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  1. C

    When did orals stop working for you

    This is very interesting. Would you say that having MSRA compete with your PA made controlling your general lung infection easier? Good luck!
  2. C

    please help Looking to make hospital stay better

    This is a very well intentioned idea and the ideas given here are all good.... except it's a horrible idea. Fridge, DVD player, game console, all those have an horrifying potential for cross infection. You can never properly disinfect remote controls, controllers and especially a fridge...
  3. C

    Daughters going to Hospital Again.

    So many hospitalizations. Do you know their mutations and what your 6 y.o. is colonized with?
  4. C

    Anyone having trouble with their hospital

    Go complain to the administrator or whoever is at the head of that hospital. They would hate bad publicity. You can use that. However... I find really odd that you worry so much about infection protocol, yet you let your kid play with 2 other CFers. Did you first ask what bacteria they had? Did...
  5. C

    What do you wear in the hostpital?

    I used to dress up normally (as did many other CFers I knew/know), that was until I stopped caring about how I dressed to be in hospital. I sure as hell don't bother with a bra, I kind of feel the pain of the nurse who has to pass the IV setup through my clothes, assuming that she'd be thinking...
  6. C

    At what point should I bring him to the ER?

    As the others said, call your CF clinic. Up your therapies to 4 times a day (but call your clinic first). What you can do without asking your doctor though is CPT 4 times a day. I know my mom would up the number of CPTs as soon as I was starting to cough a bit more than usual, as well as as soon...
  7. C

    Advice please from my cf community

    Isn't there a less tiresome job you can do?
  8. C

    Cystic Fibrosis and Acne

    So THAT's why I never had acne as a teenager and started having it when I left high school! I have also noticed that my skin because all smooth and and perfect when I'm on IVs with Tobramycin and Ceftazidime.
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    Cystic Fibrosis and Acne

    Leaving your email address in the open like that is the BEST way to ensure that your inbox will be filled with spam.
  10. C

    disaster hospital stay

    Oh my... but... No endoscopy to see where the bleed came from? Didn't they do an endoscopy after they inserted the tube to make sure everything was alright? It seems obvious now that he was feeling so full because his stomach was full of blood. So surely they could have seen it if they had done...
  11. C

    HELP! Have you ever been called an AIDS INFECTED RETARD for having CF ?

    Wow....... I have dealt with something... eerily similar... that had a very similar toll on my health. First, I have to ask... why the hell are you still giving out your real name?! Stop that RIGHT NOW. Second, occupyjapan is right, restraining order because that bitch isn't about to be done...
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    Hearing Loss and CF

    For anyone reading this, if you get hearing loss, even if it's partial, go see an ENT RIGHT AWAY. This couldn't be stressed enough. If it's hearing loss that is going to be permanent, things can be done to lessen it if it's done in time. Anecdotal report : Last time I got IV Benadryl (shot in...
  13. C

    Thirsty after treatments

    If you take hypersal, of course... it's salt.
  14. C

    Pseudomonas still there after erradication protocol. WWYD?

    First, teach her to keep her hands out of her mouth. Instill a disgust of dirty hands in her if you have to. It's something my mom has taught me and I suspect that it's exactly thanks to that that classmates got sick and I didn't. I will also tell you what my mom would have done... and did. 4...
  15. C

    important!! anyone else have EXTREMELY sensitive skin on their arms? poss due to IVs

    This may or may not help : ensure that you are sufficiently hydrated. I have found that my veins go from cooperative to totally disappearing and/or blowing up when I'm dehydrated. Ask them to set the infusion rate at 70ml/h, even though they will probably tell you that it should be going...
  16. C

    side effects from ceftazadime, please help very scared!

    rmotion : What do they do if you get really sick and you need antibiotics _right now_ ?
  17. C

    Leg pain when at rest, helped by moving/standing?

    I've had this infrequent pain that sometimes happens in my tights, knees, shins, ankles or whole leg all the way to my foot arch that partially or completely goes away when moving or standing up and walking. It's not really helped by massaging the area(s). The pain itself is always diffuse and...
  18. C

    Chronic aches & pains

    Wow! How weird! I came today to post a thread about leg pain, though it's a different pain from what you are describing, so it will receive its own thread. If you are taking Cipro or Levaquin, it may have something to do with your pain. Of course there is the usual CF arthritis, but if you take...
  19. C

    Women-- Where to do find jeans??

    I know you said that you're not skinny, but in case someone skinny reads this thread, there are some stores I like to call "Anorexic stores", where they sell very very small sizes that probably only fit anorexic teenage girls and CFers. One of them is Stitches. I know you're looking for...
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    reactions to Meropenem, Cipro, and Vancomycin IVs

    I'm starting to wonder if IV Cipro exacerbates reactions to other antibiotics...