why live?


New member
eh hem... ok, to a certain few, can we support eachother instead of attacking someone with the same diesease, but who we don't really know about at all otherwise, who's looking for help ?

but, what I really want to say is that there's been a lot of really great things said, and in addition, we're close to getting better. cures around the corner? it's always a possibility. aaand, i've been in the hospital, i've developed CFRD, shattered my hand with a basketball bc my bone density was low, struggled with my sinuses and had a major sinus surgery, been through tube feedings to gain weight, and had alot of your CF problems, but I AM HEALTHY. thanks to competetive running, probably luck, and my great family, friends, and doctors. but right now, aside from taking my pills & doing treatments (and appts, blood sugar checks...) I am living a normal life. I know not everyone with CF is so blessed, but if you do your best to keep yourself healthy, and really look at the people in your life - your family, friends... you realize how good life can be, even with CF. and this is from someone who just went to college and hates it, but it's the great relationships I have that have gotten me this far, so try to look around yourself and realize that you are a person - people love you because you are you - and you are not a disease.


New member
eh hem... ok, to a certain few, can we support eachother instead of attacking someone with the same diesease, but who we don't really know about at all otherwise, who's looking for help ?

but, what I really want to say is that there's been a lot of really great things said, and in addition, we're close to getting better. cures around the corner? it's always a possibility. aaand, i've been in the hospital, i've developed CFRD, shattered my hand with a basketball bc my bone density was low, struggled with my sinuses and had a major sinus surgery, been through tube feedings to gain weight, and had alot of your CF problems, but I AM HEALTHY. thanks to competetive running, probably luck, and my great family, friends, and doctors. but right now, aside from taking my pills & doing treatments (and appts, blood sugar checks...) I am living a normal life. I know not everyone with CF is so blessed, but if you do your best to keep yourself healthy, and really look at the people in your life - your family, friends... you realize how good life can be, even with CF. and this is from someone who just went to college and hates it, but it's the great relationships I have that have gotten me this far, so try to look around yourself and realize that you are a person - people love you because you are you - and you are not a disease.


New member
yo dude like what if there isnt heaven? you can't live your life to die! how about you get in the gym, lift some weights, get on a treadmill and GET HEALTHY. health dosnt just happen in CF you have to work for it. I reaed a story about a dude with CF who was in the hospital three times a month who turned his life around by becomeing a body builder. He gained 50 pounds! amazing right? My self i wrestle for college with CF, you have NOOO idea how hard that ***** is, yet i do it i have to SUCK WEIGHT! that means i gotta lose wieght while going balls to the wall at practice for two hours then can't eat afterwars. I am full of bruises. you arent getting any pity from me. i tell it like it is


New member
yo dude like what if there isnt heaven? you can't live your life to die! how about you get in the gym, lift some weights, get on a treadmill and GET HEALTHY. health dosnt just happen in CF you have to work for it. I reaed a story about a dude with CF who was in the hospital three times a month who turned his life around by becomeing a body builder. He gained 50 pounds! amazing right? My self i wrestle for college with CF, you have NOOO idea how hard that ***** is, yet i do it i have to SUCK WEIGHT! that means i gotta lose wieght while going balls to the wall at practice for two hours then can't eat afterwars. I am full of bruises. you arent getting any pity from me. i tell it like it is


New member
yo dude like what if there isnt heaven? you can't live your life to die! how about you get in the gym, lift some weights, get on a treadmill and GET HEALTHY. health dosnt just happen in CF you have to work for it. I reaed a story about a dude with CF who was in the hospital three times a month who turned his life around by becomeing a body builder. He gained 50 pounds! amazing right? My self i wrestle for college with CF, you have NOOO idea how hard that ***** is, yet i do it i have to SUCK WEIGHT! that means i gotta lose wieght while going balls to the wall at practice for two hours then can't eat afterwars. I am full of bruises. you arent getting any pity from me. i tell it like it is


New member
I never thought about that william, wrestling has gotta be really tuff for a CFer with the wieght classes since you gotta gain and loose wieght for ur class, I imagine it can be unhealthy too when you have to loose wieght really fast or sumtin.


New member
I never thought about that william, wrestling has gotta be really tuff for a CFer with the wieght classes since you gotta gain and loose wieght for ur class, I imagine it can be unhealthy too when you have to loose wieght really fast or sumtin.


New member
I never thought about that william, wrestling has gotta be really tuff for a CFer with the wieght classes since you gotta gain and loose wieght for ur class, I imagine it can be unhealthy too when you have to loose wieght really fast or sumtin.


New member
william your lucky you can do wrestling.Theres some people with cf who have problems going down to the shop cos their lungs arent in good nick.What cf we have is luck of the draw some people are mild some serious its the nature of the condition.So while you can do wrestling consider yourself lucky some people do all the treatemnt and exercise but still their health is bad you say you do sport well y
dont compare yourself with others even if some people wanted to do wrestling they physically couldent its not their fault


New member
william your lucky you can do wrestling.Theres some people with cf who have problems going down to the shop cos their lungs arent in good nick.What cf we have is luck of the draw some people are mild some serious its the nature of the condition.So while you can do wrestling consider yourself lucky some people do all the treatemnt and exercise but still their health is bad you say you do sport well y
dont compare yourself with others even if some people wanted to do wrestling they physically couldent its not their fault


New member
william your lucky you can do wrestling.Theres some people with cf who have problems going down to the shop cos their lungs arent in good nick.What cf we have is luck of the draw some people are mild some serious its the nature of the condition.So while you can do wrestling consider yourself lucky some people do all the treatemnt and exercise but still their health is bad you say you do sport well y
dont compare yourself with others even if some people wanted to do wrestling they physically couldent its not their fault


New member
Yes i agree. i now know i was out of line, i thought about what i had typed last night alot and i feel i am a jerk for saying it i apologize..but listen life is too beautiful you should suck as much as you can outta it! again i apologize.


New member
Yes i agree. i now know i was out of line, i thought about what i had typed last night alot and i feel i am a jerk for saying it i apologize..but listen life is too beautiful you should suck as much as you can outta it! again i apologize.


New member
Yes i agree. i now know i was out of line, i thought about what i had typed last night alot and i feel i am a jerk for saying it i apologize..but listen life is too beautiful you should suck as much as you can outta it! again i apologize.


New member
I don't think that was a rude comment will, you just said how you cope with ur CF, I have and always will love sports, and sports are very healthy for people with CF. If my lungs ever get to the point that I can't do sports well, I will still try, I will try and find 1 that i can handle, maybe hiking or sumtin more mild, w/e it is you are getting out there and doing something, while keepin fit at the same time.


New member
I don't think that was a rude comment will, you just said how you cope with ur CF, I have and always will love sports, and sports are very healthy for people with CF. If my lungs ever get to the point that I can't do sports well, I will still try, I will try and find 1 that i can handle, maybe hiking or sumtin more mild, w/e it is you are getting out there and doing something, while keepin fit at the same time.


New member
I don't think that was a rude comment will, you just said how you cope with ur CF, I have and always will love sports, and sports are very healthy for people with CF. If my lungs ever get to the point that I can't do sports well, I will still try, I will try and find 1 that i can handle, maybe hiking or sumtin more mild, w/e it is you are getting out there and doing something, while keepin fit at the same time.