when interacting with others. We should use those encounters to remind us to be sensitive to others around us and not make assumptions about them, they way people often do of us.