*you pop Cipro like it's candy
*your boyfriend calls you a robot because you breath out of a futuristic device and your fridge is stocked with things labeled "Genentech" and "Biohazard"
*you consider yourself a vegetarian, except for the hamster ovaries in Pulmozyme
*you once chugged cough syrup during a coughing fit and then got a mad buzz at school
*when you go to Europe, your mom encourages you to smuggle as much codeine cough syrup back as possible because you can get it without a perscription there
*when you were little, your little brother used to make fun of you for saying you had "DF"
*when you were little you got a rush when you and your CF friends got to share pills...before you had never gotten to share pills with anyone else
*your mom freaked out when you were little and the Dr. suggested they put you on steriods
*your parents used to beat you when you were little (get it?)
har har har!