There are so many options when someone is looking into having their own in home business. I believe that the number one thing to be successful with your home business is you need to be PASSIONATE about it. If you do not believe in it and you are not passionate about it-it will be very hard to be successful.
Just to add to the thread-I have also had a huge response in regards to what I do for a business. Just to make it short: I have an online travel website where anyone can book their travel needs just like they would with Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity, etc. Instead of giving your money to the big companies, I am making 60% of the commisions that are paid by the vendors that people are booking with on my site.
The best part of it...I determine how much I can work. Not someone else. If my son needs to go to Children's Hospital for awhile for a tune up...I am there. I am also providing an income for my family. I used to work in a call center environment before this. I brought home germs with me (even though I tried to be very careful), I was always worried about my time off and I was barely helping ends meet.
There are lots of options for you. If a company has an up front cost-you should research it more...however, just because there is an up front cost does not automatically deem it a scam. In most cases, like Mary Kay, or Your Travel Biz (my company) you are purchasing a company that is now yours. Look on the BBB site, etc. I was very leary of joining my company...but now...I owe it to everyone to tell them about it because it has changed our lives for the better.
Here is my information: (company info site)
1 son 22 mos old w/CF Caleb