why live?


New member
Hey CFboy,

I am so sorry to read that you feel this way, but at the same time think it is completely understandable. I went through my periods of depression in high school and even now. In high school I wanted to die - not so much for CF reasons but for basic high school angst and being picked on constantly. As for my current depression issues I often times wish I didn't have to deal with CF anymore and that I could just STOP and move on to heaven or the other side.

For me the road has been full of many MANY ups and downs - especially in recent years. I have often wanted to give up and stop - but I have discovered I am too much of a fighter. I am stubborn and refuse to give in to anyone or anything - CF included. For me though a large part of my drive to keep going is my family and the love of my life. My parents, my fiance and my friends all inspire me to keep on. Basically it comes down to my being selfish ... I want to spend as much time with them as I possibly can and if that means that I put up with CF, CF related diabetes, shortness of breath, hospitalizations every 3 months, HAVING to exercise several times a week, having to do nebs and take more pills than I can imagine then so be it. It has to be done - that is the point I have gotten too now.

I do think it is completely normal for you to feel down about life though. Our situations with CF are not ideal and are not pleasant at all times. Life at times can be a struggle to do any and everything. For me I find peace in the happy moments - in the pain free moments - and the gunk free moments. Though they may not happen often - they do still happen and that is enough for me.

As for lil1fightin4life's comment about feeling like a burden. I feel this way ALOT. I have talked about it with my family and my fiance, but I still feel like a burden alot of the time. There are just some things I can NOT do on my own, so I have to get other people to take time out of their day and away from what they are doing and it sucks and sometimes I can tell they are bothered. Then I feel bad - I feel bad that I have to bother them ... but I also feel even worse at the fact that I have no choice. It is the nature of things at times, yes it sucks but if they didn't love us they wouldn't do it.

Take Care Guys,


New member
cfboy - life isn't about what you are getting out of it, it's about what you are putting into it. You, my young friend, are already touching lives. Your life, your existance, will give others motivation. Your post, provided opportunity for others to say how they have felt, what they have experienced in their lives. coltsfan715 shared with you that she was at the same place where you are at, and probably not just once in her life. She's still here, touching lives every day - touching yours. You've made an impact on me, on karenanne99 and on CheynnesDad and others who reply or are reading your posts.

I met a girl with cf, she is the most amazing person I have ever met. She passed away 3 weeks after I met her. That was almost 30 years ago. To this day, thoughts of her still touch my life.

Cheat death, my young friends, never cheat life! You have no idea how much your life will impact another!

LiL1FiGhTiN4LiFe - marraige is typically between a man and a woman, so is divorce. There is no way that you were a cause of their breakup, but you are a casuallty. Keep fighting for life, little one.


New member
cfboy - life isn't about what you are getting out of it, it's about what you are putting into it. You, my young friend, are already touching lives. Your life, your existance, will give others motivation. Your post, provided opportunity for others to say how they have felt, what they have experienced in their lives. coltsfan715 shared with you that she was at the same place where you are at, and probably not just once in her life. She's still here, touching lives every day - touching yours. You've made an impact on me, on karenanne99 and on CheynnesDad and others who reply or are reading your posts.

I met a girl with cf, she is the most amazing person I have ever met. She passed away 3 weeks after I met her. That was almost 30 years ago. To this day, thoughts of her still touch my life.

Cheat death, my young friends, never cheat life! You have no idea how much your life will impact another!

LiL1FiGhTiN4LiFe - marraige is typically between a man and a woman, so is divorce. There is no way that you were a cause of their breakup, but you are a casuallty. Keep fighting for life, little one.


New member
cfboy - life isn't about what you are getting out of it, it's about what you are putting into it. You, my young friend, are already touching lives. Your life, your existance, will give others motivation. Your post, provided opportunity for others to say how they have felt, what they have experienced in their lives. coltsfan715 shared with you that she was at the same place where you are at, and probably not just once in her life. She's still here, touching lives every day - touching yours. You've made an impact on me, on karenanne99 and on CheynnesDad and others who reply or are reading your posts.

I met a girl with cf, she is the most amazing person I have ever met. She passed away 3 weeks after I met her. That was almost 30 years ago. To this day, thoughts of her still touch my life.

Cheat death, my young friends, never cheat life! You have no idea how much your life will impact another!

LiL1FiGhTiN4LiFe - marraige is typically between a man and a woman, so is divorce. There is no way that you were a cause of their breakup, but you are a casuallty. Keep fighting for life, little one.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dbtoo</b></i>
Cheat death, my young friends, never cheat life! You have no idea how much your life will impact another!
</end quote></div>

Beautifully said !


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dbtoo</b></i>
Cheat death, my young friends, never cheat life! You have no idea how much your life will impact another!
</end quote></div>

Beautifully said !


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dbtoo</b></i>
Cheat death, my young friends, never cheat life! You have no idea how much your life will impact another!
</end quote></div>

Beautifully said !


New member

If it makes you feel any better, most teenages feel that way at some point in their lives CF or not. You might look at other people your age and think that they are happy. The truth is, they are sometimes and they aren't sometimes, just like you. I had two friends take their life when I was in high school. They were really popular well liked girls. I'm sure they would be reall happy adults right now had they not taken their lives. Life it just tough at your age. It's hard to see how the future will be better, but it is.

It gets better as you get older, as you leave home and take more control of your own life.

As a mom of a boy with CF I'm sending you a huge hug.



New member

If it makes you feel any better, most teenages feel that way at some point in their lives CF or not. You might look at other people your age and think that they are happy. The truth is, they are sometimes and they aren't sometimes, just like you. I had two friends take their life when I was in high school. They were really popular well liked girls. I'm sure they would be reall happy adults right now had they not taken their lives. Life it just tough at your age. It's hard to see how the future will be better, but it is.

It gets better as you get older, as you leave home and take more control of your own life.

As a mom of a boy with CF I'm sending you a huge hug.



New member

If it makes you feel any better, most teenages feel that way at some point in their lives CF or not. You might look at other people your age and think that they are happy. The truth is, they are sometimes and they aren't sometimes, just like you. I had two friends take their life when I was in high school. They were really popular well liked girls. I'm sure they would be reall happy adults right now had they not taken their lives. Life it just tough at your age. It's hard to see how the future will be better, but it is.

It gets better as you get older, as you leave home and take more control of your own life.

As a mom of a boy with CF I'm sending you a huge hug.



New member
why in the world would u want to kill yourself. I mean i mite just be an 11 year old girl, but not to be rude or anything but you need to stick it up. no one wants to see u die. Life is just a big test god has given us and we are not just going to end it now. we have come to this earth to show ppl what were made of. i mean we could all just die tomorrow or the next day or the next. but you shouldn't just take it out on yourself. just let life take u were it wants u to go. Don't think about it ending, just think of it just starting. I meen u could become a famious idol or something, if you don't give up on your life.
Don't worry about if your good enough, or u're not strong enough, or if your not going to make it threw life. just think of life as a big family no one wants 2 see you or anyone else leave the world.

take my advise and just forget about all the bad things that might happen in u're life & start thinking of the good and exciting things that will happen.


New member
why in the world would u want to kill yourself. I mean i mite just be an 11 year old girl, but not to be rude or anything but you need to stick it up. no one wants to see u die. Life is just a big test god has given us and we are not just going to end it now. we have come to this earth to show ppl what were made of. i mean we could all just die tomorrow or the next day or the next. but you shouldn't just take it out on yourself. just let life take u were it wants u to go. Don't think about it ending, just think of it just starting. I meen u could become a famious idol or something, if you don't give up on your life.
Don't worry about if your good enough, or u're not strong enough, or if your not going to make it threw life. just think of life as a big family no one wants 2 see you or anyone else leave the world.

take my advise and just forget about all the bad things that might happen in u're life & start thinking of the good and exciting things that will happen.


New member
why in the world would u want to kill yourself. I mean i mite just be an 11 year old girl, but not to be rude or anything but you need to stick it up. no one wants to see u die. Life is just a big test god has given us and we are not just going to end it now. we have come to this earth to show ppl what were made of. i mean we could all just die tomorrow or the next day or the next. but you shouldn't just take it out on yourself. just let life take u were it wants u to go. Don't think about it ending, just think of it just starting. I meen u could become a famious idol or something, if you don't give up on your life.
Don't worry about if your good enough, or u're not strong enough, or if your not going to make it threw life. just think of life as a big family no one wants 2 see you or anyone else leave the world.

take my advise and just forget about all the bad things that might happen in u're life & start thinking of the good and exciting things that will happen.


New member
asking "what is the point of life" is like asking what is the point of day" day is a blessing just like life....to live life for two minutes or 10 years is much better than not getting to live at all.....Im sure if there is a heaven, once u get there u will say to urself life was actually a pretty cool thing to experience....people say ur no longer a kid the second u know ur going to have to die someday....then we have to treat life like a grown-up....and the one thing that a grown-up knows is that life is too short so live every second with no regrets and fulfill the gift of life....we wont die from CF....well just die with CF When the time comes.


New member
asking "what is the point of life" is like asking what is the point of day" day is a blessing just like life....to live life for two minutes or 10 years is much better than not getting to live at all.....Im sure if there is a heaven, once u get there u will say to urself life was actually a pretty cool thing to experience....people say ur no longer a kid the second u know ur going to have to die someday....then we have to treat life like a grown-up....and the one thing that a grown-up knows is that life is too short so live every second with no regrets and fulfill the gift of life....we wont die from CF....well just die with CF When the time comes.


New member
asking "what is the point of life" is like asking what is the point of day" day is a blessing just like life....to live life for two minutes or 10 years is much better than not getting to live at all.....Im sure if there is a heaven, once u get there u will say to urself life was actually a pretty cool thing to experience....people say ur no longer a kid the second u know ur going to have to die someday....then we have to treat life like a grown-up....and the one thing that a grown-up knows is that life is too short so live every second with no regrets and fulfill the gift of life....we wont die from CF....well just die with CF When the time comes.


We CFers have to put up with a lot curveballs that life throws our way and sometimes it will suck. We all go through those times, like I dont want to fight anymore, whats the point. But I think that we have also been given a gift. We have a strength inside of us that no 'normal' person will ever know. We were born with this disease and we are given these obstacles for some reason or another. We may not know at the time, why something is happeninng or why we feel so depresessed, but there is a reason behind everything. My big idea is that I want to inspire people. I want to be the person who is remembered for being a caring, loving person, who can persevere through the rough times. I want to inspire people and that is what keeps me going a lot of times. I want people to say, 'I wanna be like her.' I want to be a hero to someone. We have been given this gift to fight, I hope that this helps you and you can feel better. Just know that you are not alone, we all go through this and we are all here to help. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


We CFers have to put up with a lot curveballs that life throws our way and sometimes it will suck. We all go through those times, like I dont want to fight anymore, whats the point. But I think that we have also been given a gift. We have a strength inside of us that no 'normal' person will ever know. We were born with this disease and we are given these obstacles for some reason or another. We may not know at the time, why something is happeninng or why we feel so depresessed, but there is a reason behind everything. My big idea is that I want to inspire people. I want to be the person who is remembered for being a caring, loving person, who can persevere through the rough times. I want to inspire people and that is what keeps me going a lot of times. I want people to say, 'I wanna be like her.' I want to be a hero to someone. We have been given this gift to fight, I hope that this helps you and you can feel better. Just know that you are not alone, we all go through this and we are all here to help. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


We CFers have to put up with a lot curveballs that life throws our way and sometimes it will suck. We all go through those times, like I dont want to fight anymore, whats the point. But I think that we have also been given a gift. We have a strength inside of us that no 'normal' person will ever know. We were born with this disease and we are given these obstacles for some reason or another. We may not know at the time, why something is happeninng or why we feel so depresessed, but there is a reason behind everything. My big idea is that I want to inspire people. I want to be the person who is remembered for being a caring, loving person, who can persevere through the rough times. I want to inspire people and that is what keeps me going a lot of times. I want people to say, 'I wanna be like her.' I want to be a hero to someone. We have been given this gift to fight, I hope that this helps you and you can feel better. Just know that you are not alone, we all go through this and we are all here to help. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi cfboy, Why live?...Why not live?? I don't know anyone that has cf either so I'm really excited about this forum. I've never done this before and i'm 23. Anyway, back to your question. I know what you're going through, sometimes I just get tired and I don't want to fight anymore. Then again if you really think about it, it's all worth fighting for. Life has so much to offer a person with or without CF. I have accomplished so much in my life that may not seem like a big deal to most but it is to me. Just to be able to have those experiences are well worth living for. I'm now married and working on having a baby, but if I would have acted on some of my thoughts as a teenager I wouldn't be able to experience the most beautiful gift life has to offer...being a parent. I'm still not yet pregnant after a year of challenges and trying but honestly being married and just hoping for the chance to be a mom one day is enough to make me want to live. I really hope that you take into consideration just how valuable you are to this world. You have so much more to offer that alot of people. If you can just get through this tough time in your life, maybe you can be that positive person helping someone else out that is feeling the same way you are now, and the same way I once felt.