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  1. G

    Relationship Help

    Speaking from experience I found girls who I knew would give me attention, but didn't know I had CF. It was nice being "normal" and not having to put someone through that, but you really have to live the lie in order to feel normal. I left and would always go back to one girl who really knew...
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    Relationship Help

    Speaking from experience I found girls who I knew would give me attention, but didn't know I had CF. It was nice being "normal" and not having to put someone through that, but you really have to live the lie in order to feel normal. I left and would always go back to one girl who really knew...
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    CREON Scholarship

    The moon is not in the sky, it is in outerspace. The moon that you see in the sky is generated by the reflection of light.
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    Parents w/CF and Talking to Kids

    Amy- I was curious as to what scholarship that was and where I could get info, because I would love a chance at an opportunity like that. I'm sure it's over now, but would like reference for next year. Thanks, Dave
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    CREON Scholarship

    I was filling out my application and came to the creative part about what I've learned from living with CF. I was thinking about turning in a simple photograph of me playing hockey and an explanation of what CF has taught me and how I used that to achieve my goals in hockey. But, I didn't wanna...
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    another sex question...may be offensive to some.

    I didn't at first, but after a while it takes forever with or without a condom. No joke, not trying to brag, but one time it took 3 hours to achieve our end goal. I was sweating so much and had a huge freaking cramp in my leg. I would say it take me a while now that I'm older. dave
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    Dorm, CF. Roomie

    What specifically is Chron's disease. My doctor described it to me as CF of the stomach. He said it's very hard to have it because multiple things have to be inherited in the gene mutations. Dave
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    MALE INFERTILITY WEBSITE-It's up and running!!!

    Julie-- No problem! I will try working on that ASAP. I have a lot of hockey so, it might take a week or so--sorry! Anything else you need help on? dave
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    Dorm, CF. Roomie

    Thank you all so much for your support and suggestions. I was so worried about being outed by my roomie. I'll let ya know how it goes. Dave
  10. G

    What does large bulky stools mean?

    Is there a difference besides brand name in certain pancreatic enzymes such as creon, ultrase, and whatever your son is on. I know there are different levels of ultrase that I take. For instance, I'm on Ultrase MT20 6 for meals/3snack. Consult your doctor about going on a higher strength enzyme...
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    Dorm, CF. Roomie

    So I looked it up and found that this is a possibility with a letter form my doctor. I have to wait till tuesday because monday is a holiday, but did the Disability support services hastlye any of you other than paperwork? Anything I should know or mention when talking to DSS. I'm so glad you...
  12. G

    What does large bulky stools mean?

    In order to cut down on gas and greasy stools my doctor suggested using more enzymes if I know I'm gonna eat a really fatty meal such as pizza or some kind of meat. The other option is to limit your fat intake. I find it easier to take more enzymes, just one or two. Consult your dietician or...
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    Favourite Authors

    Since this is a thread about books; do you CFers find yourself drawn to a book about people with CF? I have a thread in the adult section and it's on the 2nd or 3rd page. Could you please look at it and post your comments or any information you have. Thanks, dave 20-CF
  14. G

    Yet ANOTHER sexual question...*you've been warned*

    This is to the ladies who are with a CFr: As a guy, I know I'm "shooting blanks," but wondered if any of the girls notice a difference in any area? Is there a lot less, different taste, smell, anything at all? dave
  15. G

    Friends don't understand

    Someone shouldn't have to announce to you that you can trust them. Like they say, trust is earned and actions speak louder than words. So she should do something that gives you a reason to trust you; for instance, does she keep your secrets or never let you down. If the answer is no, then you...
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    That's good that your bestfriend has CF. As a CFr, I found I only had a lot of friends and very few best friends. I was so reserved and private about my life as a CFr. The thing that brought people closer to me were the one's that found out a little about my CF and were chomping at the bit to...
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    stubborn daughter

    As a survivor of the teen years I recall my recent times of being really stubborn. I was so addicted to hockey and got so good that I'm now playing in college. I found activities that would soak up my time because it made me forget I had CF. I set extremely high goals, like playing for a college...
  18. G

    husband w/cf, we want to have child?

    To the original poster: As a CF guy, it's so humiliating to not be able to get a girl pregnant the natural way. It makes you feel like less of a man, so don't even joke about or be sarcastic on the topic with him. I know it's silly, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. Make sure and be really...
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    Dorm, CF. Roomie

    So I've decided to live in the dorms and I'm gonna have a roommate. I just wanna know how some of you dealt with your college experience in having a roomie. Unfortunately CF gives me gas and I'm good about adding flavor to the air in the bathroom, but sometimes it sleeps. The worst is when I...
  20. G

    MALE INFERTILITY WEBSITE-It's up and running!!!

    Julie-- The site is awesome. Some anonymous doc posted on one of the sexual question topics what ped. docs should do differently and I suggested a website so you don't have to have the conversation with the doc. I suggest you go on those two threads and see which one it is and post your link...