Working and Breastfeeding


New member
No one mentioned that to me... Maybe because Aquadex is the first vit I've been able to absorb really well. I wonder if it's bad for the baby while breastfeeding???


New member
No one mentioned that to me... Maybe because Aquadex is the first vit I've been able to absorb really well. I wonder if it's bad for the baby while breastfeeding???


New member
No one mentioned that to me... Maybe because Aquadex is the first vit I've been able to absorb really well. I wonder if it's bad for the baby while breastfeeding???


New member
No one mentioned that to me... Maybe because Aquadex is the first vit I've been able to absorb really well. I wonder if it's bad for the baby while breastfeeding???


New member
<br />No one mentioned that to me... Maybe because Aquadex is the first vit I've been able to absorb really well. I wonder if it's bad for the baby while breastfeeding???


New member
Jeana, I took Singulair while breastfeeding. In regards to your low supply, like others said it's a matter of supply and demand. For me it was about how often I pumped not how long I pumped for keeping my supply up. The rule of "pump as many times as the baby feeds while you are gone from him" is a great rule of thumb that you can't go wrong with.

One thing that helped me (keep in mind I'm a bit type A) was that I had my nanny write down the number of ounces my son ate each time he took a bottle. This way I knew if I was keeping up and I could see the patterns as he slowly took more and more each day. My supply rose too. After I introduced solids at 6 months I also had his daytime bottles mixed 50/50 organic formula with my breastmilk. This extended my supply of frozen breastmilk so much so I had to buy a mini Hauer freezer for the milk. At 7 months I was able to go to Punta Cana, Dominican Rep. for a week without a change in his milk schedule. I got over the saddness of pumping and dumping my precious milk down in the DR after a day :)

Man did I need a break!! I only wish I'd realized my limitations then and not endured a few more months of stress on my body.

When he was 8 months old I started working part time and he got a lot more boob time but I kept up with the 50/50 when he would go to daycare a couple of times a week. Then at 12 months I weaned him one weekend when I left to participate in the Vertex 770 clinical trial. He continued drinking the supply we had until it ran out but given the experimental nature of a drug study it made the decision to be done easy.

If you ever have questions or would like some support please don't hesitate to pm me. I'd be happy to help.


New member
Jeana, I took Singulair while breastfeeding. In regards to your low supply, like others said it's a matter of supply and demand. For me it was about how often I pumped not how long I pumped for keeping my supply up. The rule of "pump as many times as the baby feeds while you are gone from him" is a great rule of thumb that you can't go wrong with.

One thing that helped me (keep in mind I'm a bit type A) was that I had my nanny write down the number of ounces my son ate each time he took a bottle. This way I knew if I was keeping up and I could see the patterns as he slowly took more and more each day. My supply rose too. After I introduced solids at 6 months I also had his daytime bottles mixed 50/50 organic formula with my breastmilk. This extended my supply of frozen breastmilk so much so I had to buy a mini Hauer freezer for the milk. At 7 months I was able to go to Punta Cana, Dominican Rep. for a week without a change in his milk schedule. I got over the saddness of pumping and dumping my precious milk down in the DR after a day :)

Man did I need a break!! I only wish I'd realized my limitations then and not endured a few more months of stress on my body.

When he was 8 months old I started working part time and he got a lot more boob time but I kept up with the 50/50 when he would go to daycare a couple of times a week. Then at 12 months I weaned him one weekend when I left to participate in the Vertex 770 clinical trial. He continued drinking the supply we had until it ran out but given the experimental nature of a drug study it made the decision to be done easy.

If you ever have questions or would like some support please don't hesitate to pm me. I'd be happy to help.


New member
Jeana, I took Singulair while breastfeeding. In regards to your low supply, like others said it's a matter of supply and demand. For me it was about how often I pumped not how long I pumped for keeping my supply up. The rule of "pump as many times as the baby feeds while you are gone from him" is a great rule of thumb that you can't go wrong with.

One thing that helped me (keep in mind I'm a bit type A) was that I had my nanny write down the number of ounces my son ate each time he took a bottle. This way I knew if I was keeping up and I could see the patterns as he slowly took more and more each day. My supply rose too. After I introduced solids at 6 months I also had his daytime bottles mixed 50/50 organic formula with my breastmilk. This extended my supply of frozen breastmilk so much so I had to buy a mini Hauer freezer for the milk. At 7 months I was able to go to Punta Cana, Dominican Rep. for a week without a change in his milk schedule. I got over the saddness of pumping and dumping my precious milk down in the DR after a day :)

Man did I need a break!! I only wish I'd realized my limitations then and not endured a few more months of stress on my body.

When he was 8 months old I started working part time and he got a lot more boob time but I kept up with the 50/50 when he would go to daycare a couple of times a week. Then at 12 months I weaned him one weekend when I left to participate in the Vertex 770 clinical trial. He continued drinking the supply we had until it ran out but given the experimental nature of a drug study it made the decision to be done easy.

If you ever have questions or would like some support please don't hesitate to pm me. I'd be happy to help.


New member
Jeana, I took Singulair while breastfeeding. In regards to your low supply, like others said it's a matter of supply and demand. For me it was about how often I pumped not how long I pumped for keeping my supply up. The rule of "pump as many times as the baby feeds while you are gone from him" is a great rule of thumb that you can't go wrong with.

One thing that helped me (keep in mind I'm a bit type A) was that I had my nanny write down the number of ounces my son ate each time he took a bottle. This way I knew if I was keeping up and I could see the patterns as he slowly took more and more each day. My supply rose too. After I introduced solids at 6 months I also had his daytime bottles mixed 50/50 organic formula with my breastmilk. This extended my supply of frozen breastmilk so much so I had to buy a mini Hauer freezer for the milk. At 7 months I was able to go to Punta Cana, Dominican Rep. for a week without a change in his milk schedule. I got over the saddness of pumping and dumping my precious milk down in the DR after a day :)

Man did I need a break!! I only wish I'd realized my limitations then and not endured a few more months of stress on my body.

When he was 8 months old I started working part time and he got a lot more boob time but I kept up with the 50/50 when he would go to daycare a couple of times a week. Then at 12 months I weaned him one weekend when I left to participate in the Vertex 770 clinical trial. He continued drinking the supply we had until it ran out but given the experimental nature of a drug study it made the decision to be done easy.

If you ever have questions or would like some support please don't hesitate to pm me. I'd be happy to help.


New member
Jeana, I took Singulair while breastfeeding. In regards to your low supply, like others said it's a matter of supply and demand. For me it was about how often I pumped not how long I pumped for keeping my supply up. The rule of "pump as many times as the baby feeds while you are gone from him" is a great rule of thumb that you can't go wrong with.
<br />
<br />One thing that helped me (keep in mind I'm a bit type A) was that I had my nanny write down the number of ounces my son ate each time he took a bottle. This way I knew if I was keeping up and I could see the patterns as he slowly took more and more each day. My supply rose too. After I introduced solids at 6 months I also had his daytime bottles mixed 50/50 organic formula with my breastmilk. This extended my supply of frozen breastmilk so much so I had to buy a mini Hauer freezer for the milk. At 7 months I was able to go to Punta Cana, Dominican Rep. for a week without a change in his milk schedule. I got over the saddness of pumping and dumping my precious milk down in the DR after a day :)
<br />
<br />Man did I need a break!! I only wish I'd realized my limitations then and not endured a few more months of stress on my body.
<br />
<br />When he was 8 months old I started working part time and he got a lot more boob time but I kept up with the 50/50 when he would go to daycare a couple of times a week. Then at 12 months I weaned him one weekend when I left to participate in the Vertex 770 clinical trial. He continued drinking the supply we had until it ran out but given the experimental nature of a drug study it made the decision to be done easy.
<br />
<br />If you ever have questions or would like some support please don't hesitate to pm me. I'd be happy to help.


New member
Oh and do not let your breasts get engorged. Please avoid mastitis at all costs. I have had MRSA in my lungs ever since I got mastitis when my son was 10 days old.


New member
Oh and do not let your breasts get engorged. Please avoid mastitis at all costs. I have had MRSA in my lungs ever since I got mastitis when my son was 10 days old.


New member
Oh and do not let your breasts get engorged. Please avoid mastitis at all costs. I have had MRSA in my lungs ever since I got mastitis when my son was 10 days old.


New member
Oh and do not let your breasts get engorged. Please avoid mastitis at all costs. I have had MRSA in my lungs ever since I got mastitis when my son was 10 days old.


New member
Oh and do not let your breasts get engorged. Please avoid mastitis at all costs. I have had MRSA in my lungs ever since I got mastitis when my son was 10 days old.


New member
LouLou--Thanks for all of the advice. I plan to breastfeed only until Alex is 6 months and then let him finish up with any extra frozen milk, because at that point I'd like to get back on the Aztrenom study. (not sure if I spelled it right) Anyway, when I was on the study my cultures did not come back with PA, so they took me off of the drug, and I actually stayed PA free for about a year. Well, I already have MRSA, but I do hope to avoid my breasts getting engorged. OUCH!

Jenn--I did some research about the Vitamin A, and now I'm a little freaked out. A breastfeeding mother is supposed to get approximately 4330 IU of Vitamin A a day. Two Aquadex a day (the dose I take) contains 36,334 IU. Betacarotene (which is what 92% of the Vit A in Aquadex is) is supposed to be safer, but that dose is still almost 9 times what I need. It is unknown exactly how much passes to the breastfed baby. Still, I think I will start taking only 1 Aquadex a day instead of 2. What do you think? Or shoud I call my CF doc? The only thing is that he is not about what's in the best interest of the baby, only what is in my best interest.


New member
LouLou--Thanks for all of the advice. I plan to breastfeed only until Alex is 6 months and then let him finish up with any extra frozen milk, because at that point I'd like to get back on the Aztrenom study. (not sure if I spelled it right) Anyway, when I was on the study my cultures did not come back with PA, so they took me off of the drug, and I actually stayed PA free for about a year. Well, I already have MRSA, but I do hope to avoid my breasts getting engorged. OUCH!

Jenn--I did some research about the Vitamin A, and now I'm a little freaked out. A breastfeeding mother is supposed to get approximately 4330 IU of Vitamin A a day. Two Aquadex a day (the dose I take) contains 36,334 IU. Betacarotene (which is what 92% of the Vit A in Aquadex is) is supposed to be safer, but that dose is still almost 9 times what I need. It is unknown exactly how much passes to the breastfed baby. Still, I think I will start taking only 1 Aquadex a day instead of 2. What do you think? Or shoud I call my CF doc? The only thing is that he is not about what's in the best interest of the baby, only what is in my best interest.


New member
LouLou--Thanks for all of the advice. I plan to breastfeed only until Alex is 6 months and then let him finish up with any extra frozen milk, because at that point I'd like to get back on the Aztrenom study. (not sure if I spelled it right) Anyway, when I was on the study my cultures did not come back with PA, so they took me off of the drug, and I actually stayed PA free for about a year. Well, I already have MRSA, but I do hope to avoid my breasts getting engorged. OUCH!

Jenn--I did some research about the Vitamin A, and now I'm a little freaked out. A breastfeeding mother is supposed to get approximately 4330 IU of Vitamin A a day. Two Aquadex a day (the dose I take) contains 36,334 IU. Betacarotene (which is what 92% of the Vit A in Aquadex is) is supposed to be safer, but that dose is still almost 9 times what I need. It is unknown exactly how much passes to the breastfed baby. Still, I think I will start taking only 1 Aquadex a day instead of 2. What do you think? Or shoud I call my CF doc? The only thing is that he is not about what's in the best interest of the baby, only what is in my best interest.


New member
LouLou--Thanks for all of the advice. I plan to breastfeed only until Alex is 6 months and then let him finish up with any extra frozen milk, because at that point I'd like to get back on the Aztrenom study. (not sure if I spelled it right) Anyway, when I was on the study my cultures did not come back with PA, so they took me off of the drug, and I actually stayed PA free for about a year. Well, I already have MRSA, but I do hope to avoid my breasts getting engorged. OUCH!

Jenn--I did some research about the Vitamin A, and now I'm a little freaked out. A breastfeeding mother is supposed to get approximately 4330 IU of Vitamin A a day. Two Aquadex a day (the dose I take) contains 36,334 IU. Betacarotene (which is what 92% of the Vit A in Aquadex is) is supposed to be safer, but that dose is still almost 9 times what I need. It is unknown exactly how much passes to the breastfed baby. Still, I think I will start taking only 1 Aquadex a day instead of 2. What do you think? Or shoud I call my CF doc? The only thing is that he is not about what's in the best interest of the baby, only what is in my best interest.


New member
LouLou--Thanks for all of the advice. I plan to breastfeed only until Alex is 6 months and then let him finish up with any extra frozen milk, because at that point I'd like to get back on the Aztrenom study. (not sure if I spelled it right) Anyway, when I was on the study my cultures did not come back with PA, so they took me off of the drug, and I actually stayed PA free for about a year. Well, I already have MRSA, but I do hope to avoid my breasts getting engorged. OUCH!
<br />
<br />Jenn--I did some research about the Vitamin A, and now I'm a little freaked out. A breastfeeding mother is supposed to get approximately 4330 IU of Vitamin A a day. Two Aquadex a day (the dose I take) contains 36,334 IU. Betacarotene (which is what 92% of the Vit A in Aquadex is) is supposed to be safer, but that dose is still almost 9 times what I need. It is unknown exactly how much passes to the breastfed baby. Still, I think I will start taking only 1 Aquadex a day instead of 2. What do you think? Or shoud I call my CF doc? The only thing is that he is not about what's in the best interest of the baby, only what is in my best interest.