You'll all like this.


New member
I don't have that fatalistic mentality, I will not accept that. I plan on living a long and healthy life. I never thought of myself as having a fatal disease until I starting reading this board. I always did my meds w/o any depression or "why me" attitude, I have never called in sick from work or school because of CF.

Maybe I am in the minority in this day and age in that I actually believe I can do anything and if I don't, I look for improvement from within. Society concedes to fatalism today so people like me are laughed at for striving for perfection. I guess I am too old fashioned.

As for as CF being a Progressive disease. It seems to be a regressive disease for me. You can laugh, but know I remain optimistic at whatever crap gets thrown at me. I was admitted for the first and only time in 2000 (although I wasn't sick) and I made it my mission to never get admitted again.

Optimism, some American President personified that doctrine. He was someone to look up to.


New member
I don't have that fatalistic mentality, I will not accept that. I plan on living a long and healthy life. I never thought of myself as having a fatal disease until I starting reading this board. I always did my meds w/o any depression or "why me" attitude, I have never called in sick from work or school because of CF.

Maybe I am in the minority in this day and age in that I actually believe I can do anything and if I don't, I look for improvement from within. Society concedes to fatalism today so people like me are laughed at for striving for perfection. I guess I am too old fashioned.

As for as CF being a Progressive disease. It seems to be a regressive disease for me. You can laugh, but know I remain optimistic at whatever crap gets thrown at me. I was admitted for the first and only time in 2000 (although I wasn't sick) and I made it my mission to never get admitted again.

Optimism, some American President personified that doctrine. He was someone to look up to.


New member
I don't have that fatalistic mentality, I will not accept that. I plan on living a long and healthy life. I never thought of myself as having a fatal disease until I starting reading this board. I always did my meds w/o any depression or "why me" attitude, I have never called in sick from work or school because of CF.

Maybe I am in the minority in this day and age in that I actually believe I can do anything and if I don't, I look for improvement from within. Society concedes to fatalism today so people like me are laughed at for striving for perfection. I guess I am too old fashioned.

As for as CF being a Progressive disease. It seems to be a regressive disease for me. You can laugh, but know I remain optimistic at whatever crap gets thrown at me. I was admitted for the first and only time in 2000 (although I wasn't sick) and I made it my mission to never get admitted again.

Optimism, some American President personified that doctrine. He was someone to look up to.


New member

You have a Postive out look on Life.
That is Great.

when I was 23 , I was benching 350 lbs
and could run for ever.
I am still lifting 300 lbs, but I can't run as I once did....

I Wish You good Luck and that You Never Need to
go into the Hospital again and that You never Need a placard.........


New member

You have a Postive out look on Life.
That is Great.

when I was 23 , I was benching 350 lbs
and could run for ever.
I am still lifting 300 lbs, but I can't run as I once did....

I Wish You good Luck and that You Never Need to
go into the Hospital again and that You never Need a placard.........


New member

You have a Postive out look on Life.
That is Great.

when I was 23 , I was benching 350 lbs
and could run for ever.
I am still lifting 300 lbs, but I can't run as I once did....

I Wish You good Luck and that You Never Need to
go into the Hospital again and that You never Need a placard.........
you don't have the same mentality has other people here do, because it appears that you CF isn't nearly as bad.

if you can run 6 miles a day twice a week, your are truly blessed. but your attitude may change one day when you realize that you won't live to be very old.

i used to play fast pitch softball when i was younger, back then my lung function was from 60-70%. now i want i can't play anymore, i've tried but my body won't let me. when you get to that point then you will know what you are talking about.

until then count your blessings.
you don't have the same mentality has other people here do, because it appears that you CF isn't nearly as bad.

if you can run 6 miles a day twice a week, your are truly blessed. but your attitude may change one day when you realize that you won't live to be very old.

i used to play fast pitch softball when i was younger, back then my lung function was from 60-70%. now i want i can't play anymore, i've tried but my body won't let me. when you get to that point then you will know what you are talking about.

until then count your blessings.
you don't have the same mentality has other people here do, because it appears that you CF isn't nearly as bad.

if you can run 6 miles a day twice a week, your are truly blessed. but your attitude may change one day when you realize that you won't live to be very old.

i used to play fast pitch softball when i was younger, back then my lung function was from 60-70%. now i want i can't play anymore, i've tried but my body won't let me. when you get to that point then you will know what you are talking about.

until then count your blessings.


New member
Emily and Brandon, Thanks for the post, I again want to say I was not attacking anyone either, and I had Brandon wrong about how I thought he was posting this thread, Like a cop thought I was healthy and was being a smart butt, when he had no clue about what u r struggling with, so yeah he may have set u off, BUT, he didn't know, and for the people that need the handicap parking, thank goodness there r cops and people that r watching out for granny stealing lazy butts. So I never meant to tell people not to use their permits, I just meant just having CF in general does not make u a canidate for a handicap parking space, we all like the close spots, especially in the cold, but even for ones that r waiting for a lung tansplant, I would think the docs would like to see u exercising to be stronger to make the surgery go better, and it probably takes more energy to drive and go into a store than it takes to walk and extra 30ft from your space. If your not strong enough to walk, I would question how strong u r to drive a 1000 pound weapon, a car. WHen I need a permit I will get one or better yet let someone take me to the store and drop me off at the front door to save even the steps from some of the handicap spaces that r actually furhter from the door than other spaces. When I have been feeling really horrible I have been known to jump in one of those scooters and do my shopping, plus they r fun to drive, HAPPY HOLIDAY PARKING


New member
Emily and Brandon, Thanks for the post, I again want to say I was not attacking anyone either, and I had Brandon wrong about how I thought he was posting this thread, Like a cop thought I was healthy and was being a smart butt, when he had no clue about what u r struggling with, so yeah he may have set u off, BUT, he didn't know, and for the people that need the handicap parking, thank goodness there r cops and people that r watching out for granny stealing lazy butts. So I never meant to tell people not to use their permits, I just meant just having CF in general does not make u a canidate for a handicap parking space, we all like the close spots, especially in the cold, but even for ones that r waiting for a lung tansplant, I would think the docs would like to see u exercising to be stronger to make the surgery go better, and it probably takes more energy to drive and go into a store than it takes to walk and extra 30ft from your space. If your not strong enough to walk, I would question how strong u r to drive a 1000 pound weapon, a car. WHen I need a permit I will get one or better yet let someone take me to the store and drop me off at the front door to save even the steps from some of the handicap spaces that r actually furhter from the door than other spaces. When I have been feeling really horrible I have been known to jump in one of those scooters and do my shopping, plus they r fun to drive, HAPPY HOLIDAY PARKING


New member
Emily and Brandon, Thanks for the post, I again want to say I was not attacking anyone either, and I had Brandon wrong about how I thought he was posting this thread, Like a cop thought I was healthy and was being a smart butt, when he had no clue about what u r struggling with, so yeah he may have set u off, BUT, he didn't know, and for the people that need the handicap parking, thank goodness there r cops and people that r watching out for granny stealing lazy butts. So I never meant to tell people not to use their permits, I just meant just having CF in general does not make u a canidate for a handicap parking space, we all like the close spots, especially in the cold, but even for ones that r waiting for a lung tansplant, I would think the docs would like to see u exercising to be stronger to make the surgery go better, and it probably takes more energy to drive and go into a store than it takes to walk and extra 30ft from your space. If your not strong enough to walk, I would question how strong u r to drive a 1000 pound weapon, a car. WHen I need a permit I will get one or better yet let someone take me to the store and drop me off at the front door to save even the steps from some of the handicap spaces that r actually furhter from the door than other spaces. When I have been feeling really horrible I have been known to jump in one of those scooters and do my shopping, plus they r fun to drive, HAPPY HOLIDAY PARKING


New member
Good for you, that you can exercise and stay in the 90 range. A lot of us can't, and no I don't just mean it's "difficult." I mean we CAN'T. Period. After bacteria takes over, there's little you can do to get your PFTs back up to "normal range." You can be in the best shape possible, but to get back to "normal" condition is a bit much. CF is progressive, and one day... despite all your efforts, you <u>will</u> fall under it, and then you'll see what some of us are saying.</end quote></div>

You do not know what I have.

Unfortunately, we are told that there is nothing you can do to get better. So to attempt to get better is to reach ultimate failure and then you will feel worse, so why try?

In my warped mind, the only people who have the right to say they can't are those who are paralyzed. But I am way outside the mainstream. Hell, I can't even see the mainstream.

Call me naive, but I refuse to believe all the published reports that say there is no hope. I will defeat it, and I will not die from CF.

There was a time in our history that I was in the mainstream and everyone else would have been thought less of. With today's technology and yesteryear's optimism we could do great things. But then again, maybe the technology precipitates hopelessness.

The pessimism doesn't deter me, it just saddens me many people feel that way.


New member
Good for you, that you can exercise and stay in the 90 range. A lot of us can't, and no I don't just mean it's "difficult." I mean we CAN'T. Period. After bacteria takes over, there's little you can do to get your PFTs back up to "normal range." You can be in the best shape possible, but to get back to "normal" condition is a bit much. CF is progressive, and one day... despite all your efforts, you <u>will</u> fall under it, and then you'll see what some of us are saying.</end quote></div>

You do not know what I have.

Unfortunately, we are told that there is nothing you can do to get better. So to attempt to get better is to reach ultimate failure and then you will feel worse, so why try?

In my warped mind, the only people who have the right to say they can't are those who are paralyzed. But I am way outside the mainstream. Hell, I can't even see the mainstream.

Call me naive, but I refuse to believe all the published reports that say there is no hope. I will defeat it, and I will not die from CF.

There was a time in our history that I was in the mainstream and everyone else would have been thought less of. With today's technology and yesteryear's optimism we could do great things. But then again, maybe the technology precipitates hopelessness.

The pessimism doesn't deter me, it just saddens me many people feel that way.


New member
Good for you, that you can exercise and stay in the 90 range. A lot of us can't, and no I don't just mean it's "difficult." I mean we CAN'T. Period. After bacteria takes over, there's little you can do to get your PFTs back up to "normal range." You can be in the best shape possible, but to get back to "normal" condition is a bit much. CF is progressive, and one day... despite all your efforts, you <u>will</u> fall under it, and then you'll see what some of us are saying.</end quote></div>

You do not know what I have.

Unfortunately, we are told that there is nothing you can do to get better. So to attempt to get better is to reach ultimate failure and then you will feel worse, so why try?

In my warped mind, the only people who have the right to say they can't are those who are paralyzed. But I am way outside the mainstream. Hell, I can't even see the mainstream.

Call me naive, but I refuse to believe all the published reports that say there is no hope. I will defeat it, and I will not die from CF.

There was a time in our history that I was in the mainstream and everyone else would have been thought less of. With today's technology and yesteryear's optimism we could do great things. But then again, maybe the technology precipitates hopelessness.

The pessimism doesn't deter me, it just saddens me many people feel that way.


New member
that boarderline just made my life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> GOOD JOB, hehe...


New member
that boarderline just made my life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> GOOD JOB, hehe...


New member
that boarderline just made my life <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> GOOD JOB, hehe...


New member
WHY does this board have to be so negative. I don't think Rutgersnyy is braging, and who's to say they won;t live to 70 w/o any real issues. Someone can do all the treatments in the world and die at 18 and others can do none at all and live more than 40 years, WE are not all the same and should be able to reconize that there are diff views of CF and accept them for the purpose they serve. I want to hear the severe cases and I want to hear the exemplary ones, if it was not for both views, this site would be boring and could be titled, MY CF and NEAR DEATH or MILD CF FOREVER......u guys r right, CF is progressive and we all know our limitations or where we think they r, but some can push these limits to the extreme, others can't because they don't want to or in most cases just truly can't, because of their health, but in the end we all still live daily w/CF


New member
WHY does this board have to be so negative. I don't think Rutgersnyy is braging, and who's to say they won;t live to 70 w/o any real issues. Someone can do all the treatments in the world and die at 18 and others can do none at all and live more than 40 years, WE are not all the same and should be able to reconize that there are diff views of CF and accept them for the purpose they serve. I want to hear the severe cases and I want to hear the exemplary ones, if it was not for both views, this site would be boring and could be titled, MY CF and NEAR DEATH or MILD CF FOREVER......u guys r right, CF is progressive and we all know our limitations or where we think they r, but some can push these limits to the extreme, others can't because they don't want to or in most cases just truly can't, because of their health, but in the end we all still live daily w/CF