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  1. E

    New VEST Machine (Model 104)

    HI, My son started out with the other vest machine. I really like the model 104 better. It is smaller and easier to travel with. It has room to put everything in that my son needs for his breathing machine. I think you really will like it alot better. Kandi mom of Eric 12...
  2. E


    Hi My son was just diagnosed with pseudomonas. He is 12 and was just diagnosed with Cf 3 years ago. (Nov. 25 '02). We are waiting to see if his medicaid will cover the cost. I am really scared of this diagnosis. It also comes at the same time they have decided to do a feeding tube. He is having...
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    Physio-Vest questions

    HI There My son is on the vest. His is covered through his insurance so I am not sure how much it cost. I would like to know but afraid the cost would scare me. However the information to the company his is from is Advance Respiratory 1020 West County Road F St. Paul Minnesota 55126...
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    I am back.....

    I am glad your trip went really well. We are going on our first family trip on a plane ( never been on one before) and our son has cf. This is encouraging to me that the people at the airport will be understanding. Hope your next trip goes as well.
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    Turned down for SSDI ..suggestions

    I hope this doesn't go over wrong but I feel blessed that I was able to get my son's ssdi so easy. I called and got an appointment. I showed up for the appointment and talked to the lady. She give me the paper work to fill out and the 15 or so release forms for his doctors and teachers to...