Anyone Have GERD and get PG?


New member
Thanks everyone. I got permission from my CF doc to switch to Zantac + Tums. I'm hoping this will tide me over at least until 2nd tri ::fingers crossed we make it there::.


New member
Thanks everyone. I got permission from my CF doc to switch to Zantac + Tums. I'm hoping this will tide me over at least until 2nd tri ::fingers crossed we make it there::.


New member
Thanks everyone. I got permission from my CF doc to switch to Zantac + Tums. I'm hoping this will tide me over at least until 2nd tri ::fingers crossed we make it there::.


New member
Thanks everyone. I got permission from my CF doc to switch to Zantac + Tums. I'm hoping this will tide me over at least until 2nd tri ::fingers crossed we make it there::.


New member
Thanks everyone. I got permission from my CF doc to switch to Zantac + Tums. I'm hoping this will tide me over at least until 2nd tri ::fingers crossed we make it there::.


Congratulations! My fingers are crossed for you. I remember from my pregnancies that the first trimester was the worst for me for burps and nausea. Weird since big fetuses should squash your stomach, but hormones are a powerful influence too.

I have GERD now...don't know if I had it then.

Those first weeks, I would wake up queasy, sit up burp a few times, then go back to sleep...almost like a cranky infant lol.
Melissa, 34, bronchiectasis (no CF)


Congratulations! My fingers are crossed for you. I remember from my pregnancies that the first trimester was the worst for me for burps and nausea. Weird since big fetuses should squash your stomach, but hormones are a powerful influence too.

I have GERD now...don't know if I had it then.

Those first weeks, I would wake up queasy, sit up burp a few times, then go back to sleep...almost like a cranky infant lol.
Melissa, 34, bronchiectasis (no CF)


Congratulations! My fingers are crossed for you. I remember from my pregnancies that the first trimester was the worst for me for burps and nausea. Weird since big fetuses should squash your stomach, but hormones are a powerful influence too.

I have GERD now...don't know if I had it then.

Those first weeks, I would wake up queasy, sit up burp a few times, then go back to sleep...almost like a cranky infant lol.
Melissa, 34, bronchiectasis (no CF)


Congratulations! My fingers are crossed for you. I remember from my pregnancies that the first trimester was the worst for me for burps and nausea. Weird since big fetuses should squash your stomach, but hormones are a powerful influence too.

I have GERD now...don't know if I had it then.

Those first weeks, I would wake up queasy, sit up burp a few times, then go back to sleep...almost like a cranky infant lol.
Melissa, 34, bronchiectasis (no CF)


Congratulations! My fingers are crossed for you. I remember from my pregnancies that the first trimester was the worst for me for burps and nausea. Weird since big fetuses should squash your stomach, but hormones are a powerful influence too.
<br />
<br />I have GERD now...don't know if I had it then.
<br />
<br />Those first weeks, I would wake up queasy, sit up burp a few times, then go back to sleep...almost like a cranky infant lol.
<br />________
<br />Melissa, 34, bronchiectasis (no CF)