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  1. C

    Dr Phil

    I deleted the email. But I thought she said around the 20th. This lady knew of couple that were on the show through a friend that is in a group with them. But I also seen the holiday miracles show is Thursday. She said the whole show is on this couple. So I'll try to find out some more info. In...
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    Dr Phil

    Sorry, I forgot to log in. That post was from me. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    What state do you live in?

    Michigan for me. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    bally total fitness

    I also go to the gym. It's the only thing that I can say has helped me to stay motivated. It's more stimulating. Your around other people there for the same purpose. You don't have to stress about if your doing this or that right because there's always someone to ask. Alot of times a gym will...
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    I found something that might help other CF's

    Thanks. That would be great. I was also curious does your doc know you nebulize this? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
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    Anyone. Over 35 and still have original lungs

    Hi, I'm Becky. Still have my original lungs. Currently 38%. Have been for 2 yrs now. Diagnosed at age 30. I am now 36. <img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">
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    Exercise survey

    I too have to use O2 while exersicing. I have been on it since March. It is very hard to get over that phychological bump of wearing your O2 in front of people but once you do you'll feel better. People are much more accepting of it I think. Or they have been with me anyway. The more comfortable...
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    Hi everyone. I'm currently in a pulmonary rehab class and my pulmo therapist has a harmonica class that she says improves your muscles surrounding your lungs making your lungs feel clearer. I'v went to a couple of classes with it and you can really feel a difference a while. Anywho I wanted to...
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    A New Game!!!

    sharp. bubble
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    a game!!!

    Sorry I must have been on the wrong page. How bout Mexican to that question. HeeHee. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">
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    a game!!!

    soap with water. Bud or Bud light?
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    A New Game!!!

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    Natural Cures---Kevin Trudeau

    I haven't read it but I was reading a comments on it from and they weren't very nice comments. Most of them said that the "cures" he speaks of are associated with websites that you have to pay for to read their info. That he really doesn't give any info in the book except to point you...
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    Advair timing?

    I was told to always do TOBI last.
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    Good News

    Yeaaah!!! That is great news. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
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    "everything happens for a reason"?

    Well personally I believe it does happen for a reason. Myfamily , I'm sure others are as well, are a bit selfish and don't understand about dealth, afraid of it, don't like to be compassionate to people. etc. Since finding out of my CF 5 yrs ago a couple of family members have actually came...
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    everyone in Michiagn

    Hi. I am in Mich and am also on CSHCS. I went to the opposition hearings last monday and also plan on going to them this Monday. I contacted a lady at the CFF that also wrote a letter to people in cystic-l forumn and she sadi thier are supposed to be approx 4-6 people going to say their...
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    None of my friends notice they all just think I have big fingernails. I have often wondered, (I know its silly) but has anyone with clubbed fingers ever got acrylic nails done you know at the salon or whatever? I have never tried.
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    Hi everyone, My name is Becky and I am a late diagnosis as well. I was diagnosed at 30. 2 weeks after my 30th b-day. I am now 35 and have been through the emotions you are all going through right now. It took me a long time to get over the anger. I was so mad. Because I have always had cough and...
  20. C


    One of my friends can always tell by my eyes. She said they look dazed or something. It is funny how some notice. I notice it because I get really withdrawn and moody. Don't feel like talking to anyone. Then I know as well as all the physical symptoms, I guess. HeeHee.