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  1. R

    Calling any CF people who drink

    When I got into my late teens one of the first questions I asked my doc was about CF and alcohol, if there were any differences in the effects compared to people without CF. He boldly proclaimed that there were no differences at all, and that I should take care just as anyone else would. For...
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    In Case Anyone Cares...

    Where on Earth would we be without our dear Emily over the next few days? Clearly suffering from boredom! Come back, we miss you! Oh, and to make the wait seem a little shorter I feel I should entertain the guests with a joke... (no really, its not very funny...): David Hasslehoff gets on the...
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    How much is your life worth?

    Here in the UK we bitch about the National Health Service (NHS) being crap, but I think anyone who has ever also lived in the US (like myself) can see the benefits of free health care. It is nice to think that you dont have to sign forms to be seen. Having said that, if you are wealthy, you...
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    female 32 wcf diagnosed a month ago

    Yes, you are certainly not alone. I think most people with CF are diagnosed early in their life (Me for example, just 8 months old) but I have heard about a few incidents where people are diagnosed in their 50s. And I think your particular case just goes to show that CF affects each of us in...
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    Am I the only one?

    Emily, you are so totally awesome! I loved your last message. VERY hardcore, and very right (in my opinion)! Its what I like to see! I would call it a fighting spirit, something that makes us believe we can make a change in this world (because that is exactly what I intend to do!). Life is...
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    Am I the only one?

    To that last anonymous poster... Im sorry but I have to completely disagree with you! CF didnt destroy your life, your hugely negative reaction to it did. If you choose to compare your life with others without CF in terms of what you can't do, then you are doomed from the start. It's no wonder...
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    No more projects!!!

    Hey thanks guys! You're awesome. I guess because I have been offline for the last couple weeks I did not see much of the commotion with regards the repeated posts about school projects. I just came back to find all this abuse flying about and I guess I may have got the tail end of it all...
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    Am I the only one?

    Chad and Tessa, thank you both for your intelligent words. Both of your messages are thoughtful and thought provoking. It is nice that we can have encouraging debates about important issues... instead of ones like people posting messages asking for help with their CF report! Hah! And yes...
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    No more projects!!!

    My goodness, I am really quite stunned by the extent of people's rudeness on this sight. I agree I do not post many messages on here, but I really enjoy reading and listening to what others have to say. When I first became aware of this sight and joined up a few months back, I was pleased at...
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    No more projects!!!

    Firstly, let me say that I disagree with people coming onto this sight to ask stupid questions for school projects, and then never bothering to reply or actually engaging in a conversation about the answers people give. However, I do have an issue with what I see as the judgemental responses...
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    Am I the only one?

    Im sorry if this sounds at all insensitive but I dont see the point of blaming someone for misfortune. It is no ones fault. When you blame someone, even God, all you essentially are doing is learning to hate... and what good is that in the world. Call me an eternal optimist but having CF has...
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    I have CF and I just ran the London Marathon!

    Hi Victoria, thanks for the reply! What is it you are studying? What branch of medicine? Rob
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    I have CF and I just ran the London Marathon!

    Hey, thanks everyone! Yeah, I am 24 years old and live in London. Still celebrating, of course and looking forward to being able to play sports again (give it a week or two!). Still limping and in need of a good massage! As I didnt beat 4 hours I am planning on running the London Marathon...
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    I have CF and I just ran the London Marathon!

    Hi everyone, this is a response/update on a message I posted back on Friday Jan 28th about me planning to run the London Marathon on April 17th. My name is Rob Lake and I have Cystic Fibrosis, but was determined in spite of the obvious difficulties to run the marathon, which I did yesterday...
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    Hey, I absolutely love this thread. Well done Emily for introducing such good points! Many of the arguments put across have also been voiced in discussions I have had with close friends on the subject of smoking. I live in England and the anti-smoking laws are not as strict as they are in the...
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    I have CF and Im running the London Marathon

    Hi Emmie, thanks very much for your kind words. It is really great to hear that there is someone else out there who has already gone through what I am about to go through in April. It is sure to be a wonderful and unforgetable experience. I am hoping that this will be the start of a more...
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    I have CF and Im running the London Marathon

    Hello to everyone out there. I hope you all have had a wonderful festive season! My name is Rob, I am 24 w/cf and I live in London, England. Over Christmas I received some wonderful news that I had been accepted to run in the famous London Marathon in April 2005. It has always been an...
  18. R

    This is a response which I had to make easier to find.

    Hi everyone, my name is Rob. Im 23 w/cf, living in England, and this is the first time I have ever even looked on a cf website! Im really not sure why I have never looked before, but perhaps I didnt realise the full potential of this type of community support.To tell the truth I am lucky to be...