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    Airborne has vitamin C in it that is why I give my daughter an enz. with it. When I give Kaylee her ABDEK's I also give her enz. but with fruit snacks and some fruit or juice I do not give her any enz. I guess it all depends on each indivdual child/adult.
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    Airborne has vitamin C in it that is why I give my daughter an enz. with it. When I give Kaylee her ABDEK's I also give her enz. but with fruit snacks and some fruit or juice I do not give her any enz. I guess it all depends on each indivdual child/adult.
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    Tried Airborne???

    We love the stuff! our whole family uses it. (even my 7yr.old CFer) I always have her take it with a couple of enz. so she will absorb it. I feel it makes you feel better within hrs. of taking it. but ask you doctor first if you have CF. marisa mom of 3 girls 1 W/CF
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    Tried Airborne???

    We love the stuff! our whole family uses it. (even my 7yr.old CFer) I always have her take it with a couple of enz. so she will absorb it. I feel it makes you feel better within hrs. of taking it. but ask you doctor first if you have CF. marisa mom of 3 girls 1 W/CF
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    pulmonary embolism (sp) or synthetic clot

    Thanks! now i can feel alittle bit better! marisa
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    TOBI quesiton

    JoAnn I have a 7yr.girl named kaylee and when she started Tobi in 2003 i was so worried about giving it to her every 12hrs. it is almost impossible. This has happen a few times in our home. he should be ok. marisa mom of 3 girls youngest w/ CF
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    pulmonary embolism (sp) or synthetic clot

    i think. i'm just repeating what the email said. i'm wondering what kind of damage it causes? my uncle also said that when he recovers they will be on the transplant list. marisa
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    What are the weird things you do/bad habits?

    wow i thought my daughter was wierd for picking all the skin off her thumbs and pointer fingers sometimes it is so bad i have to use duck tape on her fingers. she is very OCD with her clothing, drawers, sheets,& vest and she is only 7yrs. after hearing what SeanDavis does i am going to watch her...
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    pulmonary embolism (sp) or synthetic clot

    Has anyone had or heard of pulmonary embolism(sp) or synthetic clot? I recieved an email from my uncle that my cousin is in the hospital with an ruptured artery in his lung. i would feel better if i knew something about it. marisa 3- girls youngest w/ cf and a adult cousin w/cf
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    how tall are you?how much do you weigh?

    my daughter kaylee is 7 and weighs 56.5lbs. and is 4' 1" marisa mom of 3 girls 1 w/ cf
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    Port Access

    my daughter got her first port placed in june 05 she was 6 at the time. we were in the pool 5 days later. it has been the best thing we have every done for her. they have a numbing cream we place on it 1 hr. before it gets acessed. she still is scared to have it accessed, but then realizes that...