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  1. S

    Chocolate is the best medicine?

    Woohoo! Another reason for eating LOTS of chocolate, excellent! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Eliana 25 w/ cf
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    job or career choices.

    I've been working in a group home for the mentally ill for about 2 years now, 4pm-midnight shift. I also started grad school part time for social work in August, so in addition to working 40 hours a week I'm also taking 3 classes, which has been quite exhausting! Only 3 more years... <img...
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    I'm so bad about exercising, even though I KNOW it's so good for me... right now about the only exercise I get is lugging my backpack to and from my car (which depending on how much work I have can actually be quite a workout! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> )...
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    Thanks guys, good to know I'm not the only one who gets freaked out about this. I'm very fortunate that it hasn't been happening nearly as much as it used to, for some reason after my last tune up the frequency dropped dramatically even though I'd had other tune ups before that didn't really...
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    Vitamin K

    I'm in the US, and my doctor has me on ADEK as well as Vitamins E and K. Actually I was on the E and K first (I think before ADEKs came out, don't know how long they've been around), so ADEK was kind of an afterthought, but he kept me on the E and K in addition to it. So I don't know that ADEKs...
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    Treatment routine and social life

    A lot of times if I know I'm going to be out late and need a treatment I'll bring a nebulizer with me. Then it depends on the crowd; sometimes I'll just find a semi-private place to do it and then rejoin the group, or if it's a group of friends who I'm really comfortable with I'll hang out with...
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    Been lurking on and off for a while, figured I'd try posting... Just venting... I HATE coughing up blood, it's the one time I feel really frighteningly SICK. I mean, coughing, nebulizers, medication, a lot of people do those things with far less serious illnesses than CF, but suddenly...
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    Been lurking on and off for a while, figured I'd try posting... Just venting... I HATE coughing up blood, it's the one time I feel really frighteningly SICK. I mean, coughing, nebulizers, medication, a lot of people do those things with far less serious illnesses than CF, but suddenly...
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    Friends with CF?

    I just recently discovered this place, first time posting, we'll see how it goes...I've had 2 friends with CF; one I met during a hospitalization, we were pen pals and called each other sometimes over a few years before mostly falling out of touch... she died several years ago. The other friend...