Why does she cry all the time?


New member
<b>Another question for all out there.....Cheyenne was fine one day and the next she wasn't. For the past 4 days or so she is fussy and when she cries she screams at the top of her lungs. She is spitting up mucas and having normal bowel movements. We are at our wits end not knowing what is wrong with her or what to do for her. My son and daughter in law took her to her doctor and all he said was to give her Tylenol and plenty of liquids which we are doing. Any advice?? </b>


New member
<b>Another question for all out there.....Cheyenne was fine one day and the next she wasn't. For the past 4 days or so she is fussy and when she cries she screams at the top of her lungs. She is spitting up mucas and having normal bowel movements. We are at our wits end not knowing what is wrong with her or what to do for her. My son and daughter in law took her to her doctor and all he said was to give her Tylenol and plenty of liquids which we are doing. Any advice?? </b>


New member
<b>Another question for all out there.....Cheyenne was fine one day and the next she wasn't. For the past 4 days or so she is fussy and when she cries she screams at the top of her lungs. She is spitting up mucas and having normal bowel movements. We are at our wits end not knowing what is wrong with her or what to do for her. My son and daughter in law took her to her doctor and all he said was to give her Tylenol and plenty of liquids which we are doing. Any advice?? </b>


New member
<b>Another question for all out there.....Cheyenne was fine one day and the next she wasn't. For the past 4 days or so she is fussy and when she cries she screams at the top of her lungs. She is spitting up mucas and having normal bowel movements. We are at our wits end not knowing what is wrong with her or what to do for her. My son and daughter in law took her to her doctor and all he said was to give her Tylenol and plenty of liquids which we are doing. Any advice?? </b>


New member
<b>Another question for all out there.....Cheyenne was fine one day and the next she wasn't. For the past 4 days or so she is fussy and when she cries she screams at the top of her lungs. She is spitting up mucas and having normal bowel movements. We are at our wits end not knowing what is wrong with her or what to do for her. My son and daughter in law took her to her doctor and all he said was to give her Tylenol and plenty of liquids which we are doing. Any advice?? </b>


New member
She might need some cpts.... when my son's chest hurts and he won't start crying and he is coughing a little... I give him cpts. It makes him sooo much better! It moves all the mucos around in his lungs and makes him cough it up so it is no longer there... or lessend.
If you don't know how to do cpt's.... you cuff your hand and lightly clap the childs back sides and chest. make sure your hands are on opposite claps. lay them over your leg so that their mucos will be moving up and out. If you have an infant, what my doc told me to do was to take my middle finger and pointer finger and do that so it is less force. It helps my son a lot. and I actually do them to myself when I am having difficulty breathing. They are actually relaxing and put a lot of people to sleep. My friends who don't even have CF ask me to do it to their backs to relax them after a long day of work! They are very comforting, but also effective!


New member
She might need some cpts.... when my son's chest hurts and he won't start crying and he is coughing a little... I give him cpts. It makes him sooo much better! It moves all the mucos around in his lungs and makes him cough it up so it is no longer there... or lessend.
If you don't know how to do cpt's.... you cuff your hand and lightly clap the childs back sides and chest. make sure your hands are on opposite claps. lay them over your leg so that their mucos will be moving up and out. If you have an infant, what my doc told me to do was to take my middle finger and pointer finger and do that so it is less force. It helps my son a lot. and I actually do them to myself when I am having difficulty breathing. They are actually relaxing and put a lot of people to sleep. My friends who don't even have CF ask me to do it to their backs to relax them after a long day of work! They are very comforting, but also effective!


New member
She might need some cpts.... when my son's chest hurts and he won't start crying and he is coughing a little... I give him cpts. It makes him sooo much better! It moves all the mucos around in his lungs and makes him cough it up so it is no longer there... or lessend.
If you don't know how to do cpt's.... you cuff your hand and lightly clap the childs back sides and chest. make sure your hands are on opposite claps. lay them over your leg so that their mucos will be moving up and out. If you have an infant, what my doc told me to do was to take my middle finger and pointer finger and do that so it is less force. It helps my son a lot. and I actually do them to myself when I am having difficulty breathing. They are actually relaxing and put a lot of people to sleep. My friends who don't even have CF ask me to do it to their backs to relax them after a long day of work! They are very comforting, but also effective!


New member
She might need some cpts.... when my son's chest hurts and he won't start crying and he is coughing a little... I give him cpts. It makes him sooo much better! It moves all the mucos around in his lungs and makes him cough it up so it is no longer there... or lessend.
If you don't know how to do cpt's.... you cuff your hand and lightly clap the childs back sides and chest. make sure your hands are on opposite claps. lay them over your leg so that their mucos will be moving up and out. If you have an infant, what my doc told me to do was to take my middle finger and pointer finger and do that so it is less force. It helps my son a lot. and I actually do them to myself when I am having difficulty breathing. They are actually relaxing and put a lot of people to sleep. My friends who don't even have CF ask me to do it to their backs to relax them after a long day of work! They are very comforting, but also effective!


New member
She might need some cpts.... when my son's chest hurts and he won't start crying and he is coughing a little... I give him cpts. It makes him sooo much better! It moves all the mucos around in his lungs and makes him cough it up so it is no longer there... or lessend.
If you don't know how to do cpt's.... you cuff your hand and lightly clap the childs back sides and chest. make sure your hands are on opposite claps. lay them over your leg so that their mucos will be moving up and out. If you have an infant, what my doc told me to do was to take my middle finger and pointer finger and do that so it is less force. It helps my son a lot. and I actually do them to myself when I am having difficulty breathing. They are actually relaxing and put a lot of people to sleep. My friends who don't even have CF ask me to do it to their backs to relax them after a long day of work! They are very comforting, but also effective!


The difficult thing about babies with CF is that they are still babies! They can't help you diagnose the problem by telling you how they feel. You say her bowl movements are normal, but how much is she eating? Is she on enzymes? Maybe she's hungry. I know Andrew must have felt like he was starving, even though as a newborn he was taking 50 oz. of formula a day. Once he started taking enzymes he was one happy camper!

Then, you also have the typical baby issues, croup, etc. to rule out. However, the mucus is something that would concern me. Did her CF doc tell her to take tylenol and see what happens? or was that her pediatrician?

I might suggest to the parent that they collect the mucus she is coughing up so the doctors know what is going on. I'm conviced sometimes doctors think new parents are overreacting to the new diagnosis. If you have proof that she is coughing up a bunch of mucus I would make sure they see it!

Good luck, Grandma!


The difficult thing about babies with CF is that they are still babies! They can't help you diagnose the problem by telling you how they feel. You say her bowl movements are normal, but how much is she eating? Is she on enzymes? Maybe she's hungry. I know Andrew must have felt like he was starving, even though as a newborn he was taking 50 oz. of formula a day. Once he started taking enzymes he was one happy camper!

Then, you also have the typical baby issues, croup, etc. to rule out. However, the mucus is something that would concern me. Did her CF doc tell her to take tylenol and see what happens? or was that her pediatrician?

I might suggest to the parent that they collect the mucus she is coughing up so the doctors know what is going on. I'm conviced sometimes doctors think new parents are overreacting to the new diagnosis. If you have proof that she is coughing up a bunch of mucus I would make sure they see it!

Good luck, Grandma!


The difficult thing about babies with CF is that they are still babies! They can't help you diagnose the problem by telling you how they feel. You say her bowl movements are normal, but how much is she eating? Is she on enzymes? Maybe she's hungry. I know Andrew must have felt like he was starving, even though as a newborn he was taking 50 oz. of formula a day. Once he started taking enzymes he was one happy camper!

Then, you also have the typical baby issues, croup, etc. to rule out. However, the mucus is something that would concern me. Did her CF doc tell her to take tylenol and see what happens? or was that her pediatrician?

I might suggest to the parent that they collect the mucus she is coughing up so the doctors know what is going on. I'm conviced sometimes doctors think new parents are overreacting to the new diagnosis. If you have proof that she is coughing up a bunch of mucus I would make sure they see it!

Good luck, Grandma!


The difficult thing about babies with CF is that they are still babies! They can't help you diagnose the problem by telling you how they feel. You say her bowl movements are normal, but how much is she eating? Is she on enzymes? Maybe she's hungry. I know Andrew must have felt like he was starving, even though as a newborn he was taking 50 oz. of formula a day. Once he started taking enzymes he was one happy camper!

Then, you also have the typical baby issues, croup, etc. to rule out. However, the mucus is something that would concern me. Did her CF doc tell her to take tylenol and see what happens? or was that her pediatrician?

I might suggest to the parent that they collect the mucus she is coughing up so the doctors know what is going on. I'm conviced sometimes doctors think new parents are overreacting to the new diagnosis. If you have proof that she is coughing up a bunch of mucus I would make sure they see it!

Good luck, Grandma!


The difficult thing about babies with CF is that they are still babies! They can't help you diagnose the problem by telling you how they feel. You say her bowl movements are normal, but how much is she eating? Is she on enzymes? Maybe she's hungry. I know Andrew must have felt like he was starving, even though as a newborn he was taking 50 oz. of formula a day. Once he started taking enzymes he was one happy camper!

Then, you also have the typical baby issues, croup, etc. to rule out. However, the mucus is something that would concern me. Did her CF doc tell her to take tylenol and see what happens? or was that her pediatrician?

I might suggest to the parent that they collect the mucus she is coughing up so the doctors know what is going on. I'm conviced sometimes doctors think new parents are overreacting to the new diagnosis. If you have proof that she is coughing up a bunch of mucus I would make sure they see it!

Good luck, Grandma!


New member

She is eating approximately 45 oz a day and half of that is with some rice cereal added into the bottle. She is on enzymes twice a day now as well. As for taking the Tylenol...yes it was her CF doctor that told her that. He said her lungs are clear so there is no concern.

It's hard to deal with because she literally changed overnight. One day she was like a ray of sunshine and the next day all she did was cry. This is still going on now. Her mom is worn out....we are helping all that we can, but it never seems to be enough. When she cries it isn't a normal cry, it is screaming like something is hurting her. Unfortunately, she cannot tell us yet what is wrong with her.

Thanks for all the advice Tonya and 65roses! Hugs to you and yours.


New member

She is eating approximately 45 oz a day and half of that is with some rice cereal added into the bottle. She is on enzymes twice a day now as well. As for taking the Tylenol...yes it was her CF doctor that told her that. He said her lungs are clear so there is no concern.

It's hard to deal with because she literally changed overnight. One day she was like a ray of sunshine and the next day all she did was cry. This is still going on now. Her mom is worn out....we are helping all that we can, but it never seems to be enough. When she cries it isn't a normal cry, it is screaming like something is hurting her. Unfortunately, she cannot tell us yet what is wrong with her.

Thanks for all the advice Tonya and 65roses! Hugs to you and yours.


New member

She is eating approximately 45 oz a day and half of that is with some rice cereal added into the bottle. She is on enzymes twice a day now as well. As for taking the Tylenol...yes it was her CF doctor that told her that. He said her lungs are clear so there is no concern.

It's hard to deal with because she literally changed overnight. One day she was like a ray of sunshine and the next day all she did was cry. This is still going on now. Her mom is worn out....we are helping all that we can, but it never seems to be enough. When she cries it isn't a normal cry, it is screaming like something is hurting her. Unfortunately, she cannot tell us yet what is wrong with her.

Thanks for all the advice Tonya and 65roses! Hugs to you and yours.


New member

She is eating approximately 45 oz a day and half of that is with some rice cereal added into the bottle. She is on enzymes twice a day now as well. As for taking the Tylenol...yes it was her CF doctor that told her that. He said her lungs are clear so there is no concern.

It's hard to deal with because she literally changed overnight. One day she was like a ray of sunshine and the next day all she did was cry. This is still going on now. Her mom is worn out....we are helping all that we can, but it never seems to be enough. When she cries it isn't a normal cry, it is screaming like something is hurting her. Unfortunately, she cannot tell us yet what is wrong with her.

Thanks for all the advice Tonya and 65roses! Hugs to you and yours.


New member

She is eating approximately 45 oz a day and half of that is with some rice cereal added into the bottle. She is on enzymes twice a day now as well. As for taking the Tylenol...yes it was her CF doctor that told her that. He said her lungs are clear so there is no concern.

It's hard to deal with because she literally changed overnight. One day she was like a ray of sunshine and the next day all she did was cry. This is still going on now. Her mom is worn out....we are helping all that we can, but it never seems to be enough. When she cries it isn't a normal cry, it is screaming like something is hurting her. Unfortunately, she cannot tell us yet what is wrong with her.

Thanks for all the advice Tonya and 65roses! Hugs to you and yours.