working mom of a cf child


New member
I really enjoyed talking to you Emily,
thanks. I"ts time for me to go as my boys are home from school, so time to start cooking etc.
I check in on the forum regularly so I"ll keep an eye out for any messages,.

Thanks again Sally


New member
Amy - you completely disgust me. I DO NOT have a choice, I HAVE to work. If I didn't, I would be at home with my kids. If I don't work, my kids DON'T have health care and therefore will get VERY VERY sick. Boy, wouldn't that make me a great mom. I have many more comments I would like to make to you, but you are not worth my time!!!!!!!


New member
i dont see any kind of problem in putting a kid in daycare as long as the hours the parents working hours arent ridiculous. if you are working way more than the standard 38 hours a week then you would have to take a serious look at the conesequences of doing that. although my mum was a stay at home mum, she sent us all to kindy and pre primary. i can honestly say we all loved it there! not to mention it made the transition into primary school alot easier because everyone had already made friends with the same people in pre primary. it would be pretty boring being glued to your mums side all day, i used to get grumpy if i stayed home all day. but by no means should a child be stuck in daycare 24/7 because the novelty will wear off pretty quick for the kid, and there is no way you want to come home from work to a grumpy kid.