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  1. M

    Daughter has PCD- Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

    I'm so sorry - yet so glad you have some answers. Getting the right treatment and routine of care going at a young age is such a benefit! There are several of us on who don't have CF, but have PCD or non-CF bronchiectasis because there is so much to learn from and be...
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    CF or asthama?

    I think dust and post nasal drip can cause throat clearing. I also think asthma cough can improve with just one more Xopanex treatment. Either theory is valid...possibly both. :) To add more to the mix, I get reactive in the fall when dusty jackets and blankets etc. all get pulled out of...
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    Asthama and PFT?

    My asthma is atypical like Amy's in the post above. I have been on some type of inhaler for almost 30 yrs: as a teen albuterol as needed and oral steroids here and there, in parts of my twenties pulmicort daily, and finally for the past ten years Symbicort. My lungs make whistling and...
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    Stupid spirometer question

    Unless you accidentally changed the settings of age/sex/height between tests, I also can't see how a higher score could be an error. Lower scores -- yes -- from air leaking out the corners of your mouth, out your nose, uncoordinated or low effort, coughing midblow... I tend to score lower on...
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    Negative sweat test but lots of mucus

    I'm guessing you've looked into allergies already? How about bronchiectasis? It's chronic, usually purulent aka not clear, mucus from infection and damaged airways in the lungs. I was a severely mucusy baby/kid and had a very low sweat test. Eventually my dx was asthma and allergies: post nasal...
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    Mystery illness - seeking opinions

    If you have hypermobile joints in addition to the issues you described, you might look into Ehler-Danlos Syndrome. It can cause heart issues, pneumomediastinum/pneumothorax and gastrointestinal dysfunction. Best wishes in your search for answers.
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    Recently diagnosed at 31

    Krystin, My story is similar to yours in that I bounced around with a chronic infection for a long time before getting a bronchiectasis diagnosis. Also, even though I'd coughed all my life and been prone to lung infections, the severity didn't kick in until I was about your age. I wanted to...
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    Oldest Person With CF

    Pat, I enjoy reading your insights on life. I hear you on the seltzer..."oh yay" feeling. That's what I've been drinking in place of beer and wine, since 2011 and it's not a thrill. Thank you for posting, and I, for one, enjoy creative spelling. :)
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    Working with CF

    I am so sorry! So frustrated on your behalf too!! I have non-CF bronchiectasis and I'm seen by a regular pulmonologist, so I don't know what it is like to be followed by a CF team. I was under the impression that a CF team included a bunch of different professionals - including social workers...
  10. M

    Could my new home be making me sick?

    I'm sorry you're dealing with this when you should be enjoying your new home. Here's a goofy story before I get into your questions. Before I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis, I made my husband move a heavy expensive sofa out of our living room and into our basement because it was making me...
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    homeopathic remedies?

    I'm the one with the lung infections, but I have a mission with my family to eat food as if it were medicine. I cook with a lot of garlic, onion, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, turmeric, chili powder, cayenne pepper, ginger (fresh and powder), lemon/lime. I make a lot of fish, and we eat...
  12. M

    really sick guys in hospital

    Pleurisy is some horrible pain. Im so sorry. If your pain came with thr pneumonia and during those PFTs, a silver lining, from my experience at least, is that it can sorta artificially lower your PFTs. So your numbers may improve quickly once the pain is managed.
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    IV antibiotics: Need advice

    OP: Fwiw, I get oral antibiotics unless I'm having hemoptysis. The two times I've had IVs have been with infections with bleeding. Everyone: Fear of ridicule and disdain stifles a message board into a small boring club. Let's work to make sure that doesn't happen, that no one is afraid to ask...
  14. M

    Fainting/ Low Blood pressure

    I got the hypotension workup a few yrs ago after passing out while checking out a grout line with a tile guy. Ive fainted 4-5 times in my life and get head rushes all the time. Especially on days i exercise hard. BP is lower for 24 hrs after exercIse. There's meds you can take, but that's after...
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    coming up on 5 years

    This is so wonderful to hear! Thank you for sharing.
  16. M

    Lung Nodule In CF

    Me too! I hope your infection improves also.
  17. M

    CF Discovery from Feb, have you seen this?

    I'm guessing it was inhaled NAC? Interesting...
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    Just so tiredzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Have you tried going to sleep earlier? On any given night, I get 0.5 - 1.5 hours of sleep more than you do. I'm not happy about it--I noticed an uptick in sleep need over the past couple of years, and it eats into time that I value. But I can't undo it. Apart from trying to get more sleep at...
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    21 Day Nutrition Challenge

    I'm curious too!
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    Lung Nodule In CF

    JBM, hi I don't know if my experience can help reassure but most of my CT scans show nodules, one time one was 1.7 centimeters. And thus far it's always been infection and inflammation, because on follow-up scans the nodules are in different places. I believe the follow up choices are fine...