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  1. L

    NYTimes cover story today, dying with teens

    I'm a little surprised that this story needed to be told. Today I turned 65 but it was just yesterday I was fifteen. I can put on my age 15 mind and do a pretty good job of relating to the fifteen year old of today. I'm lucky enough to have lived through fifteen and then live long enough to...
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    Negative reaction to enzymes, anyone pretty familiar with them?

    Mike Brown, I read over your post again because I knew something sounded familiar concerning your list of symptoms, that I meant to address. I would add the tight chest and constantly feeling full or what could be gastritis as well as strong indicators of a gallbladder attack. Along with CF...
  3. L

    positive sweat test but no cf ???

    Usually the state of the patient's health issues like failure to thrive, thick mucus with constant lung and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) infections AND a positive sweat test are adequate for a CF diagnosis. A positive sweat test and the results of genetic testing aren't sufficient on their own...
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    Negative reaction to enzymes, anyone pretty familiar with them?

    That pain in your upper right abdominal quadrant is typical of pancreatitis and/or a gallbladder attack. There's nothing inherently wrong with Zenpep or Creon and Pertze for that matter. They shouldn't even be affecting you for at least an hour or so after taking them because they normally...
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    Gastritis and GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease) were my early CF symptoms as it was with my CF father. If mom has CF, that alone is justifiable reason to have a sweat test. CF is a disease divided at the diaphragm. CF can be active in any wet organs, especially those with a "stem of grapes"...
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    Nitrous Oxide

    Wow! One should expect the dentist to at least double check her/his PDR before administering anesthesia for someone with a serious respiratory disease. Thanks for the warning, I was wondering what the interaction might be when I saw the post topic. I half expected it would act like nitrous...
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    New Cystic Fibrosis Research takes aim at pseudomonas-aeruginosa

    Great News! I seem to recall a topic post on P.a. where biofilms were discussed. With mucoid and non mucoid forms of P.a. grown in algenic acid or Agar agar plates and tubes. Algenic acid is the biofilm made when P.a. turns mucoid. This is wonderful. With Kalydeco and many other genetic...
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    CF and natural options... ???

    Purursha, I am a sucker for most new ideas. So much so that I maintain a laboratory for testing the sorts of things like colloidal silver and Petro-Carbo salve. I've added MMS to my list. I was one of those who went along with my friends taking Timothy Leary's advice to " tune in, turn on and...
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    Informal Survey

    Born in 1950, I turned 18 in 1968 so my father and grandfather's participated in the two world wars accordingly. My brother is five years older and joined the Army after completing his second year of University in 1966. He had been in the ROTC (Reserve Officer's Training Corp) program and after...
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    CF and natural options... ???

    Ooh! I just looked up MMS as in Magic Mineral Solution? I hope I'm on the correct one. Having read the entire thread, trust me, you struck a nerve. Bad medicine is a hot topic and MMS is bad medicine. We can almost sense your rebellion against conventional medicine. It's not uncommon at a...
  11. L

    Do those with CF have difficulty digesting protein?

    Enzo, you’re not alone in struggling to get enzymes and food just right, or even close in some cases. Being bloated, having unpleasant bowel movements, pain and nausea are the price of a CF gut. My experience with GI doctors and enzyme adjustment has been less than stellar. It's been my nature...
  12. L

    looking for people near me

    Sorry, it appears no CFers live in "Looziana". I don't do Facebook but it might be the direction to expand your search. Cystic Fibrosis. Com has a lot of action on Facebook and more young adults I would assume. LL
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    Vibralung® Acoustical Percussor receives FDA 510(k) Clearance

    When I looked at the pictures of the Vibralung, I was somewhat surprised that the acoustic driver, the speakers if you will, are integrated into the mouthpiece. The concept of using sound inside the airways and lung is fantastic, and it sounds like it has been tried when the technology wasn't as...
  14. L

    Vibralung® Acoustical Percussor receives FDA 510(k) Clearance

    I need to hurry up. Last year two products I was developing suddenly hit the market which meant I was at least a year behind. Vibralung or something acoustic to replace the pelting of a vest has been something I hit on about six months ago. In a former life I was doing digital signal...
  15. L

    Alcohol and cf?

    To be clear, pancreatic insufficiency usually is exocrine insufficiency or EPI as doctors use the term when they wish to be clear whether they are referring to digestive enzyme production or insulin production, IPI, since endocrine pancreatic insufficiency would likely be the same acronym. Total...
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    stomach aches

    Earlier in this discussion I mentioned that several of my specialists have recently retired including my GI doctor. My new doctors were doing their own evaluations, which was fine with me. The changes have yielded some positive results regarding that 11/10 stomach pain. In short, I have had a...
  17. L

    Does anyone know what I can do about my severe barrel chest?

    I was intrigued to learn that breast augmentation can help resolve the accentuated problem of being a woman, with a barrel chest. For what it's worth, I support the decision, it is corrective surgery. You shouldn't have any difficulty with any prerequisites for the procedure. Although it is day...
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    Sorry for the down time this weekend!

    Sometimes we just need to yield to Mother Nature. Sometimes we all need some time to unplug which is what I did. Neighbors were celebrating their mother's 49th birthday built a gigantic snow slide by filling in a snow drift almost to the roof line on their house and building a bank in the street...
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    Bill might soon allow students to self-administer enzymes in school!

    When I was in school in the fifties and sixties the schools didn't involve themselves with any medicines except at a parent's request. I didn't have any children but was involved in the lives of my sister's children, sometimes they lived with us, involved. My eldest niece was in school beginning...
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    homage to my beloved son died after 28 years of fight

    Thank you for sharing your homage to your son. A handsome young man with a vibrant and obvious expression of a thirst for experience and joy for life shines throughout your homage. It is a tribute to the family that fostered a loving, complete and cohesive environment to thrive within. If you...