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  1. C


    Where did Jamies anoloy go. I wanted to read it to my boyfriend. It was so well thought about. Your's is touching Coll. Your both extremely gifted. Becky
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    Photos of Us

    What sweet children you have. How cute. Becky
  3. C

    Photos of Us user name rosesforcfinmich. Becky Formerly known as Eva. HeeHee
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    Why would you not log in because of being afraid of being locked out. That would kind of mean you don't stand behind what your standing up for. I would rather people know me and know what I stand for or don't. If your respectful you shouldn't GET locked out. Dignity and respect goes a long way...
  5. C

    Photos of Us

    Thanks. It's about 3-4 inches longer now and a couple shades darker. I like to color my hair alot. HeeHee. I don't have anything any more recent than those. Oh well. I don't think anyone looks like I had pictured them. Very cool idea, Em. Becky
  6. C

    Photos of Us

    Hi everyone I made a photopage too. I cant beleive it. I'm really not the computer whiz, Brian is. HeeHee. But I did it! Yeah! Any way like Julie I can't seem to copy it here either My page is at and user name is RosesforCFinMich. Becky
  7. C

    The chit chat

    Is it really that big of a deal since there messages are short. Iv seen more terrible things said on here than that. We don't have to be serious subject matter ALL the time. Becky (user name used to be eva)
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    Breathing pain

    I would be interested in hearing your comments on this as well. I have been trying to stregthen my lungs by walking on treadmill. But I don't feel I'm doing a good enough job as I get tired and out of breath start coughing, then I have to slow down. Repeat... Like a visous cycle. Am I doing...
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    how tall are you?how much do you weigh?

    Brandi, your so funny... Dont let what someone said today about chit chat bother you, if you guys want to talk Go for it! Noone owns this forum. Its a fun place to learn about serious things but we don't have to be serious ALL the time. You and Shamrock crack me up. Becky (Eva)
  10. C

    how tall are you?how much do you weigh?

    I'm 5'10 but it has its drawbacks as my shoe size is a 9 and you find a really cute shoe but of course they have none in my size. I love, love, love shoes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">
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    site question

    I hadn't explored all the threads in a while and was truly amazed at how many thread were locked out on teenager forum, for good reasons. I have recommended this forum to some people on another forumn who was looking for a penpal for the young ones. So it's good to see there monitered in that way.
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    Getting & Giving

    I wouldn't say we're all lucky. My romantic boyfriend Brian gave me a card with a man laying on the couch with plates & empty packages around him. Card says " Honey, even though there have been times when I'm sure you wanted to... open card thanks for not strangling me in my sleep. Now that's...
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    cf help

    I beleive that if Carissa or any of the many research papers that have come on the forum really wanted to "research" they would go through all the threads with posts first then if they had further questions they could then repost. It's not that we don't want to educate them but it's that we...
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    RE:my own cf anology I'v never thought about it in that way so it was so cool to read and feel it. Because its so true to word. That's exactly what everyone with CF goes through. Very Cool!!
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    We have 1 cat (sam I am green eggs and ham). It says that on his little certificate from the vet. HeeHee. Sam for short. Anyway CF doc said no problem. I did have a dr once tell me to get rid of it. But we didn't. He's my boyfriend boy. Like a dog he sits near the door waiting for Brian to get...
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    do you ever feel "good" with CF

    I agree completly. Sometimes I feel like a hypochondriac (sp). It's always something. Then when something new happens you never know if it's a CF symptom untill you talk to everyone else. I don't like to bug my CF doc all the time. Being new and all it feels like your constantly in contact with...
  17. C

    Tobi Refrigeration Question

    I have done it that way as well Jennifer. I also have a small gerber cooler it really small, its made for a couple of baby bottles. I throw an ice pack in and my Tobi works great.
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    Getting & Giving

    Oh and I gave him a box of Turtles too. We think alike obviously.. and some unmentionables. HeeHee<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
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    Getting & Giving

    I recieved a box of chocolate Turtles and a grape and a strawberry jelly candles.
  20. C

    favorite song

    I listen to Green Day, Maroon 5, some country Tobi Keith, also old heavy metal. Kind of like an assortment of stuff.