why live?


New member
what is the point of life, especially for us? we feel so much pain to live just to feel more pain. honestly if i knew i was goin to heaven i would kill myself now. what does everyone else think on this subject?


New member
what is the point of life, especially for us? we feel so much pain to live just to feel more pain. honestly if i knew i was goin to heaven i would kill myself now. what does everyone else think on this subject?


New member
what is the point of life, especially for us? we feel so much pain to live just to feel more pain. honestly if i knew i was goin to heaven i would kill myself now. what does everyone else think on this subject?


I wasn't going to respond but your question is a valid one, but it's one only you could really answer. I think if everyone knew heaven had a seat saved for'em the world would be far more interesting to watch, but far less populated<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">. Here's my perspective, I don't know and don't want to know the point of it all.....<i>at least not yet</i>. That day will come soon enough. CF has given me a view of the world I would never have known if I was normal. The pain never lets me take a single day for granted. The loneliness I've felt is a constant reminder of what really matters in life. I have no clue why were here or why some people endure things like CF. I just try to think of life as a constant learning experience and take what good I can from it.....<i>and try to leave the bad stuff in the past where it belongs.</i> Hope my answer made sense.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


I wasn't going to respond but your question is a valid one, but it's one only you could really answer. I think if everyone knew heaven had a seat saved for'em the world would be far more interesting to watch, but far less populated<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">. Here's my perspective, I don't know and don't want to know the point of it all.....<i>at least not yet</i>. That day will come soon enough. CF has given me a view of the world I would never have known if I was normal. The pain never lets me take a single day for granted. The loneliness I've felt is a constant reminder of what really matters in life. I have no clue why were here or why some people endure things like CF. I just try to think of life as a constant learning experience and take what good I can from it.....<i>and try to leave the bad stuff in the past where it belongs.</i> Hope my answer made sense.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


I wasn't going to respond but your question is a valid one, but it's one only you could really answer. I think if everyone knew heaven had a seat saved for'em the world would be far more interesting to watch, but far less populated<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">. Here's my perspective, I don't know and don't want to know the point of it all.....<i>at least not yet</i>. That day will come soon enough. CF has given me a view of the world I would never have known if I was normal. The pain never lets me take a single day for granted. The loneliness I've felt is a constant reminder of what really matters in life. I have no clue why were here or why some people endure things like CF. I just try to think of life as a constant learning experience and take what good I can from it.....<i>and try to leave the bad stuff in the past where it belongs.</i> Hope my answer made sense.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
the way to look at it mate and i do understand where you are coming from is to put things in perspective their is people out there worser than yourself.Another thing i like to point out is people who suffer more than others tend to be deeper and have more to them as a result of their sufferings in life.


New member
the way to look at it mate and i do understand where you are coming from is to put things in perspective their is people out there worser than yourself.Another thing i like to point out is people who suffer more than others tend to be deeper and have more to them as a result of their sufferings in life.


New member
the way to look at it mate and i do understand where you are coming from is to put things in perspective their is people out there worser than yourself.Another thing i like to point out is people who suffer more than others tend to be deeper and have more to them as a result of their sufferings in life.


New member
cfboy look after yourself, try stay motavated and live what life you have been given as best as posible.

<span class="FTHighlightFont">http://capeflyingservices.com/index.php?topic=72.0</span ft>

He lived his life to the full, and made his mark...... I hope what he has to say inspires you to do much the same. My thoughts are with you, its very hard, your post tears at my heart and I wish I could reach out and help.


New member
cfboy look after yourself, try stay motavated and live what life you have been given as best as posible.

<span class="FTHighlightFont">http://capeflyingservices.com/index.php?topic=72.0</span ft>

He lived his life to the full, and made his mark...... I hope what he has to say inspires you to do much the same. My thoughts are with you, its very hard, your post tears at my heart and I wish I could reach out and help.


New member
cfboy look after yourself, try stay motavated and live what life you have been given as best as posible.

<span class="FTHighlightFont">http://capeflyingservices.com/index.php?topic=72.0</span ft>

He lived his life to the full, and made his mark...... I hope what he has to say inspires you to do much the same. My thoughts are with you, its very hard, your post tears at my heart and I wish I could reach out and help.


New member
Hey CFBoy,
I am so sorry you feel the way you do. It is completely understandable and I feel like that sometimes too but there is no point in being so down, we were given this crappy disease and no ammount of self-pity will take it away. Try and stay positive I guess and you never know...there might be hope in the future, if not a because of a cure than maybe a transplant. They are always an option. My older brother with CF was VERY VERY sick and without a transplant he was going to die. He had his transplant over a year ago and is doing amazing!! Anyways I can't really change your perspective but it is a terrible mind-set to have and scary tp think about too much. No one should be so down or have that one their mind so much. Good Luck...Karen <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey CFBoy,
I am so sorry you feel the way you do. It is completely understandable and I feel like that sometimes too but there is no point in being so down, we were given this crappy disease and no ammount of self-pity will take it away. Try and stay positive I guess and you never know...there might be hope in the future, if not a because of a cure than maybe a transplant. They are always an option. My older brother with CF was VERY VERY sick and without a transplant he was going to die. He had his transplant over a year ago and is doing amazing!! Anyways I can't really change your perspective but it is a terrible mind-set to have and scary tp think about too much. No one should be so down or have that one their mind so much. Good Luck...Karen <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey CFBoy,
I am so sorry you feel the way you do. It is completely understandable and I feel like that sometimes too but there is no point in being so down, we were given this crappy disease and no ammount of self-pity will take it away. Try and stay positive I guess and you never know...there might be hope in the future, if not a because of a cure than maybe a transplant. They are always an option. My older brother with CF was VERY VERY sick and without a transplant he was going to die. He had his transplant over a year ago and is doing amazing!! Anyways I can't really change your perspective but it is a terrible mind-set to have and scary tp think about too much. No one should be so down or have that one their mind so much. Good Luck...Karen <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
hey cfboy. i feel the same way you do. i feel like being sik is a inconvenice for everyone including myself. i try to do the right thing and hope all ends well but it never does. i felt nd still feel the same way u do and when i was really dwn i did dumb things like smoke weed nd cigs nd drank ALOT everyday for a yr pretty much. then i met my boyfriend who is amazing and is my world nd he made me realize there is some hope. but everyday i wish i was normal nd everyday i wish i could have my brother back who died from CF nd LUKEMIA. i even feel like me being sick is wat made my parents divorce cuz of all the trouble nd pain they went through. i even feel like its a bother to my boyfriend nd thats y we fight. idk wat to do anymore. nd i agree wats the point in living in pain and going through horrible things if were just gonna die one day anyway. idk anymore. i guess imma just live everyday till i die nd that b that.

Meagan Loves Chino

the first picure is of me and my boyfriend
the second is me
the third is my baby brother who died at 6
hey cfboy. i feel the same way you do. i feel like being sik is a inconvenice for everyone including myself. i try to do the right thing and hope all ends well but it never does. i felt nd still feel the same way u do and when i was really dwn i did dumb things like smoke weed nd cigs nd drank ALOT everyday for a yr pretty much. then i met my boyfriend who is amazing and is my world nd he made me realize there is some hope. but everyday i wish i was normal nd everyday i wish i could have my brother back who died from CF nd LUKEMIA. i even feel like me being sick is wat made my parents divorce cuz of all the trouble nd pain they went through. i even feel like its a bother to my boyfriend nd thats y we fight. idk wat to do anymore. nd i agree wats the point in living in pain and going through horrible things if were just gonna die one day anyway. idk anymore. i guess imma just live everyday till i die nd that b that.

Meagan Loves Chino

the first picure is of me and my boyfriend
the second is me
the third is my baby brother who died at 6
hey cfboy. i feel the same way you do. i feel like being sik is a inconvenice for everyone including myself. i try to do the right thing and hope all ends well but it never does. i felt nd still feel the same way u do and when i was really dwn i did dumb things like smoke weed nd cigs nd drank ALOT everyday for a yr pretty much. then i met my boyfriend who is amazing and is my world nd he made me realize there is some hope. but everyday i wish i was normal nd everyday i wish i could have my brother back who died from CF nd LUKEMIA. i even feel like me being sick is wat made my parents divorce cuz of all the trouble nd pain they went through. i even feel like its a bother to my boyfriend nd thats y we fight. idk wat to do anymore. nd i agree wats the point in living in pain and going through horrible things if were just gonna die one day anyway. idk anymore. i guess imma just live everyday till i die nd that b that.

Meagan Loves Chino

the first picure is of me and my boyfriend
the second is me
the third is my baby brother who died at 6


New member
Hey CFboy,

I am so sorry to read that you feel this way, but at the same time think it is completely understandable. I went through my periods of depression in high school and even now. In high school I wanted to die - not so much for CF reasons but for basic high school angst and being picked on constantly. As for my current depression issues I often times wish I didn't have to deal with CF anymore and that I could just STOP and move on to heaven or the other side.

For me the road has been full of many MANY ups and downs - especially in recent years. I have often wanted to give up and stop - but I have discovered I am too much of a fighter. I am stubborn and refuse to give in to anyone or anything - CF included. For me though a large part of my drive to keep going is my family and the love of my life. My parents, my fiance and my friends all inspire me to keep on. Basically it comes down to my being selfish ... I want to spend as much time with them as I possibly can and if that means that I put up with CF, CF related diabetes, shortness of breath, hospitalizations every 3 months, HAVING to exercise several times a week, having to do nebs and take more pills than I can imagine then so be it. It has to be done - that is the point I have gotten too now.

I do think it is completely normal for you to feel down about life though. Our situations with CF are not ideal and are not pleasant at all times. Life at times can be a struggle to do any and everything. For me I find peace in the happy moments - in the pain free moments - and the gunk free moments. Though they may not happen often - they do still happen and that is enough for me.

As for lil1fightin4life's comment about feeling like a burden. I feel this way ALOT. I have talked about it with my family and my fiance, but I still feel like a burden alot of the time. There are just some things I can NOT do on my own, so I have to get other people to take time out of their day and away from what they are doing and it sucks and sometimes I can tell they are bothered. Then I feel bad - I feel bad that I have to bother them ... but I also feel even worse at the fact that I have no choice. It is the nature of things at times, yes it sucks but if they didn't love us they wouldn't do it.

Take Care Guys,


New member
Hey CFboy,

I am so sorry to read that you feel this way, but at the same time think it is completely understandable. I went through my periods of depression in high school and even now. In high school I wanted to die - not so much for CF reasons but for basic high school angst and being picked on constantly. As for my current depression issues I often times wish I didn't have to deal with CF anymore and that I could just STOP and move on to heaven or the other side.

For me the road has been full of many MANY ups and downs - especially in recent years. I have often wanted to give up and stop - but I have discovered I am too much of a fighter. I am stubborn and refuse to give in to anyone or anything - CF included. For me though a large part of my drive to keep going is my family and the love of my life. My parents, my fiance and my friends all inspire me to keep on. Basically it comes down to my being selfish ... I want to spend as much time with them as I possibly can and if that means that I put up with CF, CF related diabetes, shortness of breath, hospitalizations every 3 months, HAVING to exercise several times a week, having to do nebs and take more pills than I can imagine then so be it. It has to be done - that is the point I have gotten too now.

I do think it is completely normal for you to feel down about life though. Our situations with CF are not ideal and are not pleasant at all times. Life at times can be a struggle to do any and everything. For me I find peace in the happy moments - in the pain free moments - and the gunk free moments. Though they may not happen often - they do still happen and that is enough for me.

As for lil1fightin4life's comment about feeling like a burden. I feel this way ALOT. I have talked about it with my family and my fiance, but I still feel like a burden alot of the time. There are just some things I can NOT do on my own, so I have to get other people to take time out of their day and away from what they are doing and it sucks and sometimes I can tell they are bothered. Then I feel bad - I feel bad that I have to bother them ... but I also feel even worse at the fact that I have no choice. It is the nature of things at times, yes it sucks but if they didn't love us they wouldn't do it.

Take Care Guys,