WOW!!!! whats going on?


New member
Wow i only missed 1 day of reading the forums and i feel like i
missed a year!!!!! I think we need to be more supportive in some
things. Just my opinion. What about people visiting this site? Do
you think they will want to come back?! Sorry if i make anyone mad
but i think we should offer support not criticism.


New member
I agree on the support thing also. I've said it in the past and ill repeat it again now, we are all in this cf fight together, and we all need each other. Just like in the animal kingdow there will always be one who thinks they should be superior and can not seem to take a long hard look at themselves and realize they arent as big as they think. But with age comes wisdom and maybe they will learn as time goes on, if they have nothing nice to say, then say nothing. I hope everyone can get along today, and remember we are all here for a reason other than to argue .
P.s. Your little Zoey is just ADORABLE !!


New member
Thanx!!! I know when i first started on here it took a while before
i would post anything for fear of criticism. Im just saying i think
we should think before we speak!!!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Zoey7206</b></i>

Im just saying i think
we should think before we speak!!!!</end quote></div>

hmmmmmmmm where did i hear that before............LOL
you are right , even i am guilty of having made a post and later regretting it.


New member
I think everyone makes posts they wish they could take back and usually you don't realize it until you get a response from someone that took it the wrong way. That's the problem with the written word, it is often up to interpretation.

I also think that sometimes people's opinions are taken as criticisms then people get defensive and things spiral out of control.

Things calm down eventually.


New member
I agree with claudette, posting on a forum as opposed to having a phone or in person conversation leaves a lot to be desired because you simply can't 'hear' or 'see' in addition to the communication. A lot of things are posted with good intentions, only to be misread or taken the wrong way. Of course, there are the times when it's read just as it is... and I'll be the first to admit I've posted things that I've later regretted or that I was thinking in my head one way but they came out another way. An aplogy is the best remedy for that one and I've made my fair share on this forum....

The thing is, this board goes like this in cycles. It's like a family. We have a huge disagreement, hopefully no name calling goes on (this fight has been the most civil I've seen in years on this board <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">) but feelings do get hurt, and unnecessairly so. Then it's kind of forgotten about until the next time we have an arguement. Doesn't make it right, but it sure does happen and I don't think any amount of pleading for it to stop will work.

Hope you understand what I'm trying to say, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just share my experience of my few years on this forum. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
*sigh*  People are going to disagree, bottom line.  Not
everyone thinks the same way, and that's just the way it is.
 I do think its awfully funny how people with opinions that
might not be 'happpy-go-lucky' are attacked for the way they see
things, and get ridiculed as being 'negative' and not supportive.
 It seems that if you have anything besides warm fuzzy
feelings to share, your opinion doesn't matter and you're
automatically 'flaming' the other person, when in reality it's more
often than not the people who disagree that are the ones getting
If we're talking about being supportive and being 'fair', it really
doesn't seem that way to me...let's try to look at things from the
other side of the spectrum, then, shall we?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>It's like a family. We have a huge disagreement, hopefully no name calling goes on (this fight has been the most civil I've seen in years on this board ) but feelings do get hurt, and unnecessairly so. Then it's kind of forgotten about until the next time we have an arguement. </end quote></div>

hahhaa. Me and some of the other "oldies" were just tlaking about that last night, how a lot of newer people were saying there was so much attacking, and we all thought it was civil, heated, but civil. Nothing I wouldn't say to someone's face. If you want to see attacks, find some of the old fights. Vintage attacking. haha. Sorry, just found that funny that we who have been here a while are so used to it.


New member
Why is it that someone always has to come on and say "wow, we should all get along." ?? It's just sort of funny that someone always does this.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Allie</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>It's like a family. We have a huge disagreement, hopefully no name calling goes on (this fight has been the most civil I've seen in years on this board ) but feelings do get hurt, and unnecessairly so. Then it's kind of forgotten about until the next time we have an arguement. </end quote></div>

hahhaa. Me and some of the other "oldies" were just tlaking about that last night, how a lot of newer people were saying there was so much attacking, and we all thought it was civil, heated, but civil. Nothing I wouldn't say to someone's face. If you want to see attacks, find some of the old fights. Vintage attacking. haha. Sorry, just found that funny that we who have been here a while are so used to it.</end quote></div>

hahahah. Ya. This is nothing. That's why it's so funny.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Zoey7206</b></i>

Wow i only missed 1 day of reading the forums and i feel like i
missed a year!!!!! I think we need to be more supportive in some
things. Just my opinion. What about people visiting this site? Do
you think they will want to come back?! Sorry if i make anyone mad
but i think we should offer support not criticism.</end quote></div>

May I ask what this is referring to?

GORGEOUS baby, btw!!!!


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
This thread~I believe.


New member
Geez Sonia, you missed all of the action <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

How old is Zoe? She is so beautiful and alert. I just want to hold her...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFHockeyMom</b></i> I think everyone
makes posts they wish they could take back and usually you don't
realize it until you get a response from someone that took it the
wrong way. That's the problem with the written word, it is often up
to interpretation. I also think that sometimes people's opinions
are taken as criticisms then people get defensive and things spiral
out of control. Things calm down eventually.</end quote></div><br>
uhhh...yeahhh....DITO...Man did I wish I could have taken a post
for a new thread back the other day... You guys really missed out
on that comment/thread!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">