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  1. C

    crazy cfers?

    This is a strange topic. I don't know if I'd say were crazy I don't feel I party anymore than any of the people I hang with. I'm sure it's probly more of a culture thing for the partying. I drink more than a couple of my friends but other than that we all run about the same. I would imagine how...
  2. C

    Getting a Job

    I beleive if I can work I should work, I have been on a leave from work since March 04. I really want to go back. I can always go to part time if necessary. If I get sick , go on another leave. What else can you do when you have a disease. I am on SSI as well. Just started in Sept. Because my...
  3. C

    France/French lessons

    I didn't get Jarod's joke either.. But I'm glad it wasn't just me. I kept reading it thinking what?
  4. C


  5. C

    CF Hospitals in Michigan?

    Hi Maria, I go to the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor. They have an adult clinic. My dr is Dr Tammy Ojo. She is so great. She's extremely compassionate and I've never had a problems with her or any of her staff. I can call and they call back within a couple hours. I can email her...
  6. C


    It's kind of scary but someday you'll just have a wake-up call whether it's good or bad. I think if you really listen to what has happened with alot of the people's stories of things that have happened to them on this board it may sway you to take care of yourself. All of us at one time or...
  7. C


    My post was not for the adminstraters comments because I agree with him/her. We should not being using language that could be offending to others. But my post is for everyone putting way to much energy into being mean and hateful towards others.
  8. C

    life expentancy

    I'm 35 going to be 36 in August. I'm still doing well. Have my moments but don't we all. I agree with Mare. I wouldn't worry so much about the age thing. Life is what you make of it sick or not...
  9. C


    Well like I said I'm glad your not down today, but I'm starving to dealth so we'll talk later. My bellys growling.
  10. C


    Thanks your sweet... I'm very glad your feeling better today. I hate when people are down and I can't bring them back up. I'm all about making people smile or laugh at home.
  11. C


    No. no babies. I wanted to at one point but don't feel my health would allow it. The last thing I want is to leave someone motherless because of my selfish needs to have a child. So Brian and I decided not too.
  12. C

    Special Needs Child or Child w/Special needs

    Hi Erin, I also am on cystic-l and I wrote you to let you know I agree with you. I don't feel you did anything that I wouldn't have said myself. I think that even with the severity of ones disease you still have speical needs. Whether you need to assist them or not there still speical needs. I...
  13. C


    very cool! I am a bit OLD for that. HeeHee. You do that. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  14. C


    Thanks. I dont feel pretty. I mean I know I'm not ugly but I feel average. I guess. Anyway I like to color my hair. Right now it's a darker blond on the ends and as it goes up it gets blonder. Do you color your hair at all?
  15. C


    you seen it silly. Its at under my username. Its too bad they locked that thread for everyone getting out of hand. It really was a good idea for all of us to see each other.
  16. C


    Hey you cant say WOW like that is REALLY old!!!! HeeHee. It's funny because when people tell me at work there 40. I'm like WOW. HaHA. I don't think I look 35, I certainly don't dress like 35. So sometimes I feel 35. HaHa.
  17. C


    your right. Because she's young she wont realize it's good for her. But its fun too. Exersice should be fun. I had such a hard time finding something I would do. I bought every peice of equipment. HeeHee. Finally I like 2 things. My Gazelle and treadmill. I'm very happy she enjoys trampoling.
  18. C

    Breathing pain

    I can't find where I read that. Maybe it was my Cf book. I'll keep checking but I believe it's anytime. Because it's trying to move. That's why its so extremely important to do CPT. I do flutter valve and I dislike it a whole lot. But it works so I do it. HeeHee. But anyway I have alot less...
  19. C


    Now miss Brandi lets keep it light hearted. But you should know me by now. I'm not a mean spirited person, I beleive there's room for lots of people of any age on this forumn. You just try to ignore the meanies. and go on. I'm 35 but don't want yet to be a fuddy duddy. As my mom would say. HeeHee.
  20. C

    France/French lessons

    Where do you live in France? country or a city? I've never been there and I wasnt able in school to take French either. It was a class where there was only one hour so certain amt of people could attend. Of course everyone wanted to attend. HeeHee