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  1. C

    Our usernames

    I use Eva (whom is my best friends name) because everytime I tried several different Becky, Rebecca, Becca even with numbers after them. Nothing! it wouldn't let me log in. So my name is Becky. But so it's not confusing I just use Eva on all the forumns I go to. I haven't seen anyone else with...
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    Salt Usage for child under one

    Sorry for the silly question but why do CF'ers need salt? I was told to add salt to all my foods. I just started seeing my CF dr 2 years ago, so I'm still in the learning mode. 35w/cf diagnost at 30.
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    Adults Only Sex stuff

    Thats pretty interesting... Heehee.
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    going away

    Hi. We all at some point didn't know much about our disease. I still ask questions that I think are silly but noone treats me as if they are. So if everyone that knows the answers to our questions don't share them with us we'll never learn. I only found out 5 years ago about my CF and beleive me...
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    chat room

    Hey shamrock, I went browsing around after I posted earlier. But love to chat with everyone sometime...
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    More info on Tune Ups...Jarod and Emily

    I had my first Iv in July and the only thing I went to the hospital for was the picc line. A home nurse came to my house and sat with me until after the first dose approx an hour or more.
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    chat room

    When your logged in. It says chat up on the tool bar.
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    Balancing your own health problems while caring for your kids

    I'm so sorry your going through so much. Did they say why your coughing up blood? My CF dr said sometimes you can cough a bit of blood if your lungs are to dry. I don't know if you use a humidifier or not. But it may help to keep you moist inside. I am glad your son is on the weight charts. Yea...
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    Big Belly Blues

    My dietician and CF dr told me to eat more salt. I don't because I just cant get used to putting salt on foods that I have never put salt on before. Normally you eat salt for a certain taste. I do try but not as much as they want me to. Has anyone else been told to eat salt on everthing. They...
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    Can those with CF and that live on SSI or SSD file for an Earned Income Credit?

    Hi Julie, In the past I thought I seen that you offered to send info on how you log your info on the food expense. If you don't mind I am interested in knowing. My email is put cf in subject line if you would please. Thanks. Eva
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    Balancing your own health problems while caring for your kids

    Hi anonymous, I was always told the same thing allergies, sinusitus, chronic bronchitus, asthma. Low and behold I went to the right dr who knew right away I had CF. I was 30. Now 35 and I feel sooo much better being on the right meds. Although I had none of the digestion ailments or intestinal...
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    Med alert bracelets

    There's some websites for some bracelets. and they have some that are pretty cool. Anyway hope this helps some. Eva
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    question about your late/wrong diagnosis

    I thought about it but only for a minute. My symptoms so closely relate to asthma, alergies with sinus. I had no symptoms in the belly or intestines until after I was diagnost. So I can understand why I was mis-diagnosed time after time. I didn't have my first exasperation until after my...
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    My sweatshirts I ordered off cystic-l but the company that makes the shirts was cafepress and they came in about 10-14 days. It was prompt. I also had ordered the wrong size, They were very polite and didn't take long to get the right size resent. Eva
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    awareness color?

    Milan foundation is run by a family out of her home. Although she just got an outside office to run it from. She is also on cystic-l and sends emails on updates. So be patient with her. Anyway there's another site I recieved some really different things from it's She also...
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    To Balance Out.. Things That Annoy You About CFers

    How about when your getting all your meds refilled at the dr office and mine always says gosh your on alot of meds. I absolutly can't stand that. I love the reality tv thing. How funny would it be to go on extreme makeovers hacking your head off, trying to body build, doing your nebs. Very...
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    Diagnosis, I want your details!

    I was diagnost at 30. Although I'v always had symptoms of CF. Sinus, lung infections after lung infection, scarring on the lungs, never had symptoms of digestion or bowels until a year ago. Now that I know I also have brochiactisus, PA. Eva 35wCF
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    Just found out

    I can vouch for everything Emily said, as I was misdiagnost at age 12 yrs old by a non CF hosp. and when I did find out at 30 that I actually had CF, I was not treated with CF meds for over a year by a well known pulmonolist in Flint or my MD. They were treating me with asthma drugs instead of...
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    Pictures for my benefit

    Hey Emily. Can you let us know when your site is up. I live in Birchrun/Clio area and think it would be great to attend. I'll also see if I can locate a picture for your benefit. Thanks! Eva35wCF
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    eFlow nebulizer

    I was going to get one but I heard that there supposed to come out with a new machine that does use Tobi soon. I thought it was Feb or Mar. Has anyone got a paritrek neb? How is that? I know it's compact, good for traveling. Eva