Why does he keep getting sick?


New member
Hi! I am sooooooooooo frustrated that Reece keeps getting sick! He does ALL his treatments & has been on oral antibotics for a month.....been off for about a month now. He was great for about 3 weeks then he got sick again.....nasal congestion. He coughs more now & he doesnt eat....which is not new for him BUT he is eating way less even for him. Hes 3 & already been through the ringer a few times. I just dont know what else to do to keep him healthy!!!!!!! Im thinking his eating habits are'nt much help either, being as he doesnt eat that much. Ive tried everything!!!! Just thought maybe ya'll could boost my spirits in telling me something positive. As all of us hate it when the doc says " we're gonna have to admit you" I of course want to prevent that....BUT how??? When we are doing EVERYTHING we are suppose to do!!!!! Its a downer when your child needs to hospitalized every 2~3 months. It makes a parent feel like their not doing their job....at least thats what I feel sometimes. Like Im helpless. I HATE CF......I wish that I had it instead of him. It breaks my heart everytime he coughs or does his treatments just to keep him alive, I HATE CF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welll thanks for letting me vent, I know all of us feel this way sometime or another, I knew ya'll would understand.
Leah mommy 2 Reece 3 w/ CF<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi! I am sooooooooooo frustrated that Reece keeps getting sick! He does ALL his treatments & has been on oral antibotics for a month.....been off for about a month now. He was great for about 3 weeks then he got sick again.....nasal congestion. He coughs more now & he doesnt eat....which is not new for him BUT he is eating way less even for him. Hes 3 & already been through the ringer a few times. I just dont know what else to do to keep him healthy!!!!!!! Im thinking his eating habits are'nt much help either, being as he doesnt eat that much. Ive tried everything!!!! Just thought maybe ya'll could boost my spirits in telling me something positive. As all of us hate it when the doc says " we're gonna have to admit you" I of course want to prevent that....BUT how??? When we are doing EVERYTHING we are suppose to do!!!!! Its a downer when your child needs to hospitalized every 2~3 months. It makes a parent feel like their not doing their job....at least thats what I feel sometimes. Like Im helpless. I HATE CF......I wish that I had it instead of him. It breaks my heart everytime he coughs or does his treatments just to keep him alive, I HATE CF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welll thanks for letting me vent, I know all of us feel this way sometime or another, I knew ya'll would understand.
Leah mommy 2 Reece 3 w/ CF<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
DS had a boogery, sinus infection problem and got a few ear infections the past couple of winters. And only augmentin would do the trick. Amoxicillan meant going back to the doctor for another 10 days of antibiotics. All last winter he pretty much had a nasty greenish, yellow boogery nose. Local doctor said it was no biggy. Went to the CF clinic, doctor yelled at me -- could've gotten into his lungs -- given him pneumonia or bronchitis. Put him on Augmentin for a month until it cleared up. If it didn't clear up, we were supposed to come back and he'd prescribe something else. Cleared up in a couple of weeks. Maybe they're not giving him the right drug for whatever bugs he's cultured.


New member
DS had a boogery, sinus infection problem and got a few ear infections the past couple of winters. And only augmentin would do the trick. Amoxicillan meant going back to the doctor for another 10 days of antibiotics. All last winter he pretty much had a nasty greenish, yellow boogery nose. Local doctor said it was no biggy. Went to the CF clinic, doctor yelled at me -- could've gotten into his lungs -- given him pneumonia or bronchitis. Put him on Augmentin for a month until it cleared up. If it didn't clear up, we were supposed to come back and he'd prescribe something else. Cleared up in a couple of weeks. Maybe they're not giving him the right drug for whatever bugs he's cultured.


New member
I know it's so frustrating, Leah, you seem to be everything they tell you to do and it's still a dead end at every corner, and your poor baby ends up sick again. Cf is such an evil, insidious thing, and somethimes it can get to you when your loved one is sick and you feel like there's nothing you can do. But know that the most important part of Reese's life is you, and your love for him, and I know, no matter how tough things may seem, that your son is lucky to have a mom such as you. Hang in there, and feel free to vent whenever you feel the need.


New member
I know it's so frustrating, Leah, you seem to be everything they tell you to do and it's still a dead end at every corner, and your poor baby ends up sick again. Cf is such an evil, insidious thing, and somethimes it can get to you when your loved one is sick and you feel like there's nothing you can do. But know that the most important part of Reese's life is you, and your love for him, and I know, no matter how tough things may seem, that your son is lucky to have a mom such as you. Hang in there, and feel free to vent whenever you feel the need.


New member
Thank you for the kind words Allie. He had a bronch done to see what to use to treat these bugs. It showed MRSA again (been neg. for this for a yr) & the reg. CF bugs. He goes again on the 24th. but I dunno if I should wait til then. He was on Septra for a month.


New member
Thank you for the kind words Allie. He had a bronch done to see what to use to treat these bugs. It showed MRSA again (been neg. for this for a yr) & the reg. CF bugs. He goes again on the 24th. but I dunno if I should wait til then. He was on Septra for a month.


New member

If you want to e-mail me feel free at rebjane30@yahoo.com. My daughter had a terrible winter last winter and was so sick. She is also culturing MRSA. This winter has not been as bad.(knock on wood) Although I have a cold/cough and she started coughing just a little last night so I'm holding my breath it doesn't go south(lungs)



New member

If you want to e-mail me feel free at rebjane30@yahoo.com. My daughter had a terrible winter last winter and was so sick. She is also culturing MRSA. This winter has not been as bad.(knock on wood) Although I have a cold/cough and she started coughing just a little last night so I'm holding my breath it doesn't go south(lungs)



Hi Leah,

I know what you mean about wanting to take the coughing away from him....what a helpless feeling. But you are doing everything you can for him I am sure just having you close to comfort him helps alot. Hang in there and I'll hope for the right meds that will help Reece feel better very soon.


Hi Leah,

I know what you mean about wanting to take the coughing away from him....what a helpless feeling. But you are doing everything you can for him I am sure just having you close to comfort him helps alot. Hang in there and I'll hope for the right meds that will help Reece feel better very soon.


PS....In the meantime, don't forget to take care of YOU! I know that's hard, but try!


PS....In the meantime, don't forget to take care of YOU! I know that's hard, but try!


New member
Thank you Tonya, this board is like my 2nd family and to hear encourging words makes it a little more easier to cope. Leah<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you Tonya, this board is like my 2nd family and to hear encourging words makes it a little more easier to cope. Leah<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
Have you tried allergy proofing your house? All mattresses and pillows in allergy proof bags - available at Target. Really good cleaning once a week. Removal of carpet if possible. Changing sheets once a week. My thinking with this is sometimes household allergies triggers our CF during these months we are so cooped up in the house. CF Roundtable has a good issue on this subject and you can back order magazines from previous years.



New member
Have you tried allergy proofing your house? All mattresses and pillows in allergy proof bags - available at Target. Really good cleaning once a week. Removal of carpet if possible. Changing sheets once a week. My thinking with this is sometimes household allergies triggers our CF during these months we are so cooped up in the house. CF Roundtable has a good issue on this subject and you can back order magazines from previous years.



New member
Does it help any to remind yourself that most toddlers spend most of their time catching a bug, with a bug, or recovering from a bug? For me, it helps me stop feeling like I've somehow failed on my son's treatments every time he's got bad news on a culture (he's also 3). And dealing with the higher level of medical intervention because of the CF kindof ratchets up the whole fear level in the household, especially in the winter. But I agree that it hurts horribly to see them sick despite all the daily regimens and just getting that weight off your heart by finding someone to listen while you vent is an indispensible part of coping.


New member
Does it help any to remind yourself that most toddlers spend most of their time catching a bug, with a bug, or recovering from a bug? For me, it helps me stop feeling like I've somehow failed on my son's treatments every time he's got bad news on a culture (he's also 3). And dealing with the higher level of medical intervention because of the CF kindof ratchets up the whole fear level in the household, especially in the winter. But I agree that it hurts horribly to see them sick despite all the daily regimens and just getting that weight off your heart by finding someone to listen while you vent is an indispensible part of coping.