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Hi Printer, Sorry for the delay. I am currently seeing Dr. Manuela Cernadas. She was the only doctor he would allow me to see. I like her but do not think she has the experience I need. The last couple years my health has become a bit more unstable....I am turning 42 in a month. Do you have experience with Dr. Cernadas? My email is if that is easier. Also my phone number is 617-869-3504. I am curious to hear your thoughts.
Hi Mg930, how are you doing?
Hi susied, we suggest you create a thread with your question so more people will see it. Go to Forum, choose a category and there you will find a button for starting a new thread.
Also, last week doctor heard wheezing in her right lung and gave her an inhaler and some penicillin for a "sinus infection".
My daughter is 9 years old. When she was born she experienced "respiratory distress" and stayed in the NICU for three days until her breathing normalized. She had a very healthy toddlerhood through age 7...when she started having terrible year round allergies (not food).
She has been on every allergy medication and nasal spray. Nothing has worked for her. ENT examined her and was VERY surprised to see nasal polyps which were moderate to severe in size. He recommended we get a sweat test for CF b/c polyps are extremely rare in children under the age of 10 (unless you are a child with CF). She snores, is constantly dizzy, complains of headaches, she can't breathe, breathes out of her mouth, etc. Her stools are very dense and look like a bunch of small balls clumped together. Any thoughts are appreciated!
Hello i was reading your comments and you would mention that there is a Facebook private page for CF women that are trying to conceive I would like to be added to the group I have been trying for 5 years and I have had no luck so far I am trying IUI
Oh this sounds great!
I have never had a Facebook account but maybe I will use my husband's or just create one for CF research. Ill let you know, and THANK YOU
I run a secret group on Facebook for people with CF and NTM, mainly abscessus. If you want to join let me know. You will have to be friends with me or someone else in the group for us to add you, but you can unfriend once in. It is a super supportive, knowledgeable group. Mainly mom's.
Lori Devoti
Hi my name is dominique I came across your response that was from 2014 about the Paige therapy. Can you please tell me how you did with it? Was it worth it? I just came across it and was going to fly to Georgia to see about it. I have 2 different strands pseudomonas, staph, mycrobactrium abssesscus and ABPA. I'm looking for anything to get rid of something
Hearing Loss!! Now a days, the young generation affect by hearing loss very early in their life time due to hearing heavy noise. There is lot solutions are available now to cure the hearing loss problem and lot of preventing ways are there to keep away from hearing loss. To know more about hearing loss and hearing aids visit
Hello, I am a young adult with CF and I have been suffering with DIOS (intestinal blocage) for the last year. I was hospitalized last summer for two weeks during which doctors made me drink about 50 litres of Peglyte. I am once again plugged up and need advice. Are there other ways to treat this or prevent it from happening?

I will be 77 next month. Welcome to this Forum. I would suggest that you take COMPLETE FORM SOFTGEL, these are a replacement for the ADEK mentioned in other posts. You will need a Rx from your CF Doctor. Feel free to contact me anytime.
Dear Kerry,

A couple years ago, you replied to a post of mine regarding S1159P mutation. I wanted to let you know something important: my daughter, who is delta F508 + S1159P, is taking Kalydeco now. It brought her sweat test results down to 22! If your sons are having significant disease progression I thought you would want to know this.

Take care,
Sarah Procter