"Womens problems"


New member
I have no idea whether or not this is cf related but anything that's wrong with me is usually cf related so I thought maybe this is too.

I've had pretty much normal periods for over 2 and a half years now but since about 3 months ago I've been having them every 2 weeks and I think that is a little odd since it's never happened to me before and it hasn't stopped happening yet.

What could it be? Should I go to my GP?


New member
I have no idea whether or not this is cf related but anything that's wrong with me is usually cf related so I thought maybe this is too.

I've had pretty much normal periods for over 2 and a half years now but since about 3 months ago I've been having them every 2 weeks and I think that is a little odd since it's never happened to me before and it hasn't stopped happening yet.

What could it be? Should I go to my GP?


New member
I have no idea whether or not this is cf related but anything that's wrong with me is usually cf related so I thought maybe this is too.

I've had pretty much normal periods for over 2 and a half years now but since about 3 months ago I've been having them every 2 weeks and I think that is a little odd since it's never happened to me before and it hasn't stopped happening yet.

What could it be? Should I go to my GP?


New member
I have no idea whether or not this is cf related but anything that's wrong with me is usually cf related so I thought maybe this is too.

I've had pretty much normal periods for over 2 and a half years now but since about 3 months ago I've been having them every 2 weeks and I think that is a little odd since it's never happened to me before and it hasn't stopped happening yet.

What could it be? Should I go to my GP?


New member
I have no idea whether or not this is cf related but anything that's wrong with me is usually cf related so I thought maybe this is too.

I've had pretty much normal periods for over 2 and a half years now but since about 3 months ago I've been having them every 2 weeks and I think that is a little odd since it's never happened to me before and it hasn't stopped happening yet.

What could it be? Should I go to my GP?


New member
"Womens problems


I would suggest going to the doctor. My sister with CF had a similar problem at the age of 18. She would either get no period for months or too many too soon.

Her problem was two main factors...not enough weight and diabetes. I don't know if any of these apply to you, but maybe it helps you get direction. Actually, she was 16 when she first got her period.

She ended up being placed on the birth control pill for the next 5 years to regulate her periods. A couple of months ago, she stopped the pill since her insurance was giving her too many headaches to pay for them. She got her periods regularly for a few months than back to irregular periods again. She is skinny and her diabetes is not really under good control. Jess will mostly likely go back on the pill again. Plus, she is now getting lots of yeast and kidney infections.

Again, I would suggest going to the doctor. Your problem might be your low weight...maybe not. Diabetes is a serious consideration. Other than that are you taking antibiotics right now? Oral or IV? They also can effect your cycle too. That's all I can think of. I am the most regular girl that you will ever find, but antibiotics throw my cycles off by 2 weeks!!!

Just some ideas...Good luck!

Jenny<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems


I would suggest going to the doctor. My sister with CF had a similar problem at the age of 18. She would either get no period for months or too many too soon.

Her problem was two main factors...not enough weight and diabetes. I don't know if any of these apply to you, but maybe it helps you get direction. Actually, she was 16 when she first got her period.

She ended up being placed on the birth control pill for the next 5 years to regulate her periods. A couple of months ago, she stopped the pill since her insurance was giving her too many headaches to pay for them. She got her periods regularly for a few months than back to irregular periods again. She is skinny and her diabetes is not really under good control. Jess will mostly likely go back on the pill again. Plus, she is now getting lots of yeast and kidney infections.

Again, I would suggest going to the doctor. Your problem might be your low weight...maybe not. Diabetes is a serious consideration. Other than that are you taking antibiotics right now? Oral or IV? They also can effect your cycle too. That's all I can think of. I am the most regular girl that you will ever find, but antibiotics throw my cycles off by 2 weeks!!!

Just some ideas...Good luck!

Jenny<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems


I would suggest going to the doctor. My sister with CF had a similar problem at the age of 18. She would either get no period for months or too many too soon.

Her problem was two main factors...not enough weight and diabetes. I don't know if any of these apply to you, but maybe it helps you get direction. Actually, she was 16 when she first got her period.

She ended up being placed on the birth control pill for the next 5 years to regulate her periods. A couple of months ago, she stopped the pill since her insurance was giving her too many headaches to pay for them. She got her periods regularly for a few months than back to irregular periods again. She is skinny and her diabetes is not really under good control. Jess will mostly likely go back on the pill again. Plus, she is now getting lots of yeast and kidney infections.

Again, I would suggest going to the doctor. Your problem might be your low weight...maybe not. Diabetes is a serious consideration. Other than that are you taking antibiotics right now? Oral or IV? They also can effect your cycle too. That's all I can think of. I am the most regular girl that you will ever find, but antibiotics throw my cycles off by 2 weeks!!!

Just some ideas...Good luck!

Jenny<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems


I would suggest going to the doctor. My sister with CF had a similar problem at the age of 18. She would either get no period for months or too many too soon.

Her problem was two main factors...not enough weight and diabetes. I don't know if any of these apply to you, but maybe it helps you get direction. Actually, she was 16 when she first got her period.

She ended up being placed on the birth control pill for the next 5 years to regulate her periods. A couple of months ago, she stopped the pill since her insurance was giving her too many headaches to pay for them. She got her periods regularly for a few months than back to irregular periods again. She is skinny and her diabetes is not really under good control. Jess will mostly likely go back on the pill again. Plus, she is now getting lots of yeast and kidney infections.

Again, I would suggest going to the doctor. Your problem might be your low weight...maybe not. Diabetes is a serious consideration. Other than that are you taking antibiotics right now? Oral or IV? They also can effect your cycle too. That's all I can think of. I am the most regular girl that you will ever find, but antibiotics throw my cycles off by 2 weeks!!!

Just some ideas...Good luck!

Jenny<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems


I would suggest going to the doctor. My sister with CF had a similar problem at the age of 18. She would either get no period for months or too many too soon.

Her problem was two main factors...not enough weight and diabetes. I don't know if any of these apply to you, but maybe it helps you get direction. Actually, she was 16 when she first got her period.

She ended up being placed on the birth control pill for the next 5 years to regulate her periods. A couple of months ago, she stopped the pill since her insurance was giving her too many headaches to pay for them. She got her periods regularly for a few months than back to irregular periods again. She is skinny and her diabetes is not really under good control. Jess will mostly likely go back on the pill again. Plus, she is now getting lots of yeast and kidney infections.

Again, I would suggest going to the doctor. Your problem might be your low weight...maybe not. Diabetes is a serious consideration. Other than that are you taking antibiotics right now? Oral or IV? They also can effect your cycle too. That's all I can think of. I am the most regular girl that you will ever find, but antibiotics throw my cycles off by 2 weeks!!!

Just some ideas...Good luck!

Jenny<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems

Hmm I wasn't on any antibiotics when it happened, and now I'm just on tobramycin. My weight is pretty normal for my height and my (cf) doctor is pretty happy with it. They thought I had cfrd a while ago since I was so lazy all the time and I wasn't going to school, I never ended up having the OGTT and they all forgot about it so I forgot about it too. Although I might look into it now since you suggested it
thanks for the help!


New member
"Womens problems

Hmm I wasn't on any antibiotics when it happened, and now I'm just on tobramycin. My weight is pretty normal for my height and my (cf) doctor is pretty happy with it. They thought I had cfrd a while ago since I was so lazy all the time and I wasn't going to school, I never ended up having the OGTT and they all forgot about it so I forgot about it too. Although I might look into it now since you suggested it
thanks for the help!


New member
"Womens problems

Hmm I wasn't on any antibiotics when it happened, and now I'm just on tobramycin. My weight is pretty normal for my height and my (cf) doctor is pretty happy with it. They thought I had cfrd a while ago since I was so lazy all the time and I wasn't going to school, I never ended up having the OGTT and they all forgot about it so I forgot about it too. Although I might look into it now since you suggested it
thanks for the help!


New member
"Womens problems

Hmm I wasn't on any antibiotics when it happened, and now I'm just on tobramycin. My weight is pretty normal for my height and my (cf) doctor is pretty happy with it. They thought I had cfrd a while ago since I was so lazy all the time and I wasn't going to school, I never ended up having the OGTT and they all forgot about it so I forgot about it too. Although I might look into it now since you suggested it
thanks for the help!


New member
"Womens problems

Hmm I wasn't on any antibiotics when it happened, and now I'm just on tobramycin. My weight is pretty normal for my height and my (cf) doctor is pretty happy with it. They thought I had cfrd a while ago since I was so lazy all the time and I wasn't going to school, I never ended up having the OGTT and they all forgot about it so I forgot about it too. Although I might look into it now since you suggested it
thanks for the help!


New member
"Womens problems

You're welcome.

I would suggest getting tested for diabetes. Actually, Jess was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 9. The doctors told her that that is why she got her first period at the age of 16. Diabetes can really mess up your cycles.

I don't think the Tobramycin is your problem. I would suggest getting an A1C drawn and a glucose tolerance test. I have been borderline diabetic since I was 19 so don't fear. Weight also doesn't sound like it's the issue.

Good luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems

You're welcome.

I would suggest getting tested for diabetes. Actually, Jess was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 9. The doctors told her that that is why she got her first period at the age of 16. Diabetes can really mess up your cycles.

I don't think the Tobramycin is your problem. I would suggest getting an A1C drawn and a glucose tolerance test. I have been borderline diabetic since I was 19 so don't fear. Weight also doesn't sound like it's the issue.

Good luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems

You're welcome.

I would suggest getting tested for diabetes. Actually, Jess was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 9. The doctors told her that that is why she got her first period at the age of 16. Diabetes can really mess up your cycles.

I don't think the Tobramycin is your problem. I would suggest getting an A1C drawn and a glucose tolerance test. I have been borderline diabetic since I was 19 so don't fear. Weight also doesn't sound like it's the issue.

Good luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems

You're welcome.

I would suggest getting tested for diabetes. Actually, Jess was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 9. The doctors told her that that is why she got her first period at the age of 16. Diabetes can really mess up your cycles.

I don't think the Tobramycin is your problem. I would suggest getting an A1C drawn and a glucose tolerance test. I have been borderline diabetic since I was 19 so don't fear. Weight also doesn't sound like it's the issue.

Good luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
"Womens problems

You're welcome.

I would suggest getting tested for diabetes. Actually, Jess was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 9. The doctors told her that that is why she got her first period at the age of 16. Diabetes can really mess up your cycles.

I don't think the Tobramycin is your problem. I would suggest getting an A1C drawn and a glucose tolerance test. I have been borderline diabetic since I was 19 so don't fear. Weight also doesn't sound like it's the issue.

Good luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">