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  1. M

    New Mickey Tube Question

    Reece has a mickey also. His pulls at the stoma as well when he is lying on the tube....I try to give him enough slack...but I find that in the middle of the night he has got tangled up again....dont really know how to prevent that. The above site has some really good info on it....thanks as...
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    excersise for a 3 almost 4 year old

    What kind of exersises could Reece do? All he really does his ride his bike. Maybe once a week the neighborhood kids come over & they run around the yard....but thats about it. We dont have a trampoline...thought about getting one but nervous about the safety issues it comes with. Any...
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    not eating

    Reece does NOT eat either!!! I can count on one hand what he ate for a week!!! Atleast we have the feeding tube....thats where he gets his nutrition. BUT thats only half of what hes suppose to take in!!!! We have tried everything....either this is a LONGGGGGG stage for him or he just doesnt feel...
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    introducting vest to toddlers

    Stacy, We used the xs vest for about a month. The Vest Co. called for their rountine check up calls to ask how things were going...I then told them that the vest seemed too big & was there something I could do. Thats when she told me about them sending a "custom" fit vest. I dont remember what...
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    Tips for toddlers using face mask

    One time when Reece fought the mask terrible in the hospital ( when we first introduced it) the RTs put some liquid smelling stuff on the rim of the mask....bubble gum, watermelon, strawberry...etc... worked but I was leary about him inhaling that stuff. It worked though.
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    Chest Xrays/Scans

    Reece had a contrast CT scan recently on his stomach....before getting the mickey button....he had to eat about 3 bites that had the liquid radiation on it (tasteless....idorless) They had to take like 150~200 pictures to see how slow/fst his tummy digested....he had to lay still for about 30...
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    introducting vest to toddlers

    Reece got his vest when he was just over a year.....he adjusted well to it. All we really did was when the lady from the Vest Co. came by to show us how it worked...we put it on Reece & he didnt mind it at all. When she left we let him wear the vest around the house & push the buttons.....when...
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    What can cause PA/MRSA to flare up?

    I know like a "cold" or just being run down but what else? Just seeing if I can prevent Reece getting sick all the time. Thanks!
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    How often do you get IV antibotics?

    Just wondering....Reece has been on them 2x this year. He averages about 2~3x a year.
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    anyone have mic key button

    How BAD does it hurt? Do they do it right there in the office? How long after will it hurt? Reece MAY need this done tomorrow....although I dont think its that bad...I've seen it waaay worse! What else can they do besides "burning " it off? We have tried the for awhile then it...
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    Good News for Addison

    Its always great to hear good news concearning your child...Congrats!!!!
  12. M

    Starting Playgroup

    Reece is also starting preschool this fall. I am going to see how it goes w/ them giving him the creon. I really dont see a problem with it but we will see. Reece can undo the capsule and sprinkle it on applesauce himself...the teachers will just have to get out the applesauce for him from the...
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    lower birthweight in cf babies?

    Reece was 9lbs 6oz!!!!
  14. M

    Any parents/CFers have a mickey tube/G tube?

    As soon as my pictures come back I ll post Reeces mickey button & port....(I have the disposable camera) LOL
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    'Preventative' Antibiotic

    OOOOOOO Never mind.....I guess i was having a stupid moment...LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">
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    YAY! Good Day!

    Congrats on the awesome news. Its always so nice to get news like that after youve felt so yucky.....
  17. M

    need toddler snack ideas

    I've heard that the enzymes dont work as well when put in dairy products...we have always used applesauce too OR ketchup when out and about. I give Reece those fruit snack in a bag (nemo, dora, scooby doo) w/out enzymes or raisins....But like was already said CFers need the fatty foods and you...
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    'Preventative' Antibiotic

    Pardon my ignorance but what is a preventive antibotic?
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    Reece does his vest 3x day....for 30 min. When he's in the hosptial they do "love pats" instead of the doc likes those better when he's sick.
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    How often do you boil your ned cups

    Thank you soooo much for that Alyssa. We will be using that info ASAP.