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  1. L

    Eye pain from coughing ?

    Funny thing happened to me on August 11th. Actually there is nothing funny about it, I was rear-ended by a nearly identical car to mine. Too many details normally but the problem was his bumper nailed mine squarely, then slipped under my bumper hitting my car frame in a sort of double tap...
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    I miss reading your posts, hope you are fine.

    believinginjesus, Welcome aboard, and I look forward to reading your comments and contributions again. The changes to the website and the change back to a familiar format have taken its toll on contributions and readers. I've been predicting the return of most of the 18,000 participants and...
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    Trigger: amnio diagnosed cf positive

    Lexi, With the people who have already shared their experience and wisdom, you have received I'm pleased to welcome you to the club. I won't advise you to take action one way or the other but don't worry about what anybody else thinks. This is hard enough to find out what your own thoughts...
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    Losing the Battle on Sinus Infections

    I am going to play the devil's advocate here. The best process of building resistance and avoid allergies is some dirt. More to the point excessive cleanliness during youth is not a long term advantage. We have to scale back the degree of exposure based on the resistance of the patient but in...
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    anxiety about hemoptysis

    Rest assured, it will happen again. Other times this topic has come up, the suggestions to stop or reduce particular nebulized medicines were effective advice. Plain old albuterol is like a clot popper for me. It is worth pushing for a bronchoscope. Often hemoptysis is a very old injury and may...
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    A New Home for!

    If only! After so many years Imogene is known by many of us. Jeanne has been dedicated to supporting and serving our community for 20+ years and I understand that she came across this noble cause almost by accident. It is a nearly impossible effort to launch a new and improved site. If what...
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    Double Transplant for CF?

    It was common, in relative terms, for single lung transplants when I was a teen in the 60's. CF patients probably weren't the beneficiaries of single lung transplants, smokers with COPD and cancer were all too common. Not really good news but they discovered that one kidney being transplanted...
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    body image

    Show me a young woman who isn't dialed into their body image and I'll show you an isolated incident. I'd be very careful with how to be helpful and not trigger a rebellion that could really cause some eating behavior, not particularly good ones at that. The tweens to teens for my two nieces and...
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    terrible adhesive allergy, possible iodine allergy connection?

    Just a quick note, I looked up the MSDS or Materials Safety Data Sheet for Tegaderm dressings. Most tape adhesive is acrylic of some variety. Tegaderm's MSDS describes a trade secret form of acrylic, I assume is their adhesive. The reason I'm not exactly certain is they don't say which...
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    I had an idea.. fitness wearable to help CF in all ways

    Dank, To answer your questions, I have used biometric wearable instruments. They were all during more or less challenging athletic fun like RAGBRAI, a week long bicycle ride across Iowa held around the last week of July. Me and fifteen thousand of my friends prove once again that Iowa is not...
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    If I remember correctly, your daughter is around 12 or so. At this age, I was discussing any medical issues with my parents and then making an appointment, seeing the doctor and filling a script or such. None of this was without the appropriate oversight, but at twelve I had been through the...
  12. L

    So diagnosis...stop looking?

    Being diagnosed at 52 has had the unintended consequence of not being overly impressed by medical diagnosis and to a lesser extent doctors in general. When it comes to a CF diagnosis, often the spectre of most medical doctors delving into the science of genetics strikes me like a mother watching...
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    Help I Need Advice ASAP!

    I'm having my own version of a medical cacophony at the moment so pardon my sense of having been at one too many one horse rodeos. Before CF took the wind out of my sails, my wife and I had worked our butts off running a business and dealing with an increasingly hard to manage illness, of...
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    Traveling Abroad

    Make certain that all of the requisite vaccinations and inoculations are current and recorded properly in your vaccinations card that is standard like your passport. While you're at it make about 6 color copies of the vaccine card and the double page of your passport and any visa's. Leave 2 at...
  15. L

    Looking for CF people interested in helping with an artwork!

    Good luck on your project. Anyone familiar with my writing knows that I am not known for brevity. People have commented that my writing is "high density" meaning every sentence has unusual weight. The trick will be finding the time. LL
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    Anyone willing to do this?

    From? Born S.E. Wyoming and grew up in the State most of the first 20 years. Left and rarely have returned. Lived in Colorado pretty much since. A really harsh wind blows to the South in most of Wyoming. Some of us get the hint. LL
  17. L

    New here. No diagnosis. Question about testing?

    Super sweaty palms and feet are not universal with CF. In fact we CFers have very salty/sweaty palms and feet but aquagenic wrinkling is still a pretty extreme CF issue. My CF is mild, part of why I evaded diagnosis for fifty odd years but God my hands sweat. I'd make a lousy thief because my...
  18. L

    Hypertonic saline mixed with other medications in the same neb session

    Mixing saline solution with any of the usual nebulized medicines also changes the consistency of the solution. I've run my own tests combining various nebulizable medicines, and saline causes the combined medicines to become frothy and that extends the delivery time, even preventing all the...
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    Report from Europe: Ivacaftor Real World Results

    Thanks for the update information. Certain things like chronic inflammation of the intestines of a CFer aren't often mentioned by medical researchers and doctors yet they are a huge issue with many. It is almost as though the conditions are so obvious that they don't bear mentioning them. Any...
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    Foods that make you

    I had a hydrogen breath test to determine if I had bacterial overgrowth a few months back. The reason for the test was abdominal bloating and gas. A caution offered by another contributor noting that hyper acidity and hypo acidity in the stomach and gut can feel the same, suggested the test...