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  1. L

    need ideas for help gaining weight for my lil one.

    Thanks to everyone for the great weight gaining information. I've not kept up with weight gaining products and the science of fast, healthy bulking. In some of my recent posts, I am desperately trying to help a neighbor/friend turn her diminishing weight around. Like kenna2, she had stomach...
  2. L

    Can people with CF get tattoos?

    Not to beat anybody up, but you should inform your doctor of your plans. If you have CF you probably know what it takes to sterilize equipment. Iran is a medically sophisticated country and hopefully tattoo artists are licensed and inspected. Where you live, is an assumption from your profile...
  3. L

    Lung Nodule In CF

    An important point Bill, every now and then someone recommends a specific doctor, myself included. Given the random nature in finding doctors based on advertising and websites, a recommendation from a fellow CFer in the same region is well worth serious consideration. Anytime something akin...
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    Lung Nodule In CF

    I believe in miracles but somehow I suspect that the goober they plucked from your lung is one of your MDR (Multiple Drug Resistant) bacteria causing the body to wall in the infection. Cystic Fibrosis is so named because of the fibrose scarring in the pancreas, liver and lungs. You might have...
  5. L

    Insight on son's cough

    Pollen and other spring allergies often develop into a nasal/sinus infections. The added mucus stimulated by a histamine response creates an environment even more inviting for a nice infection to take hold. When I was a boy, I always had a somewhat frightening head infection for years without...
  6. L

    Just so tiredzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Bingo! Within my usual scientific caution. My guess was a body wide change in metabolism but I didn't know about the weight gain. In my work, I dressed well and played several roles in them. I had a sales meeting or engineering proposals to discuss and often crawled into one of our contraptions...
  7. L

    Just so tiredzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Hmmm. A few thoughts beyond the usual suspects. My testosterone and all my stress hormones like cortisol and other adrenaline like hormones began to drop in my early thirties. Cortisol peaks about 7am. That morning coffee beats cortisol back and for a while the desire to sleep is chemically...
  8. L

    Pseudomonas- cipro + ?

    OK, I'll gladly agree, if necessary contact CFF.ORG and get the list of Adult CF Centers and doctors. Or pick one doctor or center recommended in this thread or your similar post topic "Help, Please" and go see a certified CF specialist. Time's a waisten! Pseudo infection starts out in low...
  9. L

    Please help

    Aiden81, Now I understand the post about Cipro treating P.a.. The topic expired before I posted what would have been way, way more than you needed. A number of us probably experienced a collective gasp at the very question. P.a. isn't just any infection and it is more common in the CF...
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    A-Venters Assemble: Age of Ultra-jerks

    In this day and age, a silent audience in a movie theater is relative. My last movie theater experience was "The Imitation Game" nearing the end of the run at first tier theaters. I figured out that movies and movie theaters were a group experience when theaters didn't vanish after HD videos...
  11. L

    mental health-bad drug reaction

    The side effects that you describe are part of a neuro/psychological reaction called depersonalization. Family members of certain antibiotic types can have bizarre interaction with nerve cells. Tetracycline drugs are a big family and though it is important to list any previous reactions such as...
  12. L

    Thanks Dank!!!

    Danke, Dank, LL
  13. L

    I thought you were a smoker

    I really wish there was a simple all purpose statement or response to being singled out because of a chronic cough. Its pretty hard to have an actual smoker's cough and not smell like tobacco. Smokers aren't some evil sub humans that have weak personalities. Nicotine is a true narcotic with true...
  14. L

    Advice please-girlfriend with CF

    All parents tend to be probative when they suspect their adult child is introducing a potential mate. In other words they were checking her out to see if she met their standards for their boy. I think this might be more about a deep fear that you could be in love with a person whose challenges...
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    Open frontal sinus surgery

    Good luck with your surgery and here's hoping a speedy recovery and a significant improvement in your air conditioning system. It seems that even mild CF cases ravages the sinuses, turbinates and nasal passages. I am a bit surprised that they're not using local nerve blocks. My first...
  16. L

    My grandson is in the Hospital.. I am having one of those days :(

    I believe that almost always, a loved one's own perception of their child's suffering is greater than the actual suffering from the child's standpoint. If that's any consolation. It has got to feel overwhelming to have so many issues and decisions. At the same time, it sounds like you and your...
  17. L

    I was treated like a freak

    First, I'm sorry that you're feeling singled out or profiled. My first thought was to draw a mouth on it just to be contrary. It seems like it wasn't an original idea. You could move to Asia. When I first traveled to Japan and other coastal areas of the Orient, it was like fashion to wear...
  18. L

    Vitamin D advice

    Until this year I didn't think it was possible to take too much D3. Be aware that you can over do it, but you have to work at it. A group of essential minerals and vitamins are critical for calcium absorption, critical for muscle tone, bones, teeth and cardiac health. After years of undiagnosed...
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    Transplant documentary

    Wonderful Idea! If our videographer/Film Maker can produce a fundraising promotional so clear and compelling, it is worth supporting his efforts to encourage donors to sign up. It is a bargain if a documentary nets a single life saved. The idea of telling of a story of what happens to the...
  20. L

    Donate button! and other forum related stuffs is a valuable resource and it has served the CF community for 20 long years. When the era began, investors were scrambling to envision how a social network could make money. There was value in the list of Facebook subscribers and Facebook had more subscriptions than...