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  1. C

    Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?

    Oh, I see... I don't think my BF would adopt. I sure hope he's not a carrier...boy do I hope!
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    Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Allie</b></i> Yes, your kid has a 50%-50% shot of having CF, I personally would never do it.</end quote></div><br> <br> <br> So, Allie, what <i>would</i> you do if the person you loved was a carrier?
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    Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?

    Geeze, that's what I thought. I sure hope my Bf isn't a carrier. We want kids, but I don't think I could handle one with CF...
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    Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?

    Hey everyone!! I hope you all are doind great this week, so far... So, does anyone know what the statistics are on people with CF having kids with CF Carriers??? Do the chances of having kids with CF increase???
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    Hey there~I have taken it everyday for the past 6 years. I really notice if I don't take enough (usually a capful- filled to the line). It helps me. I don't take my enzymes usually. I can maintian my weight without them and don't get stomach aches. I actually notice that if I take too many...
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    John has passed.

    I am so,so heart is heavy tonight. Bless him and his loved ones. I pray he has found peace...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
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    How many of you go to a CF Care Center?

    You won't hurt to check it out. Ask them what they know about current treatments, studies, meds etc. ( I usually ask this every visit..if not they sometimes won't say anything) Ask if they stay on top of this stuff. If you don't like what you hear or they sound shady..well, now you know...
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    How many of you go to a CF Care Center?

    Hey Lindsey,<br> <br> I don't know if you read my other post..gosh I forget which thread it was..but I had stated how I had gone to the Phoenix CF center from age 6-16. When I first started going the care was ok, but I hadn't developed many probs. As soon as I did, I was neglected and cared for...
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    Enzymes ...

    Well, I don't really take them anymore. I stopped about 5 years ago. I might take 1with a fatty meal every few days (as opposed to 5 with every meal as I was growing up), but I don't seem to have the problems most people say they have without them. Most people have told me they "regret it the...
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    Bad Accredited Clinic Experiences

    OK, so I just talked to my mom and I don't remember this, but she says that she took me to the Tucson CF center when I was 16 like once a year or so. I told her about them not accepting adult CF patients and she said the reason is because the Phoenix Children's Hosp. CF center is actually...
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    Are other members of your family tested for CF?

    I was diagnosed at 2 months. After that my parents tested my 3 brothers and only one of them is a carrier. I am the only one with CF and there is no history of CF in my family that we know of.  I think its a good idea to know if you are a carrier, but I understand people who don't want it on...
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    PICC line question

    Yep...I'm in the club too. I always feel like I can feel it. A few times I swear I hear "popping" sounds and that FREAKED me out and made me a little queezy. I dred getting PICCs in, but I ALWAYS get them done in Radiology. If a nurse comes to my bedside saying she is going to insert my...
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    Test Results

    I am so glad that everything is ok. Don't you hate it when anything strange happens in your body, especially the heart. I get pain in one spot and have for the past 3 or so years. I haven't gone to a heart specialist, because no one else seems to be worried. My mom and brother have hypertension...
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    Can you suggest an air purifier?

    Ok, so I have been doing some research on HEPA filters and ALOT of them are HEPA and Ionizer air purifiers built in one. So, do ALL ionizing air purifiers give off ozone???
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    Can you suggest an air purifier?

    Alyssa~<br> <br> Why do you say Ionic air filters are bad for your lungs???<br> <br> Oh, nevermind...I found and read the thread ......
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    Another survey

    I know that my compliance ( I rarely skip a therapy/vest session or my nebs....the only reason I might miss nebs, besides Tobi because I hate it, would be if the pharmacy couldn't get it to me before I was out) is due to my mom and dad's faithful compliance when I was younger. I remember hating...
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    An Honest survey

    Interesting....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    An Honest survey

    I agree with Amy as well. I am pretty religious about doing my breathing treatments and vest, because I HATE feeling tightness in my chest. BUT I HATE TOBI!! OH man, that stuff kills me. It's like torture to have to do it. I really suck at doing it faithfully. I am supposed to do the 28 days...
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    Help GENENTECH plan future CF Programs

    Oh ok, well that makes sense Lauren. Gosh I hope they don't decide to stop making Pulmozyme. I really feel that it helps me and I would be a lot worse off without it.
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    Help GENENTECH plan future CF Programs

    Hey everyone, ok, this may sound a little weird, but I did the survey and read the question about "how important is Pulmozyme in your health" (or something to that effect) and I instantly thought maybe it was some conspiracy to find out how many people really depend on their product so they...