Recent content by CAT

  1. C

    Update on Greg

    I am so happy that he is doing well. Cat
  2. C

    Update on Greg

    Jan, Thank you for updating. As I have been wondering how Greg is. Cat
  3. C

    im back

    Hi! Nice to have you back. Cat
  4. C


    Mine too. Cat
  5. C

    Online Memorial for Allen?

    I will be joining in. Cat
  6. C

    Allan died this morning.

    Jess, (((hugs))) You have been in my thoughts all day. You both shared a very special love. A love that so many people never experience. What a wonderful last memory you have. Cat
  7. C

    Online Memorial for Allen?

    Evenings works best for me also. Cat
  8. C

    Allan died this morning.

    I am so sorry. Cat
  9. C

    Update on Allan (WinAce)

    Jess, I am so sorry. I have been wondering how Allan was doing. I appreciate you keeping us updated. Cat
  10. C

    Update on Allan (WinAce)

    Jess, Thank you for letting us know. Cat CFmom
  11. C

    CF Telethon

    That is wonderful. CAT, mother of CFer 31
  12. C

    I'm 18!

    Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day! CAT, mother of CFer 31
  13. C

    To The Moderator

    HI I am Cat. I ahev been reading posts here for a while but this is my first post. I agree with senatorgraham that people should have to log on to post. Most site requiere this to keep negativity at a mininmum. CAT, mother of CFer 31<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">