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  1. C

    CF regime

    I have to say it would be my Tobi. I started taking a chewable vitamin C, if you haven't tried them they are the worst tart tasteing thing. But I bought this huge bottle so I suffer through it. My ADEK's no longer bother me after that. HeeHee.
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    Cf and religion

    I'm sorry I have to ask. To the annonymous that wrote on the 4th at 10:35pm. What did you mean by saying "just thought you should know other people notice what you do, too." How do you know what he/she does when they left no name? Your post doesn't make sence. How do you know everything he/she...
  3. C

    i just wanted to know???

    Frog princess do you have a name. I feel funny calling you that. HeeHee. Anyway I agree with you 100%. Always take the time to hug and/or kiss your loved one/ spiecal people in your life because you don't know if they'll be coming home today. Me and my boyfriend have always kissed each other...
  4. C


    Mybe she's undercover with a new alias. HeeHee.
  5. C

    Air Filtration Systems

    Hepa filters are way to expensive for how often you have to change them.
  6. C

    Cf and religion

    I personally don't agree with what some people do or don't believe in but I think Em is a strong, kind person. I don't know her only from the site but I know where she stands on topics. She's not wishy-washy. and yes I have had my disagreements with her and it was known at the time. But we said...
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    That new Burger King Sandwich and the Today Show

    Let us know if you hear anything from them. I have often wondered why they do all these talk shows and I have not seen anyone interview a CF'er or how CF affacts a family and community or transplants with lungs or anything. I think we should all email campaign to let them know were all out here...
  8. C

    i am 16. .i can honestly say im not scared

    You guys say your not scared but there may be times in the future you may get very scared. Being scared isn't a weakness. It's a natural feeeling. So you saying that makes me think you really don't allow yourself to feel.
  9. C


    Hi I was haveing a problem with email the last couple days. But I think it's fixed. the 00 are numbers. Thanks.
  10. C


    I was told to have a small fruit or a piece of toast or something small before excersice. Then have your meal or whatever afterwords. It helps with nausea and getting your metabolisem working. As far as energy I started out at 15 minutes or whatever I felt I could do then built it up 2-5min each...
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    The hardest thing

    All I can say Jen, is keep fighting the system. Keep appealing thier decision. Someday it will pay off. But it is very frustrating. Their decisions vary so much. My SSI went really smoothly but we have had many discussions on how others have not. Take care.
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    Working full time

    You really should, in my opinion, tellyour boss of your CF. If something happens to you at work or if you happen to get really bad and need a leave you will have needed them to have this information. I beclieve you may be in denial to think your exausted is only because of your being unfit. It...
  13. C

    When were you dignosed with CF?

    I was diagnost at 30yrs old. Now I'm 35yrs.
  14. C

    this is alittle presonal

    Hi Gabby, Do you do anything like chest pt? Maybe your having trouble with coughing because you cant get whatever it is out. I use the Flutter and it helps me alot. Also I use a cool mist humidifier maybe your too dry. That could be the cause too. I used to cough my head off. But havent in a...
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    life insurance

    Thanks Julie, I actually go to state farm cars, house. I am such a blonde, I didn't even think of them. How silly. Honestly I scare myself sometimes. I actually thought we might have to go somewhere speical instead of a place thats right under my nose. <img...
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    Hi amy I would like a copy of your letter too. If you don't mind. My emailis Thanks.
  17. C

    life insurance

    Does anyone know of a life insurance that takes on people with CF? I have insurance now through my job. But have been wondering because I have been off for a year now and if I ever get fired, I would have nothing. Anyway I was curious if anyone knows of anything I could check into. Thanks.
  18. C

    shaky and sweaty

    I get that on occasion as well. But have been checked many times for sugar and it's always good.
  19. C

    HI ALL

    Just wanted to say hi and Welcome. I'm from sick of snow and cold, Michigan. HeeHee.
  20. C

    How do I know.....

    Hi Frog princess. I know when I had my first and only this far IV. I was so afraid because I'v read that as soon as you have one you have to have them more often. But thats not the case. Some people go years without needing one. So try not to worry about getting an IV. Also you still can do...