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  1. C

    what to do for a living

    I am a manager in retail. Currently on leave but hope to go back soon.
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    Guess what today is ?

    I hope it's a Happy and Healthy one for you!! Eva
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    cf'er with gastro problems

    Hi, Jen. It's Eva from cystic-l. I was wondering if you were feeling any better this morning I thought about it. I guess not huh? I'm sorry I hope one of their ideas help you. I had only that one time that I told you about and I don't wish it on anyone. I had to drink a couple of the mag...
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    I got some very cool sweatshirts on cystic-l. A really reasonable price as well. Eva
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    Pft's won't usually show a bug we have, they only measure capacity in and out of our breath. They will however if a big reduction show there may be another cause. So this tests helps for them to look a little furthur into things.
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    I'm not a dr by all means please ask call your CF nurse. They are so helpful. Usually get back with you within a few hours. Eva
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    I would think that a throat culture would only check for bacteria in the throat. It wouldn't be able to check anything in his lungs. Which if he's coughing up anything. The bacteria is in the lungs. I used to be the same way before I was diagnoost. I was diagnost at 30. But it seems they never...
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    Wouldn't they do a sputum culture for that? I was also told each time you cough the sputum comes form a different place in your lungs. So if you culture a bacteria in one vicinity and you cough again may come from a different spot so the bacteria may not be there. That is why we don't culture...
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    Medical Bills HELP????

    Julie's right if you still have time to appeal the judgement. Do that. Because you can recieve all that back pay. I know it's really difficult to log everything but sometimes we don't have a choice but to do so. I also logged everything. Be really honest about it, don't be embarrased to write...
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    Working with cf

    I'm sorry I should have said that each person is different as to extent of symptoms and just because I worked doesn't mean each person can. I had a very mild case of CF up until about a year ago. That is why I could work. but as I started developing other symptoms it was very difficult. It...
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    Working with cf

    I worked 50hrs a week up until March of 2004. My pft's went down to 48%. Then to 38%. But at the same time it was a very stressful time at work as they were downsizing and noone knew who was getting cut. So My health suffered for it. I've been off for almost a year and their slowly going up...
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    We go for the seat test next week and I am scared!

    I had one that way Jinny but also had a small petry looking dish they taped to my arm to collect the sweat. Then put it in this microwave looking machine and had my answer in about 10 minutes. So they repeated it the other way and I still had it. That was at the U of M hospital in Michigan. Eva
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    Sweat Outlines in Bed

    My boyfriend is the same way and he doesn't have CF either. I can feel the heat when I put my foot near his. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Eva
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    I read this book and...............

    On another forum people are talking about a book called "Inner strength" by Cloyce Jones. It's about a family and their struggles as one of the family members have Cf. I haven't read it yet but everyone that has says it's very well written. I am going to see if I can get it through the book...
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    I am not prone to yeast infections but my dr tells me to eat a yogurt a day with active cultures. Which I cant stomach that stuff so I started buying the yogurt smoothie. Which I guzzle real quick. Anyway she says this helps as well. But like I said I really don't get them so I don't know if it...
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    CFF Fundraising

    I would like it if you sent me a copy of your letter as I believe it's a great way to get people involved. My email address is Thanks! Eva
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    Oh by the way he did get on it after the hearing. I forgot to mention that. Eva
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    Julie it seems like you have all your bases covered. I'v been to a hearing before but it was for my brother who is mentally ill. He had a head injury which lead to pchysofrenia 6 years ago. I know that's not how you spell that. Hee Hee. That's what made it hard because he used to be normal. It...
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    Transferring out of state

    I go to the Uof M hospital as well. My Cf team is great. You can call at any time someone will answer your questions. I have never called and not gotten a response back from someone. I can also email my CF team and get a response if it's not an emergency. I think they are very supportive. Eva
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    I just got on Disability as I am on leave from work and it's been over 8 months. Anyway I own a car and am paying a mortgage . I live in Michigan as well. I am not sure who told you that you couldn't have those things. I know they have a max of $2000 in assetts such as life ins, cemetary...