why live?


New member
To answer your question...I am looking forward to going to heaven, but even if I knew that I was going for sure I wouldn't kill myself. My family has gone through so much to help keep me as healthy as I am I think it would be selfish of me to take my own life. Being with my family as long as god allows means more to me than any problem on earth i could ever have to deal with.


New member
actually sue i made a few statements then said what does everyone else think about this. and ill talk however i want to.


New member
actually sue i made a few statements then said what does everyone else think about this. and ill talk however i want to.


New member
actually sue i made a few statements then said what does everyone else think about this. and ill talk however i want to.


New member
Cfboy, I am sory to see how upset you are =( and to answer your question if I could die right now and get a guanteed spot in heaven, I would not take it, I would choose to live my life as long as I can and do my best to charish the moments I have here on this planet. I have a mild case of CF and have never been in a situation like you are in now where you are face to face with death, and that must be really tuff. I think you might have felt that some of us attacked you for your statements about "why live?" and I think the reason people responded the way they did is because they felt for you and cared for you. I am new to this website, but I have already made friends, and I have not found any1 who is not very supportive. Hang in there man, and find a hobby or sport, or just something to keep your mind off of the stress you gotta deal with, maybe God's plan for you was to become healthy and help other people that are in your situation now, who knows? Maybe you cant be cured of CF, but don't let it kill ur spirit. Anyways I wish you the best of luck, and by no means in this post am I trying to say I know whats best for you, you make those decisions on your own, and thats what makes life.


New member
Cfboy, I am sory to see how upset you are =( and to answer your question if I could die right now and get a guanteed spot in heaven, I would not take it, I would choose to live my life as long as I can and do my best to charish the moments I have here on this planet. I have a mild case of CF and have never been in a situation like you are in now where you are face to face with death, and that must be really tuff. I think you might have felt that some of us attacked you for your statements about "why live?" and I think the reason people responded the way they did is because they felt for you and cared for you. I am new to this website, but I have already made friends, and I have not found any1 who is not very supportive. Hang in there man, and find a hobby or sport, or just something to keep your mind off of the stress you gotta deal with, maybe God's plan for you was to become healthy and help other people that are in your situation now, who knows? Maybe you cant be cured of CF, but don't let it kill ur spirit. Anyways I wish you the best of luck, and by no means in this post am I trying to say I know whats best for you, you make those decisions on your own, and thats what makes life.


New member
Cfboy, I am sory to see how upset you are =( and to answer your question if I could die right now and get a guanteed spot in heaven, I would not take it, I would choose to live my life as long as I can and do my best to charish the moments I have here on this planet. I have a mild case of CF and have never been in a situation like you are in now where you are face to face with death, and that must be really tuff. I think you might have felt that some of us attacked you for your statements about "why live?" and I think the reason people responded the way they did is because they felt for you and cared for you. I am new to this website, but I have already made friends, and I have not found any1 who is not very supportive. Hang in there man, and find a hobby or sport, or just something to keep your mind off of the stress you gotta deal with, maybe God's plan for you was to become healthy and help other people that are in your situation now, who knows? Maybe you cant be cured of CF, but don't let it kill ur spirit. Anyways I wish you the best of luck, and by no means in this post am I trying to say I know whats best for you, you make those decisions on your own, and thats what makes life.


New member
I don't know the answer to your question, cfboy. I am glad your belief system will keep you from ending your life. When my baby was diagnosed with cf ten months ago, my first thought was to drive our car off the pier and into the ocean. I wanted to save her a lifetime of pain. I imagined our car sinking into the sea, and the suffering from which I would be saving her. And I wanted to die too, because the thought of losing her was unbearable, worse than death. But later, after sleeping, and crying, and looking into her sweet face, I realized that killing ourselves might save us from suffering, but I would also be stealing her moments of joy, wonder, and love. I never would have imagined that the last ten months could be so beautiful, even in the midst of chaos. And I believe you still have these moments waiting for you in life. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring. I know it's a cliche, but it's true. And from a mother who loves her child more than the world itself, let me tell you, each day that you are alive, is a day the people who love you, find worth living. I hope you will too.


New member
I don't know the answer to your question, cfboy. I am glad your belief system will keep you from ending your life. When my baby was diagnosed with cf ten months ago, my first thought was to drive our car off the pier and into the ocean. I wanted to save her a lifetime of pain. I imagined our car sinking into the sea, and the suffering from which I would be saving her. And I wanted to die too, because the thought of losing her was unbearable, worse than death. But later, after sleeping, and crying, and looking into her sweet face, I realized that killing ourselves might save us from suffering, but I would also be stealing her moments of joy, wonder, and love. I never would have imagined that the last ten months could be so beautiful, even in the midst of chaos. And I believe you still have these moments waiting for you in life. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring. I know it's a cliche, but it's true. And from a mother who loves her child more than the world itself, let me tell you, each day that you are alive, is a day the people who love you, find worth living. I hope you will too.


New member
I don't know the answer to your question, cfboy. I am glad your belief system will keep you from ending your life. When my baby was diagnosed with cf ten months ago, my first thought was to drive our car off the pier and into the ocean. I wanted to save her a lifetime of pain. I imagined our car sinking into the sea, and the suffering from which I would be saving her. And I wanted to die too, because the thought of losing her was unbearable, worse than death. But later, after sleeping, and crying, and looking into her sweet face, I realized that killing ourselves might save us from suffering, but I would also be stealing her moments of joy, wonder, and love. I never would have imagined that the last ten months could be so beautiful, even in the midst of chaos. And I believe you still have these moments waiting for you in life. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring. I know it's a cliche, but it's true. And from a mother who loves her child more than the world itself, let me tell you, each day that you are alive, is a day the people who love you, find worth living. I hope you will too.


New member
"u all keep saying life has so much to offer. but to be honest it dosnt. all it does is prepare us for death. and compared to what any human goes through heaven is perfect. why live and go thriough all this when u could be in heaven where nothing else matters. and u prolly dont even remember anything about life."

CFboy, you said this earlyer...and I have different believes then what you have. I believe that suffering is part of life, without suffering you wouldnt be able to appreciate the better times in life. JC came down to this earth and suffered ALOT, he did it for us so we can get into heaven. But I dont believe heaven is a garanteed 1 way ticket. I believe that what happens in your life, and the way you decide to live it and treat and love others is what gets you into heaven, I also think you take everything from your life with you into heaven, where you can meet and live with all your loved ones one day and live together forever with them. I know that if I was in a situation where my life is coming to an end, I would say goodbye to every1 I love and make my peace with god, he is very forgiving. However to be honest I have lost alot of faith since starting college, I havnt found the time to find a new church in Florida, but I hope to do so soon. You are entitled to your own believes thoe CFboy, and no1 hear is going to tell you what to think or what to do, we are just offering our views and our advice which you are free to take or throw it away, just please dont attack the peoples advice that you dont agree with.


New member
"u all keep saying life has so much to offer. but to be honest it dosnt. all it does is prepare us for death. and compared to what any human goes through heaven is perfect. why live and go thriough all this when u could be in heaven where nothing else matters. and u prolly dont even remember anything about life."

CFboy, you said this earlyer...and I have different believes then what you have. I believe that suffering is part of life, without suffering you wouldnt be able to appreciate the better times in life. JC came down to this earth and suffered ALOT, he did it for us so we can get into heaven. But I dont believe heaven is a garanteed 1 way ticket. I believe that what happens in your life, and the way you decide to live it and treat and love others is what gets you into heaven, I also think you take everything from your life with you into heaven, where you can meet and live with all your loved ones one day and live together forever with them. I know that if I was in a situation where my life is coming to an end, I would say goodbye to every1 I love and make my peace with god, he is very forgiving. However to be honest I have lost alot of faith since starting college, I havnt found the time to find a new church in Florida, but I hope to do so soon. You are entitled to your own believes thoe CFboy, and no1 hear is going to tell you what to think or what to do, we are just offering our views and our advice which you are free to take or throw it away, just please dont attack the peoples advice that you dont agree with.


New member
"u all keep saying life has so much to offer. but to be honest it dosnt. all it does is prepare us for death. and compared to what any human goes through heaven is perfect. why live and go thriough all this when u could be in heaven where nothing else matters. and u prolly dont even remember anything about life."

CFboy, you said this earlyer...and I have different believes then what you have. I believe that suffering is part of life, without suffering you wouldnt be able to appreciate the better times in life. JC came down to this earth and suffered ALOT, he did it for us so we can get into heaven. But I dont believe heaven is a garanteed 1 way ticket. I believe that what happens in your life, and the way you decide to live it and treat and love others is what gets you into heaven, I also think you take everything from your life with you into heaven, where you can meet and live with all your loved ones one day and live together forever with them. I know that if I was in a situation where my life is coming to an end, I would say goodbye to every1 I love and make my peace with god, he is very forgiving. However to be honest I have lost alot of faith since starting college, I havnt found the time to find a new church in Florida, but I hope to do so soon. You are entitled to your own believes thoe CFboy, and no1 hear is going to tell you what to think or what to do, we are just offering our views and our advice which you are free to take or throw it away, just please dont attack the peoples advice that you dont agree with.


New member
if i knew i was going to heaven i wouldent kill myself cos i know theres light at the end of the tunnel


New member
if i knew i was going to heaven i wouldent kill myself cos i know theres light at the end of the tunnel


New member
if i knew i was going to heaven i wouldent kill myself cos i know theres light at the end of the tunnel


New member
eh hem... ok, to a certain few, can we support eachother instead of attacking someone with the same diesease, but who we don't really know about at all otherwise, who's looking for help ?

but, what I really want to say is that there's been a lot of really great things said, and in addition, we're close to getting better. cures around the corner? it's always a possibility. aaand, i've been in the hospital, i've developed CFRD, shattered my hand with a basketball bc my bone density was low, struggled with my sinuses and had a major sinus surgery, been through tube feedings to gain weight, and had alot of your CF problems, but I AM HEALTHY. thanks to competetive running, probably luck, and my great family, friends, and doctors. but right now, aside from taking my pills & doing treatments (and appts, blood sugar checks...) I am living a normal life. I know not everyone with CF is so blessed, but if you do your best to keep yourself healthy, and really look at the people in your life - your family, friends... you realize how good life can be, even with CF. and this is from someone who just went to college and hates it, but it's the great relationships I have that have gotten me this far, so try to look around yourself and realize that you are a person - people love you because you are you - and you are not a disease.