Search results

  1. C

    Older Cf sufferers

    I am also a member of cystic-l. I like it but we do have our disagreements just as we do on here. On there they call them "Flame wars". But they always subside and on both sites there's always more of the good info then the bad. So stick with it we have our moments as I've had with some but for...
  2. C


    Where in Mich do you live? If you don't mind me asking. I live in Clio/Birchrun area.
  3. C


    My dentist told me our teeth are more susseptable to cavities and yellowing, gums sore. Because of the nebs we use. Anyway he prescribed me this nasty-__ toothpaste. I used it like a week. He also said sometimes our we ussually have an overbite from coughing so much and we tend to put our tongue...
  4. C

    Headache soooo bad =-(

    It really works for me. I hope it brings you relief as well. CF headaches are owwies.
  5. C

    How to convince my guy to get married.

    I agree with you purple lungs. I had no problems with ins. and had the love bug too. But my boyfriend didn't. I didn't worry about ins. because I work and made good money. We bought a house together then I got sick from my CF, never been that sick before. I have been on disability from my job...
  6. C


    Has anyone seen any good movies lately? I went to see The Boogieman. I really liked it. But didn't like how it ended. But anyway it was scary. Woohhoooo. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
  7. C

    Awareness Bracelets in Canada??

    I don't have any but maybe someone here can send you one? I know you can order the purple from milan foundation. Take care.
  8. C


    That's very cool. You never see any commercials where they even say CF. Yeahhh!!!
  9. C

    Water...How much do you drink a day?

    why did the dr want you to switch? I drink alot of water probley 7-10 cups a day. It does help with mucus because my CF doc said our lungs must be hydrated.
  10. C

    Special Needs Child or Child w/Special needs

    Sandy she has a website its thats how you get a journal.
  11. C

    NeW sN cOnTeSt!!! LoL

    I like Brandibrosis. Thats fun. But out of the 2 she wanted voted on I'd say littleMissBrandi.
  12. C

    When should you tell a person ?

    I don't think it was to soon to tell him, if he couldn't handle you telling him of your CF, then he isn't worth being a part of your life anyway. It takes a compassionate, strong person to be our rocks as we go through the journey of CF. It just shows how weak he is that he couldnt talk to you...
  13. C


    I have to have the coffee table just so-so. Also the kitchen counters. I can tell when somethings out of place. I try to let it be but noooo, I have to fix it. Everything else doesn't bother me. Just those 2 things. Strange....
  14. C


    I carry all my stress in my neck and upper back. I get migraines something awful. So I know it's crazy but even a 5 minute excersise routine can help you destress. Yoga with deep breathing. or walking in place, anything you can tolerate. My lungs are terrible but I started 5 minutes of walking...
  15. C

    work from home?

    What about child care or something like that.
  16. C


    Don't tell my boyfriend Brian that. He has Scooby seat covers, steering wheel, stickers on both windows, a visor shade and lisence plate. We call it our Scoob Jeep. It sounds awful but looks very cool. I myself am a huge Mickey Mouse fan. My kitchen is done in Mickey. Not gawdy Mickey just...
  17. C

    My Make-a-wish

    I cant believe the guideline for dream foundation. How silly for one thing dr's aren't always right, we all know that. They can't tell you if your in your last 6 months. Then with CF and you are that bad as if you want to travel. Dont make sense.
  18. C


    Hi Brandi, My dr gives me Mirelax it helps alot. Ask them about it. It's a powder that I put in Juice. It dissoves completly, so no icky taste. It's not harsh on the system as all the over the counter stuff is.
  19. C

    My Make-a-wish is something for people over 18. Someone emailed it to me a few months ago. So I'm not sure the qualifications or anything.
  20. C


    I live in the country. Until I moved in with Brian (boyfriend) I lived in the city. Now I wouldn't change it. There's nothing like sitting on the fromt porch in the summer. There's so many stars. Love,love, love it. I never noticed them until I moved to the country. There very vivid.