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  1. L

    Trying to rid PA!

    LOL I just read all that and was thinking "what the heck?!" as I originally assumed she was referring to pseudomonas as PA - almost wonder if she needs to clarify that now.... LittleLab4CF - can you send me some stuff on the silver plz? I've been searching the forums for benefits/dangers but...
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    Can't say I tasted anything with Creeon either but there is definitely a chemical stifling smell when the bottle was opened.
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    Trying to rid PA!

    Printer, actually I can remember back in the days of my childhood when this was the norm to limit dairy and high fatty foods out of the diet due to fear of it making the lung issues worse and also fatty foods because it allot of times cause stomach problems. Back in those years CFers with this...
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    I take nutrizym10 (UK brand), the 10 means they are 10,000. I take 6-8 with meals depending what I eat and how much. Snacks obviously adjusted down. They seem to work fine for me. I've tried the creon 24s I believe and they worked fine for the time I took them dosage was basically cut in half...
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    Trying to rid PA!

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Havoc</b></i> You need to be careful with inhaled collodial silver.</end quote> Can you elaborate on this or give a link to some info? I've been trying to find all the pros and cons of it. Thanks.
  6. L

    Want to donate VEST

    This is very interesting to say the least but like pretty much everyone here I would say keep it as you never know. As a youngster I had little lung involvement, mostly just stomach issues of having to take enzymes and all the effects of that like low body weight and such. I had a nebulizer but...
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    Inhaled glutathione

    I neb mine after vest and all the coughing from doing the vest - which by the way if you are not then you should be stopping periodically and doing "huffs" which will make the child cough up anything that has gotten loose from the vest treatment. You can vest all day but if you don't bring the...
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    Trying to rid PA!

    Dunno if you'll ever get rid of it but if it works to keep the numbers down then that's a good thing. It's when the infection count gets too high that you get symptoms and feel like crap. Plus 2 weeks is hardly long enough time to judge - sure it took longer than that for her to have gotten it...
  9. L

    Cure diseases/infections/viruses with microcurrents

    I originally posted this link int he Adults section but then noticed this section and thought it might be best suited here. Very interesting video I cam accross while searching stuff. draw from it what you will, some might totally not belive it and think it's crazy but who knows. I guess when...
  10. L

    Wow! Cure many diseases/infections with microcurrents

    Well I'll probably rattle some cages by posting this as I'm pretty sure some folks are quite trusting to the medical industry but anyway sorry if I do offend anyone - for those interested enough with the time to watch this it is very interesting. I haven't watched the whole thing as yet but what...
  11. L

    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    Hide the left section where you can see your name and messages stuff and that will make the whole thing display. I think what he is doing now has been updated to the first page but maybe a few other stuff too by now.
  12. L

    new member

    What are your symptoms exactly? Depending on that I think we can better say if what your doctor is saying about low fat foods being bollocks and whether or not you should be on enzymes. Reason I ask for symptoms is that I've never heard my stomach/pancreas issues referred to as pancreatitis so...
  13. L

    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    Congrats man, no change is still better than decline and your lungs didn't get that bad in 6 months or a year - it took years so no doubt after a point it will take some serious work/effort and even time to get back up. Waiting to hear back on the Fortaz, I was thinking to try it inhaled but...
  14. L

    My aquagenic wrinkling factor test results.

    It has to do with the faulty CFTR and how the transportation of Chloride is defective, has to do with how the skin cells hydrates themselves which is why Cfers typically have salty tasting skin - notmal people would reabsorb more chloride than we do or something like that so allot of it get's...
  15. L

    You Know What Time It Is Right ???

    Cool, I'll try to pop in again after gym so will be a lil late for you folks I'd say around 9pm EST
  16. L

    Friend with CF - how do I shake off the sadness?

    Well to break it down from my perspective and opinion, she is that way because it's all she knows to be in life. Looking from the "outside" of living without CF or health issues to see what someone with one has to go through then yes you will think or feel how you do from time to time. The...
  17. L

    Ever dreaded a hospital stay?

    "ever dreaded hospital stay?" - Yup EVERYTIME!!! lol "What helped?" - Beg, plead and suggest for my Doc to let me just come in for the treatments instead of stay there all the time and give reason of "hey it's less time of me in here so less chance of me catching something more horrible than...
  18. L

    My aquagenic wrinkling factor test results.

    cool, I'll have to do this test myself with room temp water and see. I was just thinking from when I shower which is damn near scalding water lol Guess the next thing that would be nice, I wonder if over time if really one of the mutaions are being corrected if that would reduce or possible...
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    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    Yeah makes, I'll alter mine accordingly and experiment if I need to with possibly what might work out easier for me to do. Like twice or 3 times a day (waking hours) would be easiest so I'll see how I respond to that. I'm sure it'll take some trial and error but with the amazing results you're...
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    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    Frank, since starting the supplements one thing that I've been pondering is timing of them. Rather than asking you more on that yet again in a message off the boards I figure I'd ask here so others who might have the same question will get the answer. So the question is how do you time...