You know you're a CF mom\dad\parent when......


New member
You know all the parking attendants at the hospital by name.

You've called poison control to see if Pancreatic Enzymes are poisonous for dogs.

You dance around the house doing "poundies" while singing the song entitled, "beat the baby, beat the baby!"

Even your neighbors know more about CF than most doctors.

No one can blame you for having bacon and icecream in the freezer.

When other moms complain about their kids hating to take their medicine, you feel like saying, "that sugary syrup? Try Ferrous Sulfate or Zinc!"

When you show up at the pharmacy to pick up your birth control pills, the pharmacist yells from behind the counter, "How's that laxative working." And he is the only one at Rite Aid who knows its regarding the baby.

You put avocado or peanut butter on everything.

And finally, you know you're a mom of a baby with CF when at the end of the day you can honestly say, "I enjoyed every moment!"


New member
You know all the parking attendants at the hospital by name.

You've called poison control to see if Pancreatic Enzymes are poisonous for dogs.

You dance around the house doing "poundies" while singing the song entitled, "beat the baby, beat the baby!"

Even your neighbors know more about CF than most doctors.

No one can blame you for having bacon and icecream in the freezer.

When other moms complain about their kids hating to take their medicine, you feel like saying, "that sugary syrup? Try Ferrous Sulfate or Zinc!"

When you show up at the pharmacy to pick up your birth control pills, the pharmacist yells from behind the counter, "How's that laxative working." And he is the only one at Rite Aid who knows its regarding the baby.

You put avocado or peanut butter on everything.

And finally, you know you're a mom of a baby with CF when at the end of the day you can honestly say, "I enjoyed every moment!"


New member
You speak in so many acronyms, friends wonder if you are trying to invent a new morse code,
You could pass the NCLEX without ever steppin foot in a classroom,
Even the dog knows what Purell is for,
You can read doctor's handwriting,
Your other kids want the Beep, Beep, Beeps (CPT)<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
You speak in so many acronyms, friends wonder if you are trying to invent a new morse code,
You could pass the NCLEX without ever steppin foot in a classroom,
Even the dog knows what Purell is for,
You can read doctor's handwriting,
Your other kids want the Beep, Beep, Beeps (CPT)<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
You speak in so many acronyms, friends wonder if you are trying to invent a new morse code,
You could pass the NCLEX without ever steppin foot in a classroom,
Even the dog knows what Purell is for,
You can read doctor's handwriting,
Your other kids want the Beep, Beep, Beeps (CPT)<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
The majority of your cell phone contacts are doctors phone numbers.

You about need a separate room just for all the medications, IV pole, tubs of port supplies/ G-ube supplies, etc., looks like a medical supply facilty.

You carry applesauce/enzymes and a spoon with you every where you go. That is the first thing you make sure you have with you other than your child.

On show and tell day your son has all the things that none of the other kids have even heard of. He recently took the "Vest" for the letter V. (they thought that was way cool....)

Grandma has a spare of everything for when your cf'er stays the night.

Your counter consists of masks, neb's drying out daily. Along with the bottles to clean the nose for sinuses, and the bottle to clean the G-tube.

Your six year old knows more terms about Cf than your extended family.

You feel like you are a doctor, nurse, dietician, respitory therapist and phychiatrist all without going to college for it. (and not getting paid for it)

Most parents of kids without CF would be uptight with having certain tests performed. We are more relaxed with it all.

You could drive yourself to the doctor asleep, not paying attention, and its 2 hours one way.

You have your own special parking spot at the hospital and doctors office. I am thinking of putting my sons name there.

Everyone at your insurance company knows you by name and knows you cf'er.

You've maxed out your million dollar life time limit a couple of times with your previous insurance companies.

You have to be very strict with your time, because you have to get in all the med's and breathing treatments etc.,

You avoid places that have smokers because you don't want your cf'er to breath the smoke.

You carry hand sanitizer everywhere, your purse, van, kitchen, bookbag.

I hope I didn't repeat any of the previous ones. I love this post, some of the others I just laughed and knew exactly what they were saying.



New member
The majority of your cell phone contacts are doctors phone numbers.

You about need a separate room just for all the medications, IV pole, tubs of port supplies/ G-ube supplies, etc., looks like a medical supply facilty.

You carry applesauce/enzymes and a spoon with you every where you go. That is the first thing you make sure you have with you other than your child.

On show and tell day your son has all the things that none of the other kids have even heard of. He recently took the "Vest" for the letter V. (they thought that was way cool....)

Grandma has a spare of everything for when your cf'er stays the night.

Your counter consists of masks, neb's drying out daily. Along with the bottles to clean the nose for sinuses, and the bottle to clean the G-tube.

Your six year old knows more terms about Cf than your extended family.

You feel like you are a doctor, nurse, dietician, respitory therapist and phychiatrist all without going to college for it. (and not getting paid for it)

Most parents of kids without CF would be uptight with having certain tests performed. We are more relaxed with it all.

You could drive yourself to the doctor asleep, not paying attention, and its 2 hours one way.

You have your own special parking spot at the hospital and doctors office. I am thinking of putting my sons name there.

Everyone at your insurance company knows you by name and knows you cf'er.

You've maxed out your million dollar life time limit a couple of times with your previous insurance companies.

You have to be very strict with your time, because you have to get in all the med's and breathing treatments etc.,

You avoid places that have smokers because you don't want your cf'er to breath the smoke.

You carry hand sanitizer everywhere, your purse, van, kitchen, bookbag.

I hope I didn't repeat any of the previous ones. I love this post, some of the others I just laughed and knew exactly what they were saying.



New member
The majority of your cell phone contacts are doctors phone numbers.

You about need a separate room just for all the medications, IV pole, tubs of port supplies/ G-ube supplies, etc., looks like a medical supply facilty.

You carry applesauce/enzymes and a spoon with you every where you go. That is the first thing you make sure you have with you other than your child.

On show and tell day your son has all the things that none of the other kids have even heard of. He recently took the "Vest" for the letter V. (they thought that was way cool....)

Grandma has a spare of everything for when your cf'er stays the night.

Your counter consists of masks, neb's drying out daily. Along with the bottles to clean the nose for sinuses, and the bottle to clean the G-tube.

Your six year old knows more terms about Cf than your extended family.

You feel like you are a doctor, nurse, dietician, respitory therapist and phychiatrist all without going to college for it. (and not getting paid for it)

Most parents of kids without CF would be uptight with having certain tests performed. We are more relaxed with it all.

You could drive yourself to the doctor asleep, not paying attention, and its 2 hours one way.

You have your own special parking spot at the hospital and doctors office. I am thinking of putting my sons name there.

Everyone at your insurance company knows you by name and knows you cf'er.

You've maxed out your million dollar life time limit a couple of times with your previous insurance companies.

You have to be very strict with your time, because you have to get in all the med's and breathing treatments etc.,

You avoid places that have smokers because you don't want your cf'er to breath the smoke.

You carry hand sanitizer everywhere, your purse, van, kitchen, bookbag.

I hope I didn't repeat any of the previous ones. I love this post, some of the others I just laughed and knew exactly what they were saying.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>On show and tell day your son has all the things that none of the other kids have even heard of. He recently took the "Vest" for the letter V. (they thought that was way cool....) </end quote></div>

That is so funny!! My 5 yr old took his "vest" for V show n tell day too!!!

You run around telling anyone who will listen that your 5 year old can now swallow his enzymes (and 2 at the same time) and that you will no longer have to buy applesauce in bulk!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>On show and tell day your son has all the things that none of the other kids have even heard of. He recently took the "Vest" for the letter V. (they thought that was way cool....) </end quote></div>

That is so funny!! My 5 yr old took his "vest" for V show n tell day too!!!

You run around telling anyone who will listen that your 5 year old can now swallow his enzymes (and 2 at the same time) and that you will no longer have to buy applesauce in bulk!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>On show and tell day your son has all the things that none of the other kids have even heard of. He recently took the "Vest" for the letter V. (they thought that was way cool....) </end quote></div>

That is so funny!! My 5 yr old took his "vest" for V show n tell day too!!!

You run around telling anyone who will listen that your 5 year old can now swallow his enzymes (and 2 at the same time) and that you will no longer have to buy applesauce in bulk!!


Staff member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jendonl</b></i>

You know you're a CF parent when you promise your child more broccoli if she'll eat more cake.</end quote></div>

Got one of those, too! The other night I had to hide the raw veggies at dinner because I KNEW he'd only want to eat those once he saw them. We tell him, NO, they're for dessert!


Staff member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jendonl</b></i>

You know you're a CF parent when you promise your child more broccoli if she'll eat more cake.</end quote></div>

Got one of those, too! The other night I had to hide the raw veggies at dinner because I KNEW he'd only want to eat those once he saw them. We tell him, NO, they're for dessert!


Staff member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jendonl</b></i>

You know you're a CF parent when you promise your child more broccoli if she'll eat more cake.</end quote></div>

Got one of those, too! The other night I had to hide the raw veggies at dinner because I KNEW he'd only want to eat those once he saw them. We tell him, NO, they're for dessert!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jendonl</b></i>

You know you're a CF parent when you promise your child more broccoli if she'll eat more cake.</end quote></div>

Got one of those, too! The other night I had to hide the raw veggies at dinner because I KNEW he'd only want to eat those once he saw them. We tell him, NO, they're for dessert!</end quote></div>

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jendonl</b></i>

You know you're a CF parent when you promise your child more broccoli if she'll eat more cake.</end quote></div>

Got one of those, too! The other night I had to hide the raw veggies at dinner because I KNEW he'd only want to eat those once he saw them. We tell him, NO, they're for dessert!</end quote></div>

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jendonl</b></i>

You know you're a CF parent when you promise your child more broccoli if she'll eat more cake.</end quote></div>

Got one of those, too! The other night I had to hide the raw veggies at dinner because I KNEW he'd only want to eat those once he saw them. We tell him, NO, they're for dessert!</end quote></div>

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!