You guys are NOT going to believe this


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Thank you everyone for your wonderful responses, I am so grateful to have this site for all this support, sharing the good news and some of the struggles that we all have sometimes. We definately got bang for our buck. Maybe we should have invested in stocks or something, the return on our investment was greater than we ever expected <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Mark and I are still overwhelmed. I got out of bed this morning and asked him, "so triplets is it, it wasn't a dream". He rolled over and pulled the covers over his head. I immediately knew it was no dream. We definately feel like we wouldn't have been given this gift if we couldn't handle it (exactly how we are going to handle it, we're not sure yet <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">) but sometimes I wonder if God picked the wrong Mark and Julie living in Washington to undertake this experience. Oh well, we've been picked now.

I am excited, I always wanted 2-3 kids (JUST not at once!!!!!!) and I always love challenges but at the same time, I am very very scared, nervous, worrying about the future.... I know it will all work out, it always does. But it's so difficult not to worry. I know this might sound bad to some, and I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything because I am SO far from that feeling but it's a bittersweet feeling. Joy mixed with fear, mixed with anxiety mixed with excitement, and then some nausea in there somewhere.....very bittersweet.

I am so grateful for all of you, that I can just come here and write about what is going on and write about my joys,concerns and feras and everyone listens and is supportive. I love you guys, really I do!! You've been with us since day one of this journey and we'll keep the updates coming!!!


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Don't worry Julie. I know you guys can handle it. You've been through so much, and of course will go through much more during pregnancy and after delivery (Yowza - 3 kids at once!). But you guys are tough - you'll handle it just fine!


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Hey Julie.

I just had this thought reading your last post. I know having 3 kids wouldn't be bad if you didn't have them at the same time because you could reuse some things .. like cribs, strollers and so on. That got me to this thought. I know here in town (Jacksonville, FL) they have some baby stores that sell pre-used strollers or cribs. They are reputable places and clean - but a thought was maybe you could check into that. I know new may sound better because the stuff hasn't been in someone else home with someone else germs, but if you can find a reputable place there maybe be some stuff that you could attain that way instead of having to fork out major money for brand spankin new stuff.

Jennifers idea was great too about writing letters to companies, local news networks and stuff. I wouldn't have thought of that personally but I am sure there are companies out there willing to help. Also if you talk to your local CFF chapter they may be able to help hook you guys up with companies that donate goods and services to the CFF for different fund raising things, like even though it seems silly hair cuts for you while you are pregnant - any money you don't have to spend is helpful - Gift certificates for food, clothes, baby supplies. I would definitely contact the local CF Chapter if there is one near you because if people donate to them they are aware of CF and they would probably be willing to help if they are able.

Best of luck to you and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure it will work out fine.

It is in moments/situations such as this that you find out what you are made of, and I am sure that you and Mark have been built strong enough to handle everything that is coming, even if it seems to hard just sit down, rest, breathe, tighten a few loose screws *we all have them occassionally* and you will be ready to go for the next few steps - then do it all over again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">.


*** editted to add ~~ In the even that you haven't thought of this ~~ Make sure to send baby announcements to everyone you know -- Mark's and your Doctors' offices and every family member, friend or acquiantance if you have their mailing address. You would be surprised the number of people that would send something be it money or a baby gift if they know you and the situation you are in. I know my pediatric drs. office told me to make sure to send a wedding announcement when we set a date because even if they can't go there is no reason they can't send a gift or money or something. Sometimes ya don't think of doctor's offices or healthcare providers when it comes to that stuff.


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2 of our local churches "rent" cribs, car seats, strollers out to people. If you dont have enough money to rent them, they will loan them free of charge. It is all based on the honor system, but its something to look into also.


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I have one Son and I know how Wonderful Fatherhood is.

Way to Gooo Mark & Julie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark , I hope You have a supplier For the Ice ream and Pickles , lol

Brad from Cf Chat 2


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WOOOOOO.............. I read your post and got tears and goose bumps!!! Wow, I know how looking at those ultra sounds are and I couldn't imagine that news! That is a great blessing!

Take Care

Angie- fourkidsmom


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I always said a multiple birth would have been the only way I would have had more than one kid. After I got my daughter to age 5 I just didn't have it in me to do it again.

How nice you'll have them all at once when you're young enough to be able to deal. And with 3 I bet lots of your friends and family will help because they will just KNOW that you need it.


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Congratulations!! I did not see this one coming. When you guys do something, yall do it in a big way. Now with triplets....mark has to agree to see what the genders are, two boys and a girl...two girls and a boy. Either way, its exciting. Please keep us updated. Congratulations again...and get some rest, lots of rest. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Here it comes...."So, did you get a 3 for one deal on the Ultrasound?"...couldn't resist that!
Most definitely, God gave you quite a challenge!! The fact that Mark seems so healthy and soon to graduate, may just be good timing to start supporting the family (perhaps with some G. services to help?).
So, you guys think of names, already? Good thing is if you couldn't decide what to name no. 2, you can give one of the names to no. I guess one will be called Sean, and the other Fred. Of course they can be unisex names!! However, if you name the first one Jennifer, and it's a boy, it's gonna be one tough Jen!
As mentioned, congradulations! I'm sure God has his plans, and bringing up 3 is part of it!!

Well, while I got your attention anyway, I had the weirdest dream last night--must've been from monitoring your posts--my dream was that I woke up (in the dream), and Yuka had a baby girl...It was that fast!!
The thing isn't what happened in the dream, but how I felt about it in the dream. I must be hoping for a daughter, or it probably would have been a boy, or I wouldn't have known the sex in my dream. As the thought to the fact that I was a father was slowling sinking into me, two other thoughts that came up was that I was willing to accept the challenge, despite my age. The other thing was, that it was something I couldn't do with the ex-wife because she didn't want an offspring from me (Should've divorced her at that time!) and have the now wife giving an offspring felt like an accomplishment for me.
However, after waking up, I was kind of disturbed that having a baby won't be so easy for me...


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OOOOHHH MYY GOSHHHH!!!! I know JUST how you feel girl!! We thought we had three at first and then one just didn't grow out, so we've been through ALL the emotions and fears and anxieties of thinking about three babies!! It WILL work out though!! Just make sure you enjoy every minute you can and REST and TAKE IT EASY!! You can go to your search bar on the internet too and type in something like free stuff for multiples and there are lots of companies that will give like a years supply of diapers and formula and just all sorts of free stuff to parents of multiples....usually anything above twins....we checked into it and at the time we had the twins it was pampers, johnson and johnson, and companies that are big names. Make sure you call around to local stores like toys r us and babies r us and if they don't do anything locally email the company on the internet. Most of the time companies are great about that sort of thing. Please email me with ANYTHING at all!! Jeremy's doing better and is home, so I have a little more free time for now. JUST EMAIL!!

Take care,
I haven't been around much, and I usually don't post that often, but I've been following most of your story and I am SO HAPPY for you guys. I know with everything that you guys have gone through to get to where you are now, I know you will be able to get through having three kids. I thought the idea of writing to places like pampers and talking to your local CFF chapter was a great idea. Congrats to you guys! You deserve much happiness.


New member
Julie and Mark...what can I say that hasnt been said? are going to have so much cant believe it....congrats to you both.....


Hah! Look what happens when I'm not around.
But seriously congrats Julie and Mark!
That's just too awesome.
Oh My 3 babies! You are going to be pretty busy! CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! Thats gotta be insane! I would die if i knew i was having 2 kids then all of a sudden 3!!! WHOO! YAY for u! <3


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Holy cow!!!! This is crazy! Hey, if you need anything I'm near by so let me know. You're going to look like a beach ball with legs....hehehe! Seriously though, this is exciting, when you guys do something you don't mess around!


I haven't officially been on this site for long, but I've certainly
been following your story for a some time now. So, it gives me
great pleasure to say.................Congratulations to you
both!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's really good news !


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CONGRATULATIONS JULIE AND MARK!!! I'm so happy for you guys. What a blessing. I know that you both can handle whatever comes along.

Double lung tx 11.11.04


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Wow!! Congratulations Julie<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I have a few Canada when a couple have multiples the government pays 5000$ when the babies are born. Is there anything like this in the U.S.A.?

I surely hope you are off of work...carying 3 babies should qualify you as HIGH risk. Your job should have some kind of salary insurance I hope.

I am curious in the States how it works ... usually we put our patients in the hospital on bed rest around week 28. How is it going to work for you? If the babies need to be in the NICU for a few weeks ( no panicking here...standard usually for triplets due to low birth weight/ and usually one is smaller than the others). Do you have insurance...does the government pay?

Good Luck
Made in Canada<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>EmilysMom</b></i>

OH MY GOD! I would be bouncing around in a rubber room! !!<img src=""><img src=""><img src=""></end quote></div>

ummm....if you would have seen Julie after we found out the news you would have seen someone that SHOULD had been in a padded room, I was not sure if I should drive her to her mother house or the local mental hospital LOL
