why live?


New member
Hi cfboy, Why live?...Why not live?? I don't know anyone that has cf either so I'm really excited about this forum. I've never done this before and i'm 23. Anyway, back to your question. I know what you're going through, sometimes I just get tired and I don't want to fight anymore. Then again if you really think about it, it's all worth fighting for. Life has so much to offer a person with or without CF. I have accomplished so much in my life that may not seem like a big deal to most but it is to me. Just to be able to have those experiences are well worth living for. I'm now married and working on having a baby, but if I would have acted on some of my thoughts as a teenager I wouldn't be able to experience the most beautiful gift life has to offer...being a parent. I'm still not yet pregnant after a year of challenges and trying but honestly being married and just hoping for the chance to be a mom one day is enough to make me want to live. I really hope that you take into consideration just how valuable you are to this world. You have so much more to offer that alot of people. If you can just get through this tough time in your life, maybe you can be that positive person helping someone else out that is feeling the same way you are now, and the same way I once felt.


New member
Hi cfboy, Why live?...Why not live?? I don't know anyone that has cf either so I'm really excited about this forum. I've never done this before and i'm 23. Anyway, back to your question. I know what you're going through, sometimes I just get tired and I don't want to fight anymore. Then again if you really think about it, it's all worth fighting for. Life has so much to offer a person with or without CF. I have accomplished so much in my life that may not seem like a big deal to most but it is to me. Just to be able to have those experiences are well worth living for. I'm now married and working on having a baby, but if I would have acted on some of my thoughts as a teenager I wouldn't be able to experience the most beautiful gift life has to offer...being a parent. I'm still not yet pregnant after a year of challenges and trying but honestly being married and just hoping for the chance to be a mom one day is enough to make me want to live. I really hope that you take into consideration just how valuable you are to this world. You have so much more to offer that alot of people. If you can just get through this tough time in your life, maybe you can be that positive person helping someone else out that is feeling the same way you are now, and the same way I once felt.


New member
u all keep saying life has so much to offer. but to be honest it dosnt. all it does is prepare us for death. and compared to what any human goes through heaven is perfect. why live and go thriough all this when u could be in heaven where nothing else matters. and u prolly dont even remember anything about life. so i dont care what u all say anymore quite honestly i think everyone here is a bunch of idiots. that just enjoy felling sry for themselves and giving sympathy. i used to think cf patients were strong but if u need someone patting u on the back just for living after the doctor did his stuff and people feeling sry for u all whatever.


New member
u all keep saying life has so much to offer. but to be honest it dosnt. all it does is prepare us for death. and compared to what any human goes through heaven is perfect. why live and go thriough all this when u could be in heaven where nothing else matters. and u prolly dont even remember anything about life. so i dont care what u all say anymore quite honestly i think everyone here is a bunch of idiots. that just enjoy felling sry for themselves and giving sympathy. i used to think cf patients were strong but if u need someone patting u on the back just for living after the doctor did his stuff and people feeling sry for u all whatever.


New member
u all keep saying life has so much to offer. but to be honest it dosnt. all it does is prepare us for death. and compared to what any human goes through heaven is perfect. why live and go thriough all this when u could be in heaven where nothing else matters. and u prolly dont even remember anything about life. so i dont care what u all say anymore quite honestly i think everyone here is a bunch of idiots. that just enjoy felling sry for themselves and giving sympathy. i used to think cf patients were strong but if u need someone patting u on the back just for living after the doctor did his stuff and people feeling sry for u all whatever.


New member
cfboy, the only one feeling sorry for themself is you! Everyone is here to have other people to talk and relate to, not for a pitty party. You even said that you're looking for someone to talk too and relate to you as well...Well, here we are talking to you commenting on your question and here YOU are insulting everyone!...nice


New member
cfboy, the only one feeling sorry for themself is you! Everyone is here to have other people to talk and relate to, not for a pitty party. You even said that you're looking for someone to talk too and relate to you as well...Well, here we are talking to you commenting on your question and here YOU are insulting everyone!...nice


New member
cfboy, the only one feeling sorry for themself is you! Everyone is here to have other people to talk and relate to, not for a pitty party. You even said that you're looking for someone to talk too and relate to you as well...Well, here we are talking to you commenting on your question and here YOU are insulting everyone!...nice


New member
cf boy you have got a point.Life is tough for us and i think sometimes as well being dead is better than living.We have been unlucky in life ie life is a lottery and we have been unlucky to get the wrong number.


New member
cf boy you have got a point.Life is tough for us and i think sometimes as well being dead is better than living.We have been unlucky in life ie life is a lottery and we have been unlucky to get the wrong number.


New member
cf boy you have got a point.Life is tough for us and i think sometimes as well being dead is better than living.We have been unlucky in life ie life is a lottery and we have been unlucky to get the wrong number.


New member
Not true, you are lucky to be alive on this planet, thank god for the time you have, and do whatever you can to beat the disease and keep your hopes up.


New member
Not true, you are lucky to be alive on this planet, thank god for the time you have, and do whatever you can to beat the disease and keep your hopes up.


New member
Not true, you are lucky to be alive on this planet, thank god for the time you have, and do whatever you can to beat the disease and keep your hopes up.


New member
hey allesia how am i feeling sry for myself i accepted death into my life i dont give a damn about anything anymore cause i dont need to. im living waiting for death no ands ifs or buts about it. just cause i wanted to know how u guys felt about it mAKES me feel sry for myself? no people get up hear sayin all the problems they have and people come up sayin bullshit to make them feel good. and they feel sry for themselves. and the truth is we are unlucky but who isnt if u dont have 1 problem u have a different one. people act like cf is the only problem people have we dont have it that bad compared to alot of other people. that still wont change the fact i think everyone would be better off if they could just go to heaven only reason i dont kill myself is cause im afraid of going to hell. so think what u want about me i dont give a damn what u or anyone else thinks wont change my life one bit. peace


New member
hey allesia how am i feeling sry for myself i accepted death into my life i dont give a damn about anything anymore cause i dont need to. im living waiting for death no ands ifs or buts about it. just cause i wanted to know how u guys felt about it mAKES me feel sry for myself? no people get up hear sayin all the problems they have and people come up sayin bullshit to make them feel good. and they feel sry for themselves. and the truth is we are unlucky but who isnt if u dont have 1 problem u have a different one. people act like cf is the only problem people have we dont have it that bad compared to alot of other people. that still wont change the fact i think everyone would be better off if they could just go to heaven only reason i dont kill myself is cause im afraid of going to hell. so think what u want about me i dont give a damn what u or anyone else thinks wont change my life one bit. peace


New member
hey allesia how am i feeling sry for myself i accepted death into my life i dont give a damn about anything anymore cause i dont need to. im living waiting for death no ands ifs or buts about it. just cause i wanted to know how u guys felt about it mAKES me feel sry for myself? no people get up hear sayin all the problems they have and people come up sayin bullshit to make them feel good. and they feel sry for themselves. and the truth is we are unlucky but who isnt if u dont have 1 problem u have a different one. people act like cf is the only problem people have we dont have it that bad compared to alot of other people. that still wont change the fact i think everyone would be better off if they could just go to heaven only reason i dont kill myself is cause im afraid of going to hell. so think what u want about me i dont give a damn what u or anyone else thinks wont change my life one bit. peace


New member
I understand what ur saying, cf isn't our only problem, my case is pretty mild so I honestly probably couldn't completely relate to alot of other people on here. Yesterday was my first day logging on to this type of thing, i've only talked to 1 other person with cf before in my life so it was nice to be able to talk to people who understand some of the same feelings i have felt. I just have a hard time with just trying to be nice to someone and opening my mind to other peoples ways of looking at things and then being called an idiot ...your way of looking at life and death touched me that's why I responded to you, maybe it's time you lost your bad attitude and just accepted people's kind words.


New member
I understand what ur saying, cf isn't our only problem, my case is pretty mild so I honestly probably couldn't completely relate to alot of other people on here. Yesterday was my first day logging on to this type of thing, i've only talked to 1 other person with cf before in my life so it was nice to be able to talk to people who understand some of the same feelings i have felt. I just have a hard time with just trying to be nice to someone and opening my mind to other peoples ways of looking at things and then being called an idiot ...your way of looking at life and death touched me that's why I responded to you, maybe it's time you lost your bad attitude and just accepted people's kind words.


New member
I understand what ur saying, cf isn't our only problem, my case is pretty mild so I honestly probably couldn't completely relate to alot of other people on here. Yesterday was my first day logging on to this type of thing, i've only talked to 1 other person with cf before in my life so it was nice to be able to talk to people who understand some of the same feelings i have felt. I just have a hard time with just trying to be nice to someone and opening my mind to other peoples ways of looking at things and then being called an idiot ...your way of looking at life and death touched me that's why I responded to you, maybe it's time you lost your bad attitude and just accepted people's kind words.