Search results

  1. Z

    unwanted weight

    The above reply was mine, by the way. I have only been on here a few times, but would be interested in meeting new people that also have CF, specifically those who are about my age (18) and are going to college.
  2. Z

    my strangest question yet!

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>What body part or sense would you trade to get rid of CF?<hr></blockquote> None, of course. Unlike many others on this board, I do not really care whether I live to be sixty, seventy, eighty, or even ninety years old. Quality matters, not quantity; to experience...
  3. Z

    favorite song

    I love many genres, but my favorite artists are: nine inch nails Karsh Kale Mors Syphilitica Unto Ashes dead can dance while listening to the radio, I usually tune in to alternative / rock stations...
  4. Z


    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>I mean, I'm not saying, "hey, lets ban smoking" because I understand its an addiction.<hr></blockquote> An addiction...what a pathetic excuse. Out of their petty and hedonistic disregard for themselves and others, they huddle under the banner of "smoking is my right,"...
  5. Z

    To Balance Out.. Things That Annoy You About CFers

    To balance it out, Things that annoy me about (some) "CFers": 1) Lack of ambition / energy, general apathy. 2) Nihilistic complex or constant depression / self-destructive behavior. 3)<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Sometimes I forget to cover my mouth when I'm coughing, and some green will fly out...
  6. Z

    Deceiving appearances

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>it is silly to quote latin. The meaning is lost due to the fact hardly anyone speaks it anymore. If you're going to put a quote, then you might as well translate it so it isn't lost. =-)<hr></blockquote> It is not my fault that people are intellectually lazy, but very...
  7. Z

    Tattoo togeather

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>It's given me different views of the world and unique experiences.<hr></blockquote> You mean like breathing into a compressed nubulizer unit? Wow, what a unique experience. <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>I don't think getting a CF-related tattoo says "this disease controls...
  8. Z

    i hate doing my medicine

    "I hate doing my medicine" Fine, then, stop taking it, and become weak, feeble, and sickly. Watch as you lose your every last power and become a mere burden upon others. If you truly want to transcend your illness, you must fight the death. And though you may find it tedious, just...
  9. Z

    Tattoo togeather

    I would advise against such, Emily. Remember that tatoos are (fairly) permanent, though this disease may not be. I despise my illness (however comparatively minor it may be to yours) and would never think of branding myself in such a way. Better to place it in the back of your mind and try to...
  10. Z

    Deceiving appearances

    Though having only visited this site for the first time a few days ago, I have seen many comments concerning how people living with cystic fibrosis tend to appear younger than their actual biological ages...does anyone know why this is? Perhaps a lack of nutrition due to poor digestion as a...