I've never heard about radiated heat or gas stoves. We'v always had gas stoves and regular gas heat. I also use a cool mist humidifir and clean it regularly was recommended by my CF doc. I also have air cleaners but there not neccesary I have allergies though too. So it helps me.
Really there's a gentleman on cystic-l that is 74. His name is Hal. There's several people on there in there 40's and 50's. It is possible... It depends on how severe your CF is.
I always say it's a lung disease where my body over produces mucus. In which sometimes causes me to cough alot, shortness of breath, digestive issues. Then if they want more than that I go into details about my treatments etc.
If your room gets very hot at night. Is it a dry heat? It could be that you need a humidifier. I had to do that. I got a cool-mist one. It really makes me feel better in the morning. My dr says any CF'er does not want to get dry. Have to keep those insides moist. She didn't want me to have a...
Antibiotics do sometime cause yeast, I drink a yogurt smoothie everyday. or choke it down. HeeHee cant stand yogurt. Anyway I do it so I can incorporate some dairy in as well. But alot of people on here take a pill like Azo its over-the-counter. I dont know the answer for your other questions.
Maybe your just not producing alot right now. Do you feel congested or full of junk? Are you active? I really don't produce alot until I start excersicing or with my duoneb. I'm still trying to get used to exersicing. I have been doing it for about 2 months now and it's still really hard to get...
Please dont tell people to reuse their cups without rinsing using Pulmo & Tobi. They say that because it can make you very sick. Just because you take that gamble don't offer that to others. If your going to use the same cup be sure you rinse it really well as others said with hot water.
I have never had a problem flying either. One time my knees kept feeling tickley. I know thats stupid but it was constant. HeeHee. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
I am usually smiling or giggiling about something. I am a happy person as well. It beats being moody and my boyfriend certainly wouldn't appreciate it either. HeeHee.
There is nothing wrong with not partying. I don't party like I used to. I have slowed down a whole lot. I guess when I say party I just mean drinking. Because I don't do drugs at all, I figure I take enough meds. I have never smoked.
The good thing about volunteering is you usually make your own schedule, then when you really feel as if your health is up to par you can work at a regular job. My boyfriend does the same thing. It's nice to have support even if they think there funny.
I dont get a whole lot of benifit from my flutter either I do a little bit, but I have a treadmill and a gazelle. When I use either one I really clear whatever in there out. My dr said it's good however is best for you. I don't know if it will help you or not, but maybe give it a try. I'm also...
It's really a great time to learn something new. Because once you start working there's no such thing as free time. HeeHee.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
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