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  1. J


    Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just...
  2. J


    Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just...
  3. J


    Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just...
  4. J


    Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just...
  5. J


    Madison has her appointment down at DuPont today and I really don't think she gained any weight since her last appointment. She goes ever three months. I just don't feel like hearing she needs to gain weight by her doctor and everyone else at the clinic telling me how good she is doing. It just...
  6. J


    Does anyone know if you are a loud to bring ice packs on the plane to keep the medince cold. If not how did u get your medince good during your flight? Thanks Jessica mom to Madison w/cf
  7. J


    Does anyone know if you are a loud to bring ice packs on the plane to keep the medince cold. If not how did u get your medince good during your flight? Thanks Jessica mom to Madison w/cf
  8. J


    Does anyone know if you are a loud to bring ice packs on the plane to keep the medince cold. If not how did u get your medince good during your flight? Thanks Jessica mom to Madison w/cf
  9. J


    Thank you everyone for the responses it makes me feel better to know that she will be ok. I cried almost all night. But thanks again. I know I don't post that often but I always read posts. I hope to be able to get to know everyone on here. this is a great site.
  10. J


    Thank you everyone for the responses it makes me feel better to know that she will be ok. I cried almost all night. But thanks again. I know I don't post that often but I always read posts. I hope to be able to get to know everyone on here. this is a great site.
  11. J


    Thank you everyone for the responses it makes me feel better to know that she will be ok. I cried almost all night. But thanks again. I know I don't post that often but I always read posts. I hope to be able to get to know everyone on here. this is a great site.
  12. J


    We just got back Madison culture and it was positive for PA. they said the results say few PA. I am just so upset know. Any advice would be helpful. She is only 21 mouths. They are putting her on 2 weeks of Tobi. Thanks
  13. J


    We just got back Madison culture and it was positive for PA. they said the results say few PA. I am just so upset know. Any advice would be helpful. She is only 21 mouths. They are putting her on 2 weeks of Tobi. Thanks
  14. J


    We just got back Madison culture and it was positive for PA. they said the results say few PA. I am just so upset know. Any advice would be helpful. She is only 21 mouths. They are putting her on 2 weeks of Tobi. Thanks
  15. J

    weight Advice Please.

    Madison went to her CF appointment yesterday and they said she isn't gaining enough weight. She gain 1.3 lbs since last time she was there.. I don't think that is bad. She is 15 months and she only weighed 5lbs 10 ounces when she was born. She is 21.3 lbs now. What do u guys think.. They really...
  16. J

    not eating

    I have a 14 month old daughter that is being really picking with eating. She will eat breakfast but when lunch and dinner comes she doesn't want to eat. She will eat her yogurt . But I am lost on what to feed her.. Any ideas. I am getting worried that she isn't eating enough. But everyone tells...
  17. J


    Madison had her check up yesterday and everything went well.. We talked about the vest and her dr said by the time she comes back in three months her chest should be big enough for one.. I was just wondering when you guys go on vacation do u take it with you or just use your hand while away...
  18. J

    Advice needed

    Hello everyone.. I just have a few questions.. My daughter is going tomorrow to get blood work and a chesk x-ray for her cf appointment on Wed. She just turned one today and I am a little worried that they are going to hurt her taking all the blood from her... When she was in the hospital when...
  19. J

    yearly check up

    Hello everyone.. I just have a few questions.. My daughter is going tomorrow to get blood work and a chesk x-ray for her cf appointment on Wed. She just turned one today and I am a little worried that they are going to hurt her taking all the blood from her... When she was in the hospital when...
  20. J

    Delta 508 Gene

    Hello everyone I am new to this site. I have been reading the post for a while and decided to join. My name is Jessica and I have a daughther that has cf. She has AF508.. Today is her first birthday... We had a party for her on Saturday. She loved diving into that cake..