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  1. C

    Lung Bleeds and Menstrual Cycles - Link???

    From wikipedia, here are the other relevant effects of progesterone : - It reduces spasm and relaxes smooth muscle. Bronchi are widened and mucus regulated. (Progesterone receptors are widely present in submucosal tissue.) - It acts as an antiinflammatory agent and regulates the immune...
  2. C

    Lung Bleeds and Menstrual Cycles - Link???

    They know that CF women have a harder time than CF men. So there has to be a link somehow, with hormones and blood.
  3. C

    caughing questions

    First, please, use punctuation. Your message was very hard to read. It's not good to force yourself to cough. You should work until the mucus can come out in 3-4 coughs. Don't overwork yourself. Get a finger oxymeter and keep track of your oxygen saturation. Nothing on avoiding the morning...
  4. C

    Planning to move. looking for the best suitable location for the Wife with CF

    I'd say that areas that are humid or have snow in winter tend to be very beautiful. In both cases, they are much less likely to be dusty. Keep in mind that heat can wear someone out easily, while cold climate is physically much easier to deal with.
  5. C

    "Mandatory" glucose tolerance testing?

    My question is, what the f*ck is your problem? It's the second time I see you reply something totally uncalled for, impertinent and irrelevant like this. Last time was when I was replying to someone and you stepped in, out of f*cking nowhere, and said something like "well clearly you know more...
  6. C

    Possible new way to fight lung infections

    Apparently, Gallium nitrate is a bit too nephrotoxic. So they're testing with
  7. C

    Possible new way to fight lung infections

    So it's not that bad that I'm a bit anemic then... They used to give me iron supplements when I was on hospital on IVs. But that was very long ago though.
  8. C

    Can you be pancreatic sufficient if ddf508? Stomache aches if no enzymes?

    I was tested as pancreatic insufficient since I was a baby. They test me every time I go to the hospital. I've been taking 4 cotazym ESC 20 since I was 6 years old. It never changed. I, too, can skip a meal, but it really depends on what I'm eating. If it contains a lot of fat, I'll get greasy...
  9. C

    Embolization question

    Oh, the groin is definitely the worst. I have a hernia in the groin close to where they punched the hole so I assume that it made the pain worse. It's far from being unbearable though. I had some chest pain, but it's NOTHING like having pleurisy. It is very bearable. What I hated the most is...
  10. C

    stockpiling for civil unrest?

    I've been deeply in then acutely out of conspiracy stuff. Nothing new under the sun. They've been predicting a financial collapse with civil unrest for like 6 years now. It has yet to happen. It should have happened in 2008-2009. It didn't. So I doubt it ever will. "They" won't let the machine...
  11. C

    stockpiling for civil unrest?

    In the event of something that would require being in "survival mode" for an extended period of time (years), stockpiling would likely not be worth it as not only will you be amongst the first to die, but it will be even more agonizing since "attempting to survive" would mean that your...
  12. C

    throwing up with cough

    She just hasn't learned to control her cough yet. It has to do with the way she coughs. Surgery will likely not help.
  13. C

    more phlegm at home than in hospital

    Depends on the antibiotic but most of them no. They will stay in your body at most a few days. Ceftazidime has a half-life of 1.6 to 2 hours for example. And even though they might still be in your body, it's not in a concentration high enough to have real effects. So yeah. It is quite normal...
  14. C

    Ca and D supplements that actually work for CF?

    It is a bit unclear what you did. Sunlamps?
  15. C

    Do scientists know when there is gonna be a cure? Is 1/2 the cure out?

    A cure will exist the day they find a way to effectively deliver something that goes inside the cells of our lungs and changes its DNA. Some things have been attempted, but they found out that it yielded poor results. Scientists won't know until it happens. So far we can only reliably hope for...
  16. C

    My cfer cannot stop gaining weight Drs think im doing something wrong? anyone elese?

    What the... ?!?! And you were told her liver functions were off at one and.... NO BLOOD WORK?! Change doctor/clinic.
  17. C

    questions about therapies for g551ds, who are on Kalydeco

    I totally understand that she would have very little incentive to continue her other therapies if she can simply take a pill to replace them all and is fine the way she is. However, adding the therapies back are likely to speed up the improvements.
  18. C

    Kalydeco gets EMA approval (Europe) & Vertex has applied to the TGA (Australia) and the TPD (Canada)

    I read that it successfully got a priority review status in Canada! The normal review process can take up to 18 months. Damn, that is so slow! I wonder how long the priority review status makes it... Once a product receives and NOC, it can take 6 to 10 months for it to be approved on the...
  19. C

    Kalydeco - side effects

    Well that's DUMB! Kalydeco doesn't mean that you're cured, so of COURSE you'd still need other treatments! It's like saying "Well.... we're going to give you half the dose of this med... because there is no evidence that using more of it will cause you to use less of it." Idiots!
  20. C

    Kalydeco - side effects

    I've been thinking that they will probably eventually figure out that it's better for people with G551D to start out slowly as it seems to be perhaps a little shockingly too effective.