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  1. R

    Daycares vs staying home--

    My daughter is 8 years old and she was in daycare from the time she was 2 until she started kindergarten. I am a single mom so I had no choice. I eventually got a job at her daycare which was the best of both worlds. I saved on daycare costs, made money and was able to keep an eye on her and...
  2. R


    Well I dont think you should assume that he got the sten from your pool. I have been doing the same things for the past week. Where did she get it. We have a leaky shower faucet. My parents have a boat and she swims in lakes.....She loves to eat ice from ice machines at her aunts and...
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    A mom feeling alone and isolated

    Thanks Nikkismom, It is so true. One day at a time is great advice. I cant believe how cruel kids can be. I am sorry she had to go through that. I appreciate your prayers and thoughts. I do believe this disease can only be understood by people who have a child going through it. Thanks...
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    A mom feeling alone and isolated

    Holly and Michelle, Thank you so much for the advice and the thoughts. It is nice to know that you're not alone. I have a wonderful church and they have since helped out financially a little bit. What a God send. We are back in the hospital for two more weeks of IV antibiotics (second time...
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    A mom feeling alone and isolated

    Burkes mom, Thanks for replying. I am in Cincinnati, Ohio. Have you found out about the CF. I can only imagine how you are feeling right now. My Rachel was diagnosed at six months old and I remember we were in the hospital for 12 days until they finally diagnosed her. It is heart wrenching...
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    I am currently going through IV antibiotics for the second time in six weeks with my daughter. Her bronch showed over 100,000 stenotrophomonas. She has had this in the past and I was told that the docs arent sure how big a part this bacteria plays in CF. I feel like it is causing all her...
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    how tall are you?how much do you weigh?

    My daughter is 8 years old and I am not sure how tall she is but she weighs 79 lbs. She is in the 75th % for height and weight. She is even a little bit chunky. She looks great. You would never know she has CF by just looking at her. I am lucky because she eats like a horse. She loves her...
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    mycobacterium chelonae

    I am not sure if my daughter Rachel who is 8 yo had the same type, but a couple of years ago she also had mycobacterium. It was very scary and at first they thought she had TB. We were isolated at the hospital and I was very overwhelmed. I have no idea how she picked this up. She took...
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    IV Antibiotics

    Maria, I know how frustrating this is. My daughter Rachel is 8 years old. She too does pretty well but we are going through a rough time right now. She was hospitalized for two weeks August 26th - Sept 10th. She is still not completely better. She breathes hard and fast and has increased...
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    A mom feeling alone and isolated

    I just joined this site. I am a single mom with an 8 year old daughter Rachel. She was diagnosed at 6 month old so we have been dealing with CF for about 8 years. She is the light of my life and affects everyone around her in a positive way. She deals with her life and CF in way I wish I could...
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    A mom feeling alone and isolated

    I just joined this site. I am a single mom with an 8 year old daughter Rachel. She was diagnosed at 6 month old so we have been dealing with CF for about 8 years. She is the light of my life and affects everyone around her in a positive way. She deals with her life and CF in way I wish I...