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  1. C

    Pain after PICC line removal??

    I am glad to see that I'm not the only one that this has happened to. It's weird because this is the 4th PICC I have had and this has never happened before. There is no , so if it IS a bruise it's one of those that hurt like heck, but you can't see. I get those sometimes. Thanks for all you 're...
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    Sinus Infection and dating advice...

    Hey Jennifer,<br> I have been in your shoes. I waited 4 months before I told my current BF the truth. He knew something was up, but I insisted it was "asthma". When I told him, I thought he was going to leave me the very next day, like another guy I had dated did after I told him a month into...
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    Pain after PICC line removal??

    Hey all, ok this might be nothing at all, but I just wanted to know if I need to get this checked out. I had my PICC line removed last Thursday. It was put in on the inside of my left arm and the next day (or maybe even later that day...I'm not really sure) the <i>back</i> side of my left arm...
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    first hemoptysis

    Hey there. I hope your son is ok now. There have been a few times that I have coughed up about at tablespoon or two of pur blood and it was always when I was conjested/sick. I would be coughing so much/hard that I broke blood vessels. There was one time in particular that I had a real nasty...
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    Thank you so much!! This is great! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Bad Accredited Clinic Experiences

    To those concerned about the Phoenix Children's Hospital and the Mayo Clinic...I left the Phx Children's Hosp. when I was 16.  I had been going since I was 6 years old. It seemed that when I turned 16 they just didn't know what to do with me anymore. They didn't have much experience with adult...
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    Great website for CF!

    Wow! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing it, I put it at the top of my favorites list. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Tobi = Death. WHAT???!!!

    Oh, yeah. That makes sense. I thought she meant maybe inhaled Tobramyacin, because I couldn't for the life of me understand how his Doc neglected to monitor IV Tobramyacin and I saw "Tobra" in one part and "Tobi" in another. I thought they were to same, just different nicknames:<br> <br> "In his...
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    Tobi = Death. WHAT???!!!

    I do know that I have been warned that even the inhaled Tobi can hurt your liver. I do not know the extent to which it does. It might be over long periods of time. It would make sense that it can get  into your bloodstream, if oxygen you inhale gets into your bloodstream and ( forgive me..this...
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    Tobi = Death. WHAT???!!!

    You know, I am not sure. The mom doesn't specify. I would think that if it were the inhaled, that my docs would have mentioned something about monitoring my levels, I HOPE! Then again his doc didn't monitor his levels of whatever kind of Tobi he was on.
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    ***Women Only ???***

    Wow, ok. So maybe it is guilt for me and maybe you as well? Geeze it is so hard to pinpoint anything, when there are so many factors. I hope you find out what to do about your dilemma Sara. Have you talked to him? I know that can be hard, but maybe it would help you with a lot. You are young and...
  12. C

    Tobi = Death. WHAT???!!!

    Hey everyone, ok so I was browsing through CF forums on MySpace. I came across one that the parents of a young man made for him in his memory. He died at age 17 due to liver failure from CF. The story that the mom wrote about goes as followed...<br> <br> At age 15 the boy named Chris began...
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    ***Women Only ???***

    Oh wow Sara!..I thought it was just me! I am so glad you posted this. This has been a HUGE problem for me. I was a virgin until about 2 yrs ago, when I began dating my current BF.  I began taking Yasmin the BCpill a week or so before. So, I don't know how my drive is when I am not on the pill...
  14. C

    Miconium Illius surgery and scar tissue?

    okay good. I felt kind of silly asking, but seeing my friends' bellies really made me wonder how on earth my scar wouldn't just burst open or stretch out about a foot and turn into a flap of scar tissue that hangs out over my belly. Surely someone has had this surgery and gotten pregnant? I hope...
  15. C

    Miconium Illius surgery and scar tissue?

    Okay, this might sound a little weird, but it is something I have worried about for quite a while. Today I met up with some friends who are all pregnant ( there's something in the water) and that got me thinking about the fact that I would like to be a mom someday. BUT I had the miconium illius...
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    potty question

    Okay, first question "What does a bowel obstruction feel like?" ...HE*L!!!  I have had several and I felt like I was in labor or what I imagine labor to feel like <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">]. The ones requiring hospitalization are SERIOUS pain, I mean keeled...
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    Full Time Teacher

    I can vouch for Sue. She and I are in the same boat. Teaching is VERY hard work, time consuming and challenging, but so much fun and worthwhile. If you really want to do well in the profession, be ready to work about 10 hour days. Yes, the time off for R & R is nice, but mostly it is...
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    A Real Inspiration...

    HAha! Lindsey your HS experience reminds me of the one I had in HS. I had to go to the hospital my sophmore year. When I was in there, I actually caught like a bug or something that made me worse. So, I went from about 100 lbs when I entered the hospital to 90 lbs by the time I was released to...
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    Hey there Sue!  I have had the vest for over 10 years and its A LOT more convenient to use than what I used to use (a hand-held percussor).  It's not as easy to travel with though, so if I go on a short trip I bring my hand-held. I have never used the acapella. From what I can gather it is kind...
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    A Real Inspiration...

    Sue, that's too weird!  Yeah, I think we might be living the same life. ha!... I hid it from my current BF for 4 months before I told him. I felt bad, but I was sooo afraid he would leave me like the other guy did. When I told him, I saw his eyes start to tear up and I was like "Oh, no, Oh no...