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    What is done to test for allergies?
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    Thanks everyone who relpied!!!! We do the pulmo in the AM as well. So Im gonna try the pulmo BEFORE the vest tomorrow!!!!
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    I've been listening to Jerrys' podcast about airway clearance. When do ya'll do pulmozyme. Reece does albeutrol, vest, pulmozyme, & TOBI, & flovent. I was just wondering if he should do it before the vest. As I've heard it done both ways!
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    *Update* Prayer request

    Prayer request So sorry to hear this Diane, Iwish things could have turned around for the good. You will still be in my thoughts & prayers. Hang in there.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">
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    Breastfeeding - no more milk - HELP!

    My girlfriend had this happen as well.....she was prescribed Reglan...also used for reflux. I also would suggest MORE water, even when you think you have had enough drink some more!!!
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    Clorox Disinfecting Spray

    Me again...keep forgetting to log on!!!
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    Clorox Disinfecting Spray

    Thanks~Im gonna start using much should I use? Reeces stuff CANT be boiled...he has the disposable kind of nebs....
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    Clorox Disinfecting Spray

    sorry.... that was me above!
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    Is this tacky???

    Who cares what people think.....if they are gonna help. It doesnt hurt to try! I agree with "going public" (news people) this would be a great story!!!!
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    Stork scheduled to make arrival

    Welcome to the world Abby Jo!!! Cant wait to see pictures!!!
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    Im so sorry to hear this news. You & your family will be in my thoughts & prayers.
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    <img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">Today is Reeces' 4th birthday. We had an awesome time! We ate pizza & played games, played in the pool. Reece got to ride in a police car too!!!! Make the sirens go off & push all the buttons in the car! He was sooooo excited!!! Well Im off to...
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    Updated our website

    Julie, I carried low my whole pregnancy too! I heard all the "oooo, ur gonna have that baby anyday now"...surprises, surprise,I had to be induced! My pelvic bone hurt all the time...even early on cuz I was carrying sooo low!!! Thats great that Mark is so in to your pregnancy....he should...
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    Updated our website

    Hey Julie, You look great! Thats so funny about your cat. I love that pic of Mark & his on looker! This pregnancy has gone by so fast....well atleast for me...LOL! Have you gained weight anywhere else besides your belly? Have you got someone to draw a picture on your belly? What about a cast...
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    Can you suggest an air purifier?

    Thanks for posting this one Amy....Thats a little more like it...the price!
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    is this a weird cf sympton

    Is he fair skinned? That might have something to do with it. Reece gets that way when he has been playing hard. He is def fair skinned too!!!
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    Can you suggest an air purifier?

    Holy cow! They are expensive!!!! Do you think maybe we could get insurance to help out?
  18. M

    Very cute

    That was adorable!!!
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    Prunning up fast

    YES,YES & YES!!!! Reeces' feet & fingertips peel! He also has many more lines then average! Just thought it was him.....good to hear he's not alone. "Another CF thing?"<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Prunning up fast

    YES, YES, & YES!!!! Reeces' fingertips & bottoms of his feet peel!! His palms have alot more lines on them!!! CF thing again? Good to know he's not the only one. Although this is not that big of deal. LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">