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  1. G

    MALE INFERTILITY WEBSITE-It's up and running!!!

    Just a misspelling, i think you meant "one" instead of "on" " In each pair, on chromosome is contributed by the mother, the other by the father."
  2. G

    Coughing and Exercice

    When I first started playing hockey I was constantly short of breath and getting dehydrated like none other. I just kept pushing myself. I would throw up every week I played bc I was pushing my self to fight through the dehydration and would get dizzy spells from the lack of endurance. I...
  3. G

    Minty Fresh Breath

    After I cough up something and get rid of it there still feels like there is a sickening mucus taste in my mouth; although, i can handul that. I'm just worried about the little lady. I mean can you taste the difference in a CFr when you kiss them as compared to a "normal" person without that...
  4. G

    another sex question...may be offensive to some.

    The most important sex organ is the brain! I mean, I don't know that the mouth was designed to swallow "protein shakes" or what about the "pee shoot?" Isn't that just as gross? You just have to condition your mind to enjoying it. It's not icky at all.
  5. G

    Yet ANOTHER sexual question...*you've been warned*

    Thanks to 20yo, (the doc here), that's really important to know- especially your idea about condoms in clinic and who is asking/delivering the info about sex (60yo vs mid 20's). Did you ever talk to your pediatrician about this stuff? If not, how come? ~I never talked to the pediatrician...